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Back open for business

Posted on Fri Aug 31, 2018 @ 10:19pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,715 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD10 1300


72 hours earlier...

The advertisement for the reopening of Lasuma's had been sent out via the stations news services. There had already been a multitude of inquiries during the remodel...leave it to construction barriers and the inability to see what was happening to raise curiosity.

Preperations had been made and everything was in place for the grand reopening. There would be high end odeuvers, wines, and other beverages available.


Geral entered his newly remodeled facility and smiled with satisfaction. He had kept the clothing and tailoring shop, thought with a smaller footprint. Added to the mix was antiquities, luxury items and other rarities from across the various regions of explored space. Of course other items could be acquired upon request...which was where the real latnum was made.

The grand reopening had created a massive buzz of activity and the latinum was pouring in. He mingled and glad handed to various shoppers and browsers while answering questions about this piece or that; embellishing just enough to wet the appetite. As he assisted on partiicular customer he glancing toward the entrance he noticed the one person he had hoped would make an appearance. Waving over a clerk to see to the customer he excused himself and moved to the entrance.

Extending a hand in greeting he welcomed the station commanding officer. "Commander Soran! Welcome to the new Lasuma's. I was hoping you'd stop by."

Maritza had onlly meant to stroll the promenade for a few minutes to clear herhead. The trees of the small arboretum always helped. Heading to the promenade could be a risk, as people would try and side track her witth their issues, but after the dissaster of the Svikiri she needed the break. The new store had attracted her notice and she couldn't resist taking a look.

She looked at tthe bajorran withh the salt annd pepper hair. "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Mr...?"

He could tell immediately that she needed a breather, to relax. No doubt from having to deal with the recent unpleasantness. He had to admit, he image didn't do her justice, but the last thing any woman that need to decompress want was some stranger making advances. "Lasuma...the owner and now operator this humble establishment. But please call me Geral."

Gesturing to his shop. "Can I get you anything...odeuver, refreshement...nothing replicated here, everything is fresh and prepared by my personal chef."

She couldn't afford to be seen accepting gifts, or bribes as others might unkindly frame it. She looked at the nibbles set out for other guests. They did look good. 'Thank you, but I've already eaten." She looked around the store. "You have a very eclectic offering here, Mr Lasuma."

"A necessity when one serves a wide variety of customers. Some lean towards antiquities, other art, some fine wines or rare liquors, some fine clothing or other personal items. Whatever the interest I can usually acquire it. Would you like a tour?"

It was always good to know what was being brought onto her station. "That's very kind of you," she agreed, "I'd like that."

"Excellent!" Offering her his arm he began the tour. Starting at one end there was the, relocated, clothing shop that had been a long standing fixture on the station. The main area consisted of fine art and antiquities from all corners of explored space. He watched carefully and paused to explain the background and history of the pieces the commander showed interest in.

"A nice collection," she said as she finished the tour. "With Pangaea, we're bound to see an uptick in visitors and relic hunters. I'm sure you'll see a busy business."

With a grin re replied. "That's what I'm counting on." He passed on questioning her on Pangaea. No need to be pushy...or obvious. Besides there were other ways to get that kind of information.

"Tell me Commander do you enjoy rare cuisine?"

Maritza gave a snort. "I'm the commander of what is effectively one of the biggest ships in Starfleet. Breaks are not exactly easy to come by at the moment. Any cusine is rare."

He laughed warmly and lead her into the final area of his remodeled shop. Shelves of fine wine, rare liquors, fine foods, spices, herbs, and other delicacies. "I can imagine that to be very true, especially given the recent troubles. But it would do any of us on this station any good for you to run yourself ragged. That said I insist you allow me to prepare you a plate. You need to eat after all."

He raised a hand to cut off the coming objection. "I understand you cannot be seen accepting a gift or to allow for even the appearance of impropriety or favoritism. Therefore take this latinum and you can 'pay' for your meal.

"I am a man of means, and I know that type of thing is not anything for a Starfleet officer. But we have one thing in common...neither of us need to be here. Neither of us need to do what we are doing. I could be off on a never-ending vacation enjoying the finest life has to offer.

