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Cardassian Patience is Finite

Posted on Fri Jan 12, 2018 @ 5:12am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,958 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: DS5 Space - Command Office
Timeline: MD1 - 1800


"Sir, we have arrived just outside of Deep Space 5 immediate space." Glinn S'nora, the female Navigation officer reported from her station.

The Warship Beldon led the Cardassian Kel'elk or Wing. The sub-unit of the 127th Tactical Wing was comprised of 7 vessels. The Kel'elk was comprised of several Hideki, Galor, and one Keldon-class, the Beldon. The Beldon was the primary vessel of the Kel'elk and its purpose was to overseen the successful deployment and retrieval of the Expedition Team that was going to enter the Time Portal on Pangaea and return the Cardassian child Bretav.

"Contact the Federation station and inform them that we have arrived and are in the process of deploying out team for their mission." Gul Hulceen directed to his Communications Officer.

"Maktur, I want scans across the entire spectrum on every Starfleet vessel parked here." Gul Hulceen said as he looked at the various vessels on the main screen. The new vessels before him consisted of two Nebula class, a Galaxy, an Akira, and two Intrepids vessels. He did not recognize them from his original tactical debriefing of the station.

"I see they called in reinforcements faster than we anticipated." Gul Hulceen said. "But what, exactly is that?" He said as he indicated the Prometheus-class vessel, or at least what appeared to be a Prometheus-class vessel.

"I'm not sure, sir" Glinn Maktur said. "It appears to be a Prometheus; however, there are various modifications and upgrades. . .far beyond anything we've ever encountered." The Tactical Officer reported.

Gul Hulceen was concerned by the arrival of the newer task force. More unexplained vessels meant that the test runs for the Warship Dar'Hell would eventually have to be explained or risk confrontation. The older Gul had seen his share of battles in the name of Cardassia. He was always willing to fight for his Empire, but only he possessed the tactical advantage.

"Continue scanning, undoubtedly they've already began scanning us for tactical vulnerabilities." Gul Hulceen said. "Tactical, alert all stations to go to Condition Yellow, charge weapons, but do not target unless and until I give the order.. ." Gul Hulceen said to his bridge staff. He was not going to be caught off-guard.

Cardassian Ambassador Hydel Turvan stepped off of the turbolift and made his way towards the Commander's Office. This was the second time in the same day that he had visited her office. He was beginning to grow tired of traversing back and forth across the Federation base as if he was some errand boy.

"I'm here to see the Commander" Ambassador Turvan announced to the Officer in charge of OPS. It was obvious that he was there for a specific reason. There was no way that the Starfleet Personnel would allow just any person to randomly wonder into OPS without being aware of it ahead of time.

Krang looked up as a unfamiliar person entered Ops. "That may well be, but it will be a cold day in Sto'Vo'Kor before I let you take one more step without stating your Designation and Purpose."

Ambassador Turvan was slightly taken aback by the creature in front of him. Cardassia Prime nor any other planet within the inner-system ever developed any creatures similar to what Humans referred to as "Gorillas". Yet, here stood one before him. . .at least he thought it was standing. The fact that he could understand the beast was a testament to the capabilities of the universal translator.

"I--I'm Ambassador Hydel Turvan, Ambassador for the Cardassian Empire." He said, regaining his footing so to speak. "My purpose is to speak to the Commanding Officer of this station." He said as he gave a disapproving glance towards the furry creature's rank. "I'm assuming it is still Commander Soran, unless of course the Federation has decided to add a new participant on the Merry-Go-Round you call station Command." He said obviously annoyed at being stopped by the. . .by the. . .whatever it was that was standing before him.

Krang bristled at the Cardassians disrespectful tone and demeanor. Just then the door to the Commander's office slid open.

"Its alright Commander," Soran stood at the door of her office. "Meet His Excellency Ambassador Legate Hydal Turvan, our Cardassian consul."

"Charmed, I'm sure." Krang said flatly and stepped out of the way.

Ambassador Turvan entered the office extended the Padd that he had directly towards the Trill female without much ceremony or small-talk. "I have provided you with a roster of what personnel will make up the Cardassian Expedition Team onto the planet's surface." He announced.

"It will be a team of 5, 3 Science Personel, 1 Security Officer, and Legate Pra'teen Umar, former Deputy Division Gul for Planetary Home Guard." Ambassador Turvan stated, taking the time to explain the most prominent name on the list. "If you recall, he was one of the original defenders of the planet during your team's mis-adventure. The 6th Order believes that sending someone that was originally there would help lesson the chance of anyone being discovered while bringing the boy back home." He said.

Soran surveyed the names, Umar she recognised but not the others. She'd have Lieutenant Grax run them as soon as Turvan was out of her personal space. She also had a ertain sympathy with the belief that sending someone who was there would help reduce the impact. But for someone as ambitious as Legate Umar? Would he be paranoid in case he upset his own rise to power? Or would he be seeking to turn things to his advantage even now. Another question to run through intelligence. "I see your confidence in sliding this past without dispute is spectacularly low." She raised her finger to the port hole behind her where the distant dots of the new ships slid into formation with the rest of the Cardassian fleet. "Is there something I should know?"

