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BACKPOST: Morning Surprises (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Jan 11, 2018 @ 4:39pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,462 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Ryan Quarters
Timeline: Rumours: MD 9 0645

"Oh no!" Teena's head suddenly shot upwards from between her lover’s legs a few minutes later.

“Oh, fuck, no! You better not stop now, you bitch!” Aleczandra gasped, gripping at Teena’s hair, trying to tug her back down, desperately close to release again.

"My brother’s here, looking for me. If I can sense him, he can sense me," she said, paling a little. This was not how she wanted things to pan out.

“Crap in a hat!” Zandra groaned, her whole body tense with her building -- and quickly fizzling -- climax. “What do we do?” she asked, panting, her skin beginning to prickle as denied release turned to pain. “It’s not like you can hide in the closet from a freaking telepath!” She sat up, huddling close to Teena.

"There's nothing we can do," Teena sighed. "Your father’s already opened the door, and Liam's asked him if I'm here before he managed to sense me. Liam's realized immediately your dad wasn't aware I had stayed the night, and he's feeling embarrassed, and your dad..." she paused for a moment. "He's just working out that pink bra wasn't yours. We are, as you Humans say, busted."

“Shit, fuck, God damn it!” Zandra groaned, falling back onto her bed, her body alive with now painful tingling.

A heavy fist pounded on the door. “Aleczandra Diawdra Ryan!” Caleb’s baritone voice called sternly. “You an’ Teena come out heah right now!”

Zandra buried her face in her hands. “Full name. I am so fucked,” she said. “Or not.” She gave Teena a bit of a glare, but then kissed her. “We better get dressed.”

“Just a sec, Dad!” Zandra called, scrambling for clothes again.

Outside, Caleb tapped his foot, awkwardly avoiding meeting Liam’s eyes. He didn’t want to have this conversation with his daughter!

Teena nodded and pulled on her underwear, then realized her dress was still flung somewhere in Zandra's quarter’s living room. It wasn't an issue for a Betazoid though. She went and stood behind the alien as she opened the door.

Zandra looked back at Teena. “ need to put something on!” she said. “Dad will freak!” She had already started opening the door, however, and Caleb pushed his way inside.

Caleb pulled up short at seeing the teenage girl in just her panties. Now, he’d helped a House of Rowa’ni establish a colony on Leto, so he was somewhat used to nakedness, but that didn’t mean his Terran proprieties were completely abrogated. He averted his gaze, giving Liam a look.

Liam sighed, just as mortified as Caleb. He shrugged off his jacket and handed it to Teena, telling her telepathically to put it on and cover up.

Zandra flushed, hiding her head in her hand.

Once Teena was decent, Caleb turned back to the girls, scowling.

“An’ just what is all this about?” he demanded, looking to Aleczandra.

“Um...Daddy, this is Teena,” Zandra introduced the barely dressed teen. Aleczandra herself wasn’t much more dressed, just wearing an oversized Steampunk Zombies t-shirt she sometimes wore to bed, her long legs bare beneath. “She’s a, uh, friend.”

“A friend,” Caleb said skeptically, crossing his arms. He turned his glare on Liam.

Liam wasn't entirely sure why Caleb felt the need to glare at him."They met yesterday at Gino’s. I asked Zandra if she would advise my stepsisters on the cool places to hang out. I specified no alcohol, drugs, or going to underage places. I didn't expect this development."

He took a calming breath, hoping the Human man was going to keep calm too. "What I'm sensing from both girls is what's gone down here last night is far more than friendship. I'm sorry. I know that's not what you want to hear. They’re saying they’re friends because they are worried you're going to flip out. I have no power in the Betaziod societal and familial roles to discipline Teena, but young lady, I'll just say one thing more. If you consider yourself mature enough to engage in these activities, you’re old enough to take responsibility for your actions."

Teena flushed, then nodded and pulled the jacket tighter around her. "I'm sorry, Mr. Ryan. I apologise for any embarrassment and awkwardness. We… Well, things got carried away, and I really like your daughter. She's amazing. Please don't be too angry with us."

Caleb gave a long sigh and pressed his fingers to his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Now he had a headache. “And here I thought I’d have to worry about the damn Rowa’ni on Leto,” he muttered to himself.

Aleczandra crossed her arms, tossing her rainbow hair out of her face, looking defiant. “Daddy, I--”

Caleb held a finger up to silence her.

“Ah don’t like this,” Caleb admitted, looking over at his daughter. “Ah don’t like that ya lied ta me,” he pointed out. “But Ah s’pose yer at that age now where...this could happen, despite all Ah an’ yer Mama taught ya.”

“Actually, Mom--”

Caleb gave Zandra a look, and the teen quickly shut up.

“Yer almost an adult now, so Ah gotta let ya make yer own choices an’ mistakes. But Ah don’t have ta approve of it. respectful a me, an’...keep this outta sight.” He walked over and retrieved Teena’s dress, handing it to the young Betazoid.

“Yes, Daddy,” Aleczandra said.

Why is he being so cool about this? Mika fumed.

Shut up, Mom! You gave me the talk years ago.

You’re cheating on him!

It’s not cheating…

Mika fell silent, not pleased.

Zandra couldn’t really shake that odd, annoyed feeling, however. It was hard to keep clear lines between what were her feelings and those of the previous hosts.

“Get cleaned up an’ get ta school, Zandy,” Caleb said. He looked to Liam. “Ah don’t know what ya want yer niece ta do.”

“She can come to school with me, if she and Kestra don’t have anything else to do,” Aleczandra offered.

Teena shot Liam a look of confusion as she caught her lover suddenly emit romantic feelings for her dad, and then confusion. One second everything had been amazing. More than amazing. Love’s young dream. Despite being caught by her father, they had had a really good time, and, well, she had stupidly thought there was scope for something with Zandra. Kestra and her planned to be back and forth, securing stock for their business here on the back of daddy’s business trips. But something wasn't right. Clearly she wasn't enough for the rainbow-haired alien.

Her stepbrother had caught the emotional escape too, and she linked with him telepathically, suddenly hurting, angry, and upset. Embarassed. How had she ended up in this situation with a women who...had feelings for

It's complicated, Liam shot back. Leave it, Teena. Get dressed and come with me.

She pulled on her dress and quickly walked to Liam's side. "We have things to do. Research for our perfume business."

Liam put his arm around his stepsister, who was clearly trying to keep it together and clearly not leaving it. She was telepathically trying to dig up everything she could to make sense of what was happening. "Thank you for the offer though. I guess I will see you around," she spoke aloud flatly.
"Come on," Liam ushered her out. "Sorry for bothering you, Chief. I guess I will see you at the next staff meeting." He needed to get out of there just as quickly in case his stepsister stumbled on the truth and Caleb found out he knew.

“No...problem, Counsellor,” Caleb said.

Aleczandra looked at Teena, her own confusion rising. What had she done? Teena had gone so...cold suddenly. “Sure. See you again?” she asked the girl, giving a shy, awkward smile. God, she was so bad at this! This is what growing up on starships, away from people her age did to her.

"Possibly," Teena said. "I'm here for the whole week."

After Teena and Liam left, Zandra’s shoulders slumped. “Dad, I’m not feeling well. I don’t think I’m going to school,” she said, hitting the button to close her door.

Caleb sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose again, head throbbing in migraine. “Fine. Ah cain’t deal with this right now,” he murmured, exiting the quarters to head to work.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Teena Otre
NPC Liam Reynolds

Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Aleczandra Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan


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