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Sands of Blood

Posted on Fri Feb 6, 2015 @ 4:17pm by Lieutenant Saria Rex

986 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Tau Volantis
Timeline: A few weeks after "No Past is the Best"

(Backstory: )

"Hey. Hey, buddy! Wake up!" Anaia said as the poked the bloodied hostage who was kneeling on the sand.
They were standing on an elevated area out in a savanna-like environment. There were sleek, but great trees scattered over the landscape, clogging up into a dense forest about miles away in the disance.

"You didn't treat him to rough, did you?" She asked, looking at one of the insurgents behind her. "Well, Coli?"

Coli began to stutter when he was expected to answer. "N-n-no, sir. I've given him a beating, but nothing serious." He answered.

"You think a beating is nothing serious, Coli?" Anaia replied with a harsher tone in her voice. "Just think about how lucky you are to stand opposite of the fellow you punched his guts out, instead of being in his place."

Coli quickly nodded, and resumed to stand guard. Anaia slowly moved her sight from Coli to Veronica, who was standing on the opposite side of the hostage. "How's he doing? Is he still alive?"

"I'll check him." Veronica answered shortly, bending over the the man and laying her fingers on his neck.
"Well, I have no idea what's up with him, but he has a fairly stable pulse. Perhaps..."

Veronica was interrupted by the shrieking of a women. The three looked down at the hillside they just climbed, and saw two armed men approaching with a women, hands tied behind her back and resisting fiercely against her captors. One of the men waved at the trio, and Anaia waved back in response.

"Quick, Sterling. Awaken him, do whataver you can." Anaia ordered, as she walked to the captors to meet them halfway and accompany them. Veronica followed Anaia shortly with her eyes, but then focused on the unconscious man. She shook him heavily, but no response. When she looked back, she saw Anaia talking to the two men, and inspecting their hostage.

"I'm sorry, but I have to." Veronica whispered as the turned back to the man. She readied her hand alongside her, and quickly slapped the man in the face.

The man coughed and took a few deep breaths. He spat out some blood from his mouth and nose onto the pearly white sand he was kneeling on. He shook heavily before he has regained his breath and disposed of all the blood, but turned his face toward the sky when he was clearly awake again.

"...Huri, no! Please don't tell me that's you! No!" Anaia, the captors, and the woman walked closer, when the woman began to recognize the man kneeling on the sand as her husband. She struggled even heavier against her captors in an attemot to re-unite with her husband.

"...A-Akon!? What the hell are you doing... here?" Huri replied with a rasped voice, and coughed once more. "G-get out of here while you still can..."

Anaia grinned. "I don't think anyone is getting out of here, Mr. Andim." She asserted. "But I'm glad we now have confirmed you actually are Huri Andim. Folks usually aren't glad to see the wrong person being disposed off, so we usually take something to confirm the identity of our prisoners. IDs, accounts, family..."

"Curse you, curse you all!" Huri muttered. "You cowards, just to take my wife and involving her! She didn't do anything, it was just all me..." He weeped a little.

Anaia looked up to Akon, still being held by two men. "I think you married the wrong man, Ms. Andim. You knew he was mocking the Republic by means of his 'articles' in the global newspaper. Then why would you still be here?" She questioned.

Akon, shivering of fear, broke down in tears. " bitch! You have nothing to say about whom I love and whom I marry. I love Huri so much, even though he was criticizing the Republic! You don't lay a finger on him, you filthy..."
But before Akon could finish, Anaia drew the revolver that was tucked between her uniform and utility belt, and aimed from Akon.

"Don't lecture me on love and relationships, Ms. Andim. You knew the risks and you still put up with them. Pathetic..." Anaia spoke, gritty.
She turned to Huri, who was already looking Anaia in the eyes.

"I'm afraid it ends here, Mr. Andim. If you were wise, you'd have stopped mocking us and rallying others to turn against us. But you just had to do so..." Anaia took aim with her revolver on Huri, still kneeling.

"I-I hope..." Huri stammered. "...that hell will await you, Captain. You deserve no mercy..."

"I know." Anaia responded. "I am awaiting it..."
She pulled the trigger without any hesitation, and the revolver did the rest.

Huri fell down into the sand, blood gushing from his head. In a matter of seconds, the pearly white sand turned brownish red. Followed by Akon, shrieking and tearing up over the death of her husband. Huri's corpse slowly turned pale, with the pool of blood widening by the second.

Veronica, though having seen more executions before, was shocked by how Anaia had done something emotionally cruel: killing a man in front of his own wife. "You really sicken me, Anaia." She thought. "There will be no redemption for souls like yours."

"Set her down." Anaia commanded the men holding Huri, weeping and shrieking in agony. They proceeded to do so, and forced her to sit down by kicking her legs in. When she was kneeled down, Anaia again took aim.

"I'm deeply sorry, Ms. Andim, but you collaborated with the enemy, and I cannot let you live." Anaia said, calmly. "I hope you will see your husband soon."
She pulled the trigger gently, and the gun fired another round. They were now both at peace.


Anaia Rex

Veronica Sterling





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