The Ambassador looked out through the portal window within the office. "Yes. . .I guess my timing does appear to be. . . awkward." He said. He recognized that informing her of who was coming onboard, just as the 7 Cardassian vessels arrived on the station's doorstep did seem to show a lack of consideration.

"Or maybe it's Cardassia's confidence in you that's low?" The cardassian fleet on her doorstep was now twenty plus ships. She did not like that at all, even with Admiral T'Vel's half dozen, and the Pheonix docked on the main ring, and it made her less restrained in needling him. "Maybe the Council feels that influencing someone actively hoping to co-operate is beyond your unsupported capacity." She glanced at the Padd again. "You didn't have to bring this in person. What else do you want, Ambassador?"

"Additionally. . ." The Cardassian said. "the reason I choose to deliver the roster in person is because I also am here to inform you that the Cardassian Citizen Council has significant concerns over the result of the Tribunal that your government conducted." He said in a less than satisfied tone. "A Tribunal that they fear was less than impartial." He added.

"Since Mr. Ryan cannot be retried for his crimes, the Council has determined that they have been left with no choice but to demand the immediate removal of Commander Caleb Ryan from his position as Chief of Security." Ambassador Turvan said firmly. "Where you put him is not of any concern, give him some empty and ceremonial position like Executive Officer if you'd like, but he can no longer continue to serve as the Chief of Security." Turvan said strongly.

Maritza was already annoyed at his swanning in. She wasn't going to have him rewrite history. "Lets keep to the truth, Ambassador. The Federation had no hand in that trial. Ryan and his colleagues were seized and arrested at the instigation of your government, and tried under Lissepian Law in a tribunal that should have had all four of them stitched up and living out the rest of their natural lives in a Cardassian labour camp, and its only the sudden and inevitable betrayal of your scheming partner, D'Aerrol that prevented it. Not us. Ryan will be staying right where he is. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the Romulans."

"There goes that Federation Sanctimony again. . ." Hydel said as he threw his hands up in an exasperated gesture. "It's so easy to hide behind others and completely distance while you point the finger at other governments and brow beat them into following your example." He said.

"That Tribunal was a sham from the very moment you appointed Commander Ryan's former Commanding Officer to sit on the panel!" Turvan said accusingly. "It took some time, but we did our research and learned that Commodore Pierce and Commander Ryan served together onboard the USS Nemesis. What a oh-so-convenient coincidence that he also ends up on the panel and voting in favor of his subordinate." The Cardassian said, his demeanor clearly agitated.

She gave a tired sigh. "Think what you want, Turvan, I realise you are a narcisstic ego-maniac incapable of taking responsibility for your own actions. I'm not arguing it further."

The Cardassian took a pause as he squared his shoulders. "Very well," He said simply. "I told the my Government that trying to reason with you would be pointless. It is obvious that you have disregarded the valid concerns of the citizens on this station" He said.

"The previous Ambassador, Tharek Getal, had requisitioned and received approval from the Cardassian Government for a detachment of Security personnel to be transferred from the Warship Rakara and placed under the assignment of the Cardassian Consulate." He explained briefly. "Following that precedent, a detachment from the 127th will be transferred and placed under the command of Gul Denat Meran, their primary purpose will be to serve in a logistical and support role for the civilian population on this station." He said.

"Since the safety of Cardassian can not be assured by Starfleet, than we will take the necessary steps to do so." He said. "This Security Detachment will occupy the barracks that was constructed under Ambassador Getal. I have received word that they are to be stationed with the Consulate for the duration of the present emergency situation facing Cardassian citizens onboard this station." He added defiantly.

Krang was eavesdropping and could barely contain his rage. Another thought came clear, and he spoke up, "It is one's duty as Director of Operations to inform the Commander and "His Excellence" (Krang almost choked on the title as he spoke it) that those barracks are currently not fit for occupancy, as they are in the process of being retrofitted. One can arrange field rolls and rations for the 'security team' if they would like to take residence in Storage Unit 042 in the south end of the Waste Reclamation deck."

Ambassador Turvan smirked as he maintained eye-contact with the Commander. "Go ahead and play your little bureaucratic games. . .Cardassians evolved on the harsh planet of Cardassia Prime and rose to become a galactic power while others were still learning the basics of warp theory." He said. "I'm certain they will be. . .content with their temporary arrangement on board." He said.

Maritza didn't look away. "I'm sure they will be." she said, her voice bland. "I'll arrange for our away team to meet yours, day after tomorrow at 11 am sharp."

"If that will be all, I have other matters to tend to." He said.

"Good day, ambassador." Soran wasn't sorry to see him leave.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer


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