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Mandatory Medical - Suzukaze

Posted on Sat Apr 28, 2018 @ 2:34am by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant JG Aoba Suzukaze
Edited on on Sun Apr 29, 2018 @ 2:01am

473 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: MD3 - 10:00


After reporting in to the Commander, Aoba made her way down to the medical complex of the starbase. She arrived at the large reception desk which was the main walk in point for the Starbase's Hospital.

"Excuse me" she said. "I'm Lieutenant Aoba Suzukaze. I'm the new Chief of Ops here. I'm here to undergo a physical evaluation to be cleared for duty" she explained.

The Receptionist made a note of the Lieutenants details on a newly opened PaDD and asked her to wait just a moment, indicating some chairs nearby. Then she disappeared into the CMO's office and re-emerged with a very pregnant Commander who came over, carrying the PaDD under her arm and the Receptionist with nothing in her hands now, returned to her desk.

Amia came over to Aoba and held out her hand to shake. "Nice to meet you Lieutenant Suzukaze..I hope I pronounced that right? I'm Amia Telamon, the CMO. Welcome aboard."

Aoba shrugged. "Close enough" she said with a smile. "And thankyou. I believe that I need to be cleared for duty" she explained.

"Well, if you would come this way and hop up on the bio bed please" Amia directed the young woman towards the first free cubicle and began to set up the scans and assessments. Once the monitor behind the biobed began to scroll data from the initial tests, Amia watched and made notes on a PaDD, pushing the next LCARS and moving on through each stage.

As she worked, she asked, slightly absently since she was holding a lot of information in her head and doing several tasks but talking at the same time.

"Is there anything you would like me to look into in particular? Any symptoms, aches, pains, concerns of any kind?" she asked. It was a standard all encompassing question.

"Nothing I can think of" Aoba replied. "My last physical showed everything was ok and I can't really complain about anything..." she added.

"Very well, that make's my task easier." Amia smiled and finally after some time, she had accumulated sufficient results and done all the basic scans and tests that were required.

She set the equipment to print out a data rod which she handed to the Junior Lieutenant. "That's your certification, Aobe. You're cleared for duty and I'm just uploading what's on their into your main file as well.

"I don't think I need to detain you any longer. Unless there's anything you want from me?" she asked, finishing up.

Aoba shook her head. "I think I'm all good for now. As long as I am cleared for duty I can get stuck into things" she explained with a smile.

"You're good to go." Amia's own smile returned.


Commander Amia Telamon
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant JG Aoba Suzakaze
Chief of Ops
Deep Space Five


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