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Posted on Sun Nov 12, 2017 @ 8:45pm by Civilian Ricardo Draxx & Civilian Drusila Corval

465 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Draxx s ship
Timeline: MD9 1700


"Captain," Biggs voice rang out. "We seem to have visitors."

Draxx who was flat on his back under a console mid repair pulled himself forward so he could see the other man. "Who and why the hell aren't they going to the shop. You all had me pay for a shop. A front of respectability and people still turn up here," he groused.

"You got me Captain," Biggs said as a green blur suddenly zoomed past his feet causing the usually stoic man to jump. "Bloody baby gorns. Haven't we got some plan ...."

"To send the litter back to her home planet sure. She's just not as onboard with it as made out. Get used to it Biggs we are uncles now and those big teethed baby lizards are going nowhere. On the plus side the ships got another layer of security. Who'd want to face off these buggers? They have their mothers temper for sure."

The dark haired human pulled himself completely out sidestepping another green whirlwind. "Who's outside Biggs," Draxx asked.

"A couple of klingons,"

Draxx frowned and pulled up a picture on a nearby monitor then whistled. "The females wearing something similar to that garb Yolanthe brought on board. Me likely."

Biggs rolled his eyes as he walked towards the ships doors, Don't forget she firmly kicked you in the nuts in that garb."

Draxx laughed, "ah happy memories. Let them in shall we?"

"Ricardo Draxx. Ships Captain, can we help you?" He informed the uninvited guests.

"Yes we would like to speak with Mr Biggs,"

Draxx stepped aside as the incredibly large Klingon male stormed past him. He looked at Biggs, "there best be some coin in this."

Biggs shrugged not having a clue.

The female passed him a PADD. "Can you provide all the following?"

Biggs glanced at the list and nodded.

"And can you place them in the locations listed without being traced," she demanded.

"Yeah, that one might be tricky but given enough time I can get the job done,"

"Good. My mistress wants you on our payroll for ongoing services. I assume the monthly sum is acceptable, you can route the feed via sub space to here, scrambled of course, making it look like it's come from these coordinates and no further questions be asked?"

Biggs looked at Draxx and passed over the PADD, he glanced it briefly. The coin was enough, he wasn't sure how these two had got word to his first mates unique talents but it was playing in their favour and the locations were interesting. Now one thing Draxx liked was interesting. This also looked like something fun to keep his eyes on.

"No further questions asked," he agreed.


Civilians Draxx and Biggs
NPC Liam Reynolds

Unknown klingons
NPC Liam Reynolds


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