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Ashes and Anger - part 1 of 2

Posted on Thu Sep 13, 2018 @ 1:11pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,226 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Promanade near The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD09 0430


There was an unreality to it as Yolanthe watched, people in yellow and teal swarming around, checking for life signs, heat signs, signs of metal fatigue or impending infrastructure failure. She let it swarm around her, whilst she sat, alternating between a cool dark green and are medium grey as the knights events kept replaying them.

Even her injuries felt a thousand miles away. Cuts weeped silver blood and pitch black bruises were blooming along her arms and face, but watching the fires being tamped down inside the wreckage took far more of her attention than anything else.

What the hell had happened? She didn't understand any of it, beyond her personal bogey man had turned up out of the blue. Well not out of the blue. Raddon had got into bed with him. That was far more horrifying. How was she supposed to answer that? She doubted Raddon had a personal bogeyman she could set on him.

How was she going to do anything with her bar a smoking ruin? How far had it spread inside? Had it got back of house? To the Stores? Something itched at the back of her neck and she brushed at it. Her fingers came away slick with silvery blood. She hated scalp wounds. They always bled far more than they needed to.

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis had not received the security alert regarding disruptor fire within The Box of Delights. Whomever had disabled the automatic security protocols knew their way around Starfleet sub-routines. It was not until multiple explosions ripped through the bar that station sensors alerted the Security department as to the critical emergency taking place. Trellis had contacted OPS and directed them to initiate emergency protocols throughout the Promenade as he raced towards the scene of the catastrophe.

And what a catastrophe it was.

Trellis could see the collapsed balcony from his view as he stepped off the turbolift and made his way further onto the Promenade towards the bar. Flames were still consuming the bar as it fed on the rush of oxygen that was coming in through the breezeway.

=/\="Damnit, OPS, where the hell is the fire suppression?" Trellis shouted into his comm unit.

=/\= "Sir, somehow security protocols were sabotaged or deactivated within that portion of the Promenade. We're working on trying to override the temporary block." A hapless junior officer responded

=/\= "Trellis to Sickbay, we could possibly have fatalities on the promenade. Setup emergency triage stations on the Promenade and prepare to receive patients with burns and crush injuries." He said frustratedly as he continued to survey the destruction that was going unchecked.

Trellis was not sure how many people were still inside of the facility. Waiting could be the equivilant of signing their death warrant. He looked over his shoulder as more security personnel arrived along with engineers to try to contain the fire from spreading.

"Chief Kunar'el, Specialist Hynust, following me!" He ordered to the closest two security officers as he made his way through the collapsed door and tried to climb through the smoldering debris.

Part of the first floor mezzanine had fallen down, smashing part of the waveform bar, and the card tables and some of the others. Several bodies were tangled in the top of the rubble. A vulcanoid, probably Romulan. Some humans. Several Orions. Phaser fire scorched the walls, the floor, had set more furniture on fire, or sliced it into pieces. The scent of burning alcohol wafted through the air, a mix of sugar sweet honeyed scents and other more woody ones from the aged liquors.

Trellis began to scan through the wreckage to determine who was alive and who had already passed on. His scans were inconclusive due to the interference he was receiving from whatever had blocked security scans originally.

"Sir! We've got a live one here!" Chief Kunar'el said as he and SPC Hynust began to lift a piece fallen beam out of the way and made their way towards Yolanthe.

"Ma'am, don't move, you could have internal bleeding." SPC Hyunst said as he began to scan her for any hemorrhaging. "Ah hell, the tricorder is no good. We're gonna need to get her out of her before we can do any good." He said as the two Security personnel assisted her to her feet and began to make their way out the door.

"Is there anyone else still inside?" Trellis asked as the trio passed him.

"Not alive," Yolanthe murmured as she went through. "Everyone went down fighting."

At that moment a Medical Triage Unit transported in and began to disperse to the various places where there were obviously casualties. Acting CMO Lt Cmdr River Hart-Morgan looked around and found Trellis, approaching him for an update. She saw the three people passing Trellis, one of them clearly hurt. She stopped and offered her help. Finding a safe place to set up a Triage Centre had been the first priority assigned to the ACMO and it was clear exactly where that had been begun so River suggested they all move to that safe place before helping the security staff to lower Yolanthe onto a hover-gurney. Running a hand held medicorder over the patient to get a quick idea how hurt she was, River began to ask what hurt and where, so as to know where to focus the scans more effectively and quickly.

"Do you have any pain? Where is the worst of your injuries?" she asked, still scanning randomly to be thorough as she waited to hear the patient's account of her injuries.

The questions finally burst through Yolanthe's shock, and she took stock of her body. "Its mostly just scrapes and bruises. I think I cracked a rib." She flexed her fingers. Nothing broken. "I've had worse." A lot worse, despite the line of silver blood running down the side of her neck and the black patches appearing across one cheek. She'd barely been touched.

"That's pretty good considering." River smiled. She still continued with her scans until she was sure there was nothing going on inside. When she was satisfied there was nothing untoward, she regenerated the broken ribs (there were two) and put all the information onto the system remotely.
"I'll do you a proper report as soon as we're all finished up here... Ms Ibalin" River hadn't known Yolanthe prior to this but she was able to match her dna from the scans so she had been able to find her identity and file her updated records remotely.

"I'm River Morgan." she explained a little belatedly. "I'm sorry, I haven't been here long so we haven't met properly. I will have to run, more patients to attend to, but you can find me in sickbay later if you need anything further?" she picked up her medical bag and dumped the medcorder, regenerator and other items she had used into the top of it, ready to rush off to help anyone else and back up her colleagues. She started to look around for Trellis again, although she had no idea what his name was either but he had looked like he was (or thought he was) in charge here at the scene.

To Be Concluded

Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation

Lt Cmdr River Hart-Nelson
Acting CMO - DS5

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights


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