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Got a Minute?

Posted on Thu Feb 12, 2015 @ 4:05am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Isha t'Vaurek

876 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Isha's Office
Timeline: MD02 09:25

After dropping Amanda off at the school something just drew Rianni to her aunt's office, she needed to share the joy she felt and, she felt she needed to apologize for the last time they saw each other, ~I'm sure she understands you're going through a lot.~ She comforted herself, but, still, she felt bad about it. Stopping for a second to make herself as presentable as possible, she rang the chime on Isha's door and waited to be admitted, no longer sure if she could just walk in like before.

"Do you have an appointment?" Peridot asked. The woman had just walked straight past her desk like she wasn't there.

Rianni, so focused on seeing Isha, hadn't even seen this woman, "Oh, I'm here to see my aunt! You are?"

"The Captain's Yoeman. She's very particular about who she lets in. Hates unexpected guests for some reason. I can ask if she's got time to see you Miss ...?"

"Rianni." She replied, "Just Rianni. No need for formality when I'm not in uniform." She was in such a good mood that even someone trying to play Cerebrus between her and her aunt couldn't make her mad, "I'll wait."

Peridot got to her feet and rounded the desk. She wasn't sure there was *that* much resemblance between Rianni and the Captain, but then who new how closely related they were.

She was back within a minute, "The Captain says she'll see you," Peridot said, "I'll hold her nine thirty."

Rianni knew what this Chief Petty Officer was doing, a lot of people did it and she didn't mind anymore. She didn't look much like Isha, having taken more after her mother than her father, but it was that same father who swore he could look at her and see her Aunt, especially when she was angry. She smiled to the Chief and walked into Isha's office, waiting for the door to shut behind her, "Hi." She smiled, "Got a couple minutes for me?"

Isha was already on her feet - "Is my ship still in one piece?" Isha asked as she opened her arms to her niece.

Rianni quickly stepped into Isha's embrace, any time away from her seemed too long, but, there they were, together again, so it was much better now, "Yep." Rianni said through happy tears, "Ship is in one piece and has thirteen successful engagements to go to one hundred. Oh, and I met a girl this morning. She's cute. School teacher, seems to really have it together."

"I'm pleased for you," Isha said - it seemed Rianni had taken her advice to heart.

"Thanks." Rianni smiled, "Pretty pleased myself. I mean, we just met and we only had breakfast and I know a lot of stuff has started off good for me, but still, sometimes you just feel good about something, you know?" She stopped and took a breath, realizing she was rambling, "Anyway, I just wanted to stop and check on you, figure it would be nice if we started seeing each other regularly again. I mean, if that's okay with you."

Isha linked her hands in her lap. "I'm surprised you feel the need to ask," she replied pleasantly

Rianni just smiled, "Look, I'm sorry about how I was the last time I saw you. I mean, I know it probably bothered you seeing me coming in like that." She apologized, "I mean, I'm only slightly less than a wreck now and I know you expect better." For some reason disappointing Isha was a lot more impactful than it would be for a standard aunt, in a lot of ways Isha was more like a mom, though she'd never tell Eleni that, "Anyway, I would like to have everyone for dinner, bring the kids, I want to meet my little cousins! Greek, Romulan, all sorts of stuff. Just say when."

Oh the joy of an evening with Eleni. Isha kept that thought to herself - the gift of the personally designed bathroom suite that had once occupied Isha's ambassadorial residence should have done a little to help the impossible relationship between the two matriarchs.

"I'm sure that Chief Quirm can find time in my schedule," she said.

"That would be great." Rianni said, breaking into a wide smile, some family time would be just the thing as she faced her impending wedding to that vole turd, D'Liin, "You know, maybe this will be the one that works, right? I mean, I'm overdue. And don't worry, when you show up I promise not to look like a homeless person."

"Then it shall be arranged," Isha said.

"Okay, you just tell me when and I'll get everything going."

Rianni smiled, embracing and kissing her aunt, "So, I'll let you get back to business, and I'll talk to Mama and get it arranged where everyone can be here." She turned to leave, saying, "Call me later and we can get coffee or something! Love you!" It made Rianni feel better to see Isha again, somehow that made her feel that every bit of this.... nightmare was going to come out fine.

"I love you too, Rianni," Isha replied, "I'll be in touch very soon."


Captain Isha t'Vaurek

Sub-Commander Rianni t'Khellian


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