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Girl talk

Posted on Fri Nov 10, 2017 @ 6:06pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian Thereen Tera

2,273 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Promenade/Gino's
Timeline: MD8 Lunch

Liam had never been so happy to arrive somewhere in his life. Since picking up Teena and Kestra from Docking Bay 18, the teenage girls had talked his ears off constantly. Whereas it was lovely to be welcomed so warmly and to be able to telepathically communicate with another Betazoid and family member again, they sure could talk.

When he spotted Tera waiting for them, her hair beautifully in the same style as the previous night. Although he remembered fondly it beautifully messed up when he woke up with her in his arms this morning. "Tera." He stepped forward, suddenly the girly chatter in his head ceasing. Emotionally he could sense their curiosity about her. He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips then turned to face his sisters, popping his arm round the brunette Bajoran. "May I introduce my stepsisters, Teena and Kestra. Girls, this is Tera. We have just started seeing each other."

Smiles lit up both girls’ faces, and Liam felt some genuine happiness at that news. "Tera," Teena gushed, rushing forward, Liam being elbowed firmly out the way and pulling her into a hug. "How lovely to meet you." Kestra swooped forward the second Teena let her go. "I love, love, love your hair!"

Liam wasn't sure how to react. The idea that a Betazoid family engagement could get off to such a good start after the last year was delicious. But his patience at potentially the conversation about to turn to a long lunch of hair, makeup, and going by the admiration Teena suddenly had at Tera's dress, of full on GIRL talk, he was not sure he could stomach.

Tera blushed and touched her hair self-consciously, but careful not to disturb the tiny white baby’s breath in it from Liam’s bouquet last night. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she told the Betazoid teens. The Bajoran shopkeeper wore a form fitting blue sheath dress, having come from her shop. It was a fairly standard thing for her to wear at work, but she knew Liam liked it. It was cut low, but not immodestly so, and the hem reached just a couple inches above her knee.

“I had Gino reserve a booth for us,” Tera told Liam. “I hope you like it,” she said to the girls. “It’s the hang out spot for people your age this week. Have you had Terran food before?” she asked them as they headed inside, under the bright neon glow of the red Gino’s sign.

The interior of the restaurant was brightly lit. The floor was made up of large black and red tiles in a checkered pattern. A red bar stretched along one wall, and booths along the others. Tables filled the center. The chairs and booths were all red. A large jukebox sat against the far wall next to a door leading to the restrooms.

There was a good amount of customers at this lunch hour. Many were secondary school age kids on their lunch break, eating, laughing, and chattering away. They wore the usual blue minidress school uniform.

Behind the bar was a large, stocky Human male with brown hair and eyes. He wore a white apron and a white paper cap over black slacks and a white shirt with a red tie. A couple Human female servers moved around the room wearing black tops and pastel pink or blue poodle skirts and aprons.

The big guy behind the bar waved at them. “Right over there, Tera,” he said, indicating a corner booth. “I’ll have one of the girls with you in a sec.”

“Thank you, Gino,” Tera replied, taking Liam’s hand to guide him through the press of teenagers. On the way, they passed the booth next to theirs, which contained a teenage girl with irregular, lighter Trill spotting on her neck and rainbow hair in a blue minidress school uniform. She was reading something on a padd and halfway through a burger and fries and milkshake.

"Thank you," Liam leaned in close and whispered in her ear.

"It's great. We have tried some of the Terran food our new mother serves up, but this looks really interesting," Teena said excitably, looking round.

"Oh my gosh! Look at her hair," Kestra gushed. She immediately stopped in front of the other teenage girl. "Excuse me. Your hair. It's amazing. Where did you get it done?" she asked.

Liam, recognising who it was, smiled. "Aleczandra, can I introduce my sisters? They’re here for a visit. Teena, Kestra, this is Aleczandra, my colleague chief Ryan's daughter."

The rainbow-haired girl looked up and smiled, glancing at Liam. He was really cute. Her attention went back to the girls, also cute, and she curled a lock of her hair around a finger. “Oh, I do it myself,” she said. “Just a simple colorizer wand. Change the color setting each pass. And please, call me Zandra,” she said, offering her hand to the girls. “Welcome to Deep Space Five.”

Tera stepped back next to Liam to let the girls interact. She didn’t know the security chief’s daughter well, but she seemed nice enough. Her hand brushed Liam’s lightly.

"We need to get one," Teena said, eyes bright. She turned to Liam. "Can she join us for lunch?"

"I think it would more be the case that we ask if we can join her, on account Zandra’s halfway through lunch." He tried to ignore the Trill’s attraction to him, hoping this crush would go no further than thoughts on her part.

"May we?" Kestra said excitedly.

Liam stroked Tera’s hand back. What a stroke of luck. Zandra clearly was in touch with what was in and out in the world of teenagers.

Tera looked at Liam. “I don’t mind,” she said.

Zandra shrugged and smiled. “An excuse to play hooky from school?” she said. “Count me in.” She was already ahead of her classmates anyway. She gathered up her things and joined them in their booth, sitting between the two cute Betazed girls and across from their hot brother and his hot Bajoran girlfriend.

Gods above, she needed to get herself a boyfriend or girlfriend. Zandra could sense Kinony lurking just at the back of her mind, waiting to pounce. “So you’re visiting from Betazed?” Zandra asked as the waitress in a pink poodle skirt approached their table.

“Can I get you drinks to start out?” she asked.

Teena slid next to Zandra in the booth and grinned. She shot a telepathic communication to her sister. She is so cute!

Looking for a holiday romance? Kestra laughed.

If the opportunity presents itself. She fancies one of us. I sensed it.

