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Check In - Part II

Posted on Thu Feb 5, 2015 @ 3:53am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,491 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD01 - 09:00


"I'll do that. As soon as I get started in Sickbay." Amia assured Isha, before drinking deeply of her now cooling tea.

"I'm sure you will find it to your liking," the turnover of CMOs was almost as high as the turnover of security chiefs had been - Isha hoped that the new team would bring the stability they desperately needed, "The main facility was refurbished less than a year ago, so you should find everything is as up to date as it can be."
Aldrex glanced at his wife and felt proud of her. He knew she was brilliant and would get her new sickbay squared away quickly. The temptation to boast that fact to t'Vaurek was strong but he resisted. "What sort of terrorist groups operate in these parts?" He asked, referring to the other incident Isha had mentioned.


Too many to mention, Isha thought. She had spent hours reading and re-reading the various reports. She opted to address the most recent incidents. "Being as remote as we are certain groups seem to be under the impression that they can operate with impunity. The most recent events have been linked to a 'Pro-Human' movement. A report I received from Starfleet Intelligence suggests that my appointment may herald a resurgence in their activity. We have no direct link between the activities of this group and the damage to the Guardian platforms, however probabilty suggest a connection."

Isha paused to sip her tea. "With the known activity in the region and the defence platforms out of action Starfleet have reinforced the fighter squadrons located here. Among our new arrivals are two respected and experienced pilots who between them will be able to bolster our defences against outside attack. In addition the Federation Marshal's Service have recently begun to operate in the Promenade, Square Mile and Civilian areas - they complement the activities of Starfleet Security and Intelligence."

"Pro-human?" Amia's frown deepened. "I had hoped that racism like that had died out but then when you take the attitude of some of the other races' purists - it had to happen to humans as well, logic says they were never going to be the only race NOT to have a faction like that somewhere." she was lost in thought and looked a little saddened by whatever she was thinking. "My own people - the BaKu. although I'm only half so I don't know why I still call them *my people* when humans are as much mine as well, but childhood habits are hard to escape, the BaKu have a history of racial tension within our own kind and we also have a lot of prejudice against technology too. Perhaps it's only a small sidestep from purism. The extreme beliefs and inexplicable stupidity is mind blowing yet so very many people can't see it at all. I find it SO hard to understand.... I wonder if that makes me as stuck in my own beliefs as they are?" She realised she had gone off on a tangent and blushed.

"Listen to me. I'm SO sorry." she apologised. "I think living and working on a Starbase is going to be MUCH more interesting. So many races, such diversity, so many philosophical issues and questions. Have you been stationed here long Captain?" she asked Isha as she drained the last of her tea and looked to see if there was any more left in the pot.

"Not long," Isha replied. "I served as Ambassador here a number of years ago. Both Starfleet and the Romulan Senate requested that I come out of retirement to facilitate the exchange program. A little over a few months in command."

"It's an interesting transition," Aldrex said, pouring another cup for his wife. "I don't think I've ever heard of someone coming from a diplomatic background to command a space station. They must have given you a very nice package of incentives."

Isha raised an eyebrow, "I haven't always been a diplomat," she said cryptically leaving him to make his own assumptions about what else she might have been in her life. "The only incentive that interested me was doing what was right," she continued. There was much to tell in time about what her motivation was, but now was not the time.

It was Amia's turn to raise a surprised eyebrow but she didn't comment on her initial thoughts. She definitely found it very creditable indeed to be incentivised to do what was right; more than creditable, in fact it was vital in her personal opinion, but she was realistic enough to know that the largest majority of beings in the Universe today were only committed to that ideal to a varying degree and it was more often than not, in her experience, a smaller degree rather than the larger one she would prefer to find.

Bearing all that in mind, the idea that it was the sole motivation was a hard one to accredit, particularly to an individual working in such an equivocal role as Station Commander, with such a large quantitiy of such varied and mutlicultural demands to consider if not meet outright.

To Amia's mind it was clearly a diplomat's role since if as was most likely, those many could not possibly all be given what they needed or at least thought they must have as a necessity then it called for a verbal acrobat to make them think they were getting as much as possible and that the CO was totally on the side of each of them individually and exclusively. It was a job that would try the patience of a saint and the stamina of an athlete.

How was it going to be possible, or even likely, that such a person could be solely motivated by that one goal : To do what is right. How was right to be measured, let alone achieved, in such a predicament? Amia was not only glad that she wasn't the one in the spotlight (or was it 'firing line'?) on this one but she also made a note that either Isha was a poker player who kept her hand close to her (perhaps only at first, they would see, in time) or a member of the Intelligence Community, slippery by both instinct and genetics.

Whilst thinking this out, Amia finished her second cup of tea and watched with adoration as her husband drank his in what she considered a very sensual way. Mind you, nothing he did was wrong in her eyes.

"Before the Exchange Program, was the Station CO Human? I assume he or she was Starfleet." she asked, one question genuine and the latter somewhat rhetorical. This subject might have seemed a tad random but Amia's mind was actually following back to the discussion they had been having about Pro-Human Protests.

What interesting phrasing, Isha thought. "Captain Tahir was Human. I made her acquaintance when I was Ambassador here. Sadly she had departed before my return.

"I know her by reputation," Aldrex said. "She's a fine officer, as was her XO, Villiers. I regret that I never met either one. A former CO of mine was acquainted with them."

~Former CO?~ Amia was curious but she didn't voice the question. Instead she went back a step. "I didn't mean that being human was a bad thing." she clarified. "I'm sure she was ... is.... a fine officer too. It was a random thought, it's gone now." ~born with one mouth and two ears, for use in appropriate proportions!~ she was mentally reminded of a phrase she had been quoted when she was young and talked too much and too carelessly. She let the other two talk for a little while as she ate a few of the delicious pastries and regrouped her thoughts.

"We'll start getting ourselves situated right away, Captain," Aldrex said. 'Once we check in to our new quarters I'll go check out sickbay with my wife, then I'll report to Ops to start getting briefed on everything."

Hearing the door chime Isha turned her head, "Come in," she said.

"Captain," the blonde who entered said, "Your next appointment is waiting in your office."

"My yoeman, Chief Peridot Quirm," Isha said by way of introduction, "this is Lieutenant Commander Aldrex and Lieutenant Commander Telemon, our new Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer. Thank you. I'll be through shortly," Isha said before Quirm departed.

"Was there anything else?" she asked the pair.

"No Ma'am, thank you for the breakfast and for so much of your time." Amia said, rising to go "It was a pleasure to meet you".

"And to meet you both," Isha replied, "I hope your time on the station is a good one."

Aldrex responded with a smile and a nod, then left with Amia as Isha returned to her duties.



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