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Firearm exam

Posted on Mon Dec 4, 2017 @ 8:44am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Edited on on Mon Nov 9, 2020 @ 8:17am

986 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Holodeck 3


It wasn't unusual for an incoming CO to make several changes to how things were run. This included ensuring everyone was up to date on their phaser certifications. Security members trained with their weapons on a regular basis, but not many in other departments. The plan was to start with senior staff then work down from there. Those newer to Starfleet were on the bottom of the list, with the assumption they had recently qualified at their training, be they officers or enlisted.

Next up on the list for certifying was the station's Chief Diplomatic officer.
"Afternoon Lieutenant, ready for some target practice?"

"Am I ever," Liam said happily. "My role rarely allows me to carry a phaser."

"Makes sense. It's hard to get people to listen to reason in the middle of a firefight. Our departments tend to have the same goal but through widely different methods. When one fails, the other steps in. One of our unofficial mottoes at West Point was 'peace through superior firepower'."

Annora handed Liam a standard type 2 phaser.
"I'll start you off at level 3, and we'll go from there. Sound good?"

"Absolutely," Liam said with a smile. He wondered if the training simulations had changed much since the last time he had done this. "Lead on Lieutenant."

"It's fairly straightforward. There will be targets of varying size appearing within a 180 degree radius of your starting position. You have 2 minutes to hit as many as you can."

Stepping back to give the Lieutenant some room, Annora addressed the computer.
"Begin phaser certification program Epsilon 2, start at level 3."

It was just like the previous training simulations. Liam started firing at the targets as they popped up. As they got smaller and popped up for less time it did get harder. He wasn't a security officer but he felt he had a respectable go at it. He was far better with a bat'leth.

"How'd I do?" He asked when the lights came back on

Glancing at the PADD, Annora read over the results.
"Seventy-seven percent. For some one who doesn't regularly use a phaser, that's a decent score."

"Is it a pass?" Liam asked simply. It was no good being respectable for someone who didn't regularly use a phaser. He needed a pass.

"Passing score for people not assigned to security is 75%, so yes you passed. Security officers are required to score a 75% averaged over three separate rounds. Those who repeatedly barley pass will be given remedial training."

Annora smiled.
"But since your uniform has purple trim instead of gold, that's not a concern. Do you wish to go again, or are there any other weapons you wish to train with? We have 12 minutes left in the appointment."

While there was need to get through the certifications in a timely manner, they still built a slight cushion into the timing. No need to have someone fail because they were rushing.

"Lucky me. I never did suit the gold though. What about that big gun there," Liam grinned. "What is it? Can I have a go firing that?" he asked. It was likely it would be another year before the next test before he got to fire a real weapon again.

Following the Lieutenant's gaze, Annora saw what had caught his attention.
"That is an Enhanced Meson Rifle. Definitely not standard Starfleet issue. However, with us being on the edge of Federation Space it's useful to at least have a passing familiarity with outside weapons. You can try it if you want."

Walking over to the large rifle, she picked it up. "Their technology isn't as refined as Starfleet but compensates by being more rugged."

Handing off the weapon, she quickly went over the control mechanisms.

"So how are you doing Lieutenant?" he asked as she got him into the correct position. This gun must cause some serious kick back he mused, making sure to plant his feet down firmly.

"How am I doing? All things considered, I'm doing OK. Hopefully things will calm down for a little while. Between murdered diplomats, outside tribunals, and now a new CO, it's certainly been a busy time."

She chuckled, "Then again, that's been most my career."

"Things are definitely unsettled at present, I will give you that," Liam stated taking aim. He squeezed the trigger and was surprised at the strength in the gun. Had he not planted his feet the way he had, he would likely have been wrenched back. The blast from it was bigger than the target. It blasted it right off.

"Sweet," Liam said turning the gun round and having a proper look. "Rugged but can do the job ehh."

Annora chuckled at his response.
"Yup, as long as you don't mind what happens to your target. We haven't had a lot of time to play with it, but it seems to take more of a beating than your standard Federation rifle. Perhaps we can loan it to you, uncharged of course, at your next conference. Scare the two sides into submission."

She was joking of course, and hoped he caught her intent.

Liam laughed heartily at her joke, his eyes crinkling. "If only it were that easy Lieutenant. I'd borrow a dozen."

Retrieving the weapon, Annora double checked the safety was on as she responded in kind.
"I'll put in an order with the Meson."

"So am I free to go," he asked. He knew she had a full schedule and didn't want to take up more of her time if he could help it.

"That's it Lieutenant. You're free to go. You're always welcome to get some target practice in during your free time should you wish. Don't have to wait until the next re-cert."

"I might take you up on that one day," Liam said with a grin. "Thank you Lieutenant."


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer


Lieutenant JG Annora Tessaro
Asst Security Chief


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