"You enjoy leading, protecting, and serving something greater than yourself or you wouldn't be here. Me, I enjoy working with people, exposing them to the finer things of life...and yes making a profit.

"The station has had some...problems lately. But what better way to exude confidence in your crew and the people here than by relaxing confidently for all to see to enjoy a good meal." The aromas the of the various ingredient and the smell coming from the small kitchen, he hoped would win her over to his speech.

She was about to protest, but her stomach made an angry growling noise that seemed to echo in the small grocery area. She looked at the latinum he placed on the table. WHen would she get another chance for food. And he had put a lot of effort into buttering her up. Her stomach rumbled again. Deciding she was outvoted, she pushed the latinum back towards him. "One meal please, Mr Lasuma. She could only trust and hope that he was as skilled in the kitchen as he was smooth at oratory.

Smiling warmly he pocketed the latinum. "Coming right up Commander. Please have a seat outside and I will have your order out to you."

Maritza nodded, and went to sit in the little area that had been set up. There was some clattering and hissing as things were cooked that stoked her curiosity. What was he making?

A short time later Geral returned with a gourmet meal. "Commander, sorry for the wait." Setting the plate down he described the meal he had prepared. "Aloo Tikki Chaat, Toast points, Mushroom and quails egg gougere with Kriosian quail's eggs, and for desert Quinoa and Dates kheer. I hope you enjoy this...the desert is just the thing to keep someone like yourself energized."

Maritza looked at the feast in front of her, strange new pastries, and some sort of fritter and and stew, and then the blancmange like dessert. It certainly smelled very good. Her mouth watered and her stomach twisted in anticipation. She picked up a delicate fork, and tried some of the stew.

It was delicious; spiced but not viciously hot as some spices could be. The fritter was very crisp, some sort of root vegetable, and was a nice complementary texture to the stew. She swallowed. "That's amazing. You're very talented."

Bowing graciously, "You are too kind...the benefits of free time. I will leave you to enjoy your meal as I have to speak with some of the less fortunate shops on the Promenade. I wanted to offer them my services or help fund their efforts to get back on their feet. If you need anything my staff will provide."

Smiling warmly he bowed his head and excused himself. As Geral departed his aid came forward. "Is there any I can get you Commander?"

"Well, I guess with this banquet, it seems pointless to refuse the drink now." Maritza was watching Lasuma move away. SHe popped one of the little pastries, a gougere, into her mouth, enjoying the sensation of the crisp shell giving way into the smooth soft flesh of the quails egg. She closed her eyes. It was incredible, a little moment of luxury amid the chaos.

Nodding with a grin he motioned to a staff member who brought the wine that had been reserved for the Commander. Seeing things were well in hand and that his boss was a comfortable distance off he moved to follow. Close enough to react, but still far enough back to blend.

After pouring the wine the young waitress sat the bottle of wine on the table. "Ma'am, i was insructed to see to whatever you needed. If there is anything you need just let me know."

"Thank you." A thought occurred to her. "Have you worked from him long? What's he like as a boss?" He was charming, but she was conscious enough of her position to not assume that was his true nature when dealing with the person who could have him kicked off the station on a whim.

"Not too long. There was a welcoming vid several of us watched where he stressed hard work, loyalty, and a safe respectful work environment. He also asked if anyone wanted to help getting things set up and was onsite quite a bit, always professional. He spoke to everyone before we opened and thanked everyone for their hard work, and even gave a small bonus to those that stepped up to help during the preparations. My last job was with the...individual he bought out. It'll be nice to be treated like a person."

"Sounds like an improvement." Well that was positive. The Promenade needed more upstanding businessmen. Between the Box being the epicentre of every crisis running in the civlian spehere and Raddon dog whistling for the less desirables elements of the population. Maritza gave the girl a nod. "I hope it works out."


Geral Lasuma
Owner/operator of Lasuma's

Commander Martiza Soran
Commanding Officer


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