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Planning playtime.

Posted on Sun Apr 29, 2018 @ 4:29am by First Lieutenant Gordon Blue

540 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Hotel room , low light district.
Timeline: MD 07 1841 Hours


The room was among the better ones; the type low life scum rented to have some 'interesting ' parties with no questions asked.

Leader was a handsome man considering the time spent in the mercenary world. He paid well for dermal patches and excrete. How else could a human named 'Hermoso'; translated Handsome, if he did not have the looks to back it?

'Nos' was the little Ferengi that was a master of teh heist; his cryptic skills and hacking ability were good enough that several of his Heists he never stepped foot into the facility to get what he wanted.All the little worm explained as 'Gotta Love automated factories and business offices.'

"Line is secure." Nos confirmed. Data exchange only so relayed through..." The glare from the Leader cut him off. "No one will hear a line of it."

Dev was the Black haired muscle man; his athletic build was more of a rugby player, cold eyes from a man who had caused pain and death with no remorse.

Jen was the short haired Blonde with a gymnastic ability but enough curves to not have a good center of balance for competition but any other kind of contortion and sulking about the innards of a place was perfect for her. And despite the reputation this blonde also knew how to hack and retrieve information from secure Databases. Not near the level of Nos, but he had a much harder duty that meant he would not be with the team.

At exactly 1845 the scree started data.

[How is the old gang?] The text from their employer asked.

[We are just getting the toys for play day ready Uncle Sam.] Leader replied in text.

[Be sure you play quietly and if you find any fun books secure them.] The Employer suggested.

[We will be sure not to interrupt the Ball game at the field with our game.] Leader informed.

[Your cousin will pick you up from Play Day.]

[We will not be late, promise.] Leader replied. [If we are good do we get a treat?]

[Yes, your allowances will double if you are good.]

That was all he needed to know.

[Okay Uncle Sam, we should get to bed now, going to be a long day.]

[Take care.] The employer signed off.

"Okay that makes it interesting." Dev said with a smile. "No bonus if we do not get the hard files?"

"He said secure them." Leader smiled. "That means make sure they are under our control; if they are incinerated then they are secure from anyone else using it."

"You are playing with fire there." Nos said.

"Could we really take cabinets full of paperwork with us?" Jen corrected. "We empty the files and leave an empty bank is about the best we can do."

"And I make sure a tapeworm eats the Main Core references and files as well." Nos concluded.

"We better get rest as we go while the War Games are in full swing." Leader ended his part of the conversation.

They all knew their jobs; that is why he hired them over and over again.

The operation should go off without a hitch.





Computer Guru.


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