"Yes, please," Liam answered, surprised for a moment when he sensed some sexual attraction from one of his stepsisters towards Zandra. Whatever makes her happy, he mused. "Do you fancy sharing one of those big chocolate milkshakes?" he asked Tera.

“I would love to,” Tera said with a smile. “I do love chocolate.”

"I'll try the flavour Zandra's got," Teena said. "It smells divine."

"Make it a second chocolate one," Kestra added.

Liam turned back to the waitress. "Double cheeseburger and fries please."

“Bacon cheeseburger,” Tera ordered, “with everything. Onion rings. Ranch on the side, please.

"I'll try the chicken strips. Your mom makes chicken dishes back home, and I like that meat," Kestra said in Liam’s direction. "I just don't like the Thai green sauce."

"No one does," Liam said dryly.

"What's a hot dog?" Teena asked the waitress, leaning forward onto her forearms, resting on the table. Her thigh rubbed up against Zandra during the movement and her top gaped slightly, giving a hint of pink laced bra strap.

“It’s a long sausage on a bun,” the waitress explained. “We use all beef, so the good, premium kind.” She pointed to a picture on the board. “What would you like on your burger?” she asked Liam. “And what kind of dipping sauce would you like for your chicken strips?’ she asked Kestra.

Zandra’s eyes flashed to Teena’s cleavage, and she felt the press of the other girl’s leg. Kinony grew stronger in the back of her mind. She flashed the Betazoid girl a smile and her leg pressed back. “My milkshake is mint chocolate chip,” she told the alien girl. “Extra whip cream.” She spooned up a dollop of the white sweetness up on a finger with a bit of the ice cream and held it out for Teena to taste.

"Ketchup please," Liam answered, trying hard to ignore his new stepsister flirting with Zandra. Oh, by the goddesses, he realised. His new stepsister was flirting with Zandra. How would Chief Ryan feel about that? He was suddenly saved running that concern as his comm. badge chirped.

"Chapman to Reynolds. I'm really sorry to bother you on your lunch, but we have an incident. Can you talk?"

"Give me a minute." Liam got up and turned to the party. "Please excuse me." He mouthed "Sorry" to Tera as he moved off.

Teena meanwhile shot the rainbow-haired half-Trill a sultry look and opened her mouth, gently sealing her lips over the other girl’s finger. She slowly sucked off the offered treat. Not breaking eye contact with Zandra, she said, "Delicious."

Zandra smiled back, just as coyly. “Glad you like it.”

Kestra smirked at her sister and turned her attention back to the waitress who looked slightly uncomfortable. "Barbecue sauce, thank you." Turning back in Tera’s direction, her eyes flickered to Liam at the quiet end of the bar before settling on Tera.

"It's not good news, I'm afraid. He's being called away. He feels bad though," she told the Bajoran.

Tera blinked. “How do you...oh, right. Betazoids are telepathic,” she said with an embarrassed smile. Liam was so considerate, and never used his powers around her, or at least she didn’t know if he did or not. “You...are allowed to do that? Just listen in?” she asked Kestra, nodding toward Liam.

"Liam would put some stronger shields up if it was anything he didn't want me to hear," Kestra said simply. She tried to explain things and put the Bajoran at ease. "But in families, things tend to be very open. Don't worry, we can't just listen in. It takes work. With our own species it's easier, but with others who are not telepathic you would need to be a very powerful telepath to just listen in. My sister and I are not. Liam’s half Betazoid, so his skill is more empathic reading. He can communicate with other telepathic species, but again, just listening in would be difficult for him. Our new mother, on the other hand, well, she could read anyone in the room if she wanted too. Most of the time if we do catch a stray thought or two we keep it to ourselves. Don't worry."

“So how long are you girls visiting?” Zandra asked. “I can’t imagine hanging out with your old stepbrother is going to be fun.”

Tera blinked. “Liam and I aren’t old!”

Zandra rolled her eyes over to the Bajoran. “You’re over thirty, right?”

Tera opened her mouth to reply, and then wisely closed it.

"We are indeed," Liam replied, catching what Zandra had just said on his way back. "But Tera's so beautiful she doesn't look a day over twenty-one," he lifted her hand up and kissed it, "and all it means is we are just starting to get into our prime."

"Ladies, I apologise, but there's a situation and I have been called away to Ops immediately. So you’re saved from hanging out with your old stepbrother on this occasion." He grinned. "I'm going to pick up the check and sort payment out with Gino. Enjoy your meals. Make sure you order dessert. Zandra, your dinner’s on me too. Thank you for being so welcoming to my new sisters.

"Girls," Liam looked at both Kestra and Teena, “I'll check in with you later once things have calmed down, but it might be tomorrow. Zandra, could I press on your hospitality a little more?"

Zandra flashed Liam a pretty smile. “Sure,” she said. “But you’ll owe me,” she said coyly

Tera raised a dark eyebrow, looking between the teen and her boyfriend.

"I'm sure you know so good places to go out. Would you be willing to make some suggestions for something to do this evening so my sisters aren't bored?"

“I’d love to,” Zandra assured, and then looked to Kestra and Teena. “So there’s this great place down the Promenade called the Lotus Lounge…”

Tera looked up at Liam, startled. She opened her full lips to say something, but then closed them, unsure it was her place. After all, Betazoids were about such things, right?

"Nowhere where you're not of age, or that has recreational drugs and alcohol," Liam said simply. "And as a favour, I won't mention to your father that you have been there. Kestra, Teena, I'm going to trust you both to be sensible," he informed them. No doubt they wouldn't, but if their father or his mother ever got wind of it, he couldn't get any fall out now.


Thereen Tera
Bajoran shopkeeper
NPC Caleb Ryan

Aleczandra Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan

Gino Romano
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Kestra and Teena Otrei
NPC Liam Reynolds


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