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Any Day, Another Dawn, Another Mission - Part 2

Posted on Fri Feb 3, 2017 @ 4:20am by Lieutenant JG Andrus Grax
Edited on on Fri Feb 3, 2017 @ 4:25am

547 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Deck 178 - Andrus Grax's Quarters
Timeline: MD 05 - 1702


It had almost been a standard day since Andrus Grax had arrived on the station, and he had finally gotten around to unpacking his personal effects. Not that there had been much to unpack. Aside from the bat'leth hanging from the wall the room looked almost exactly the same as when he had first walked in - everything else having been hidden away in closets and drawers.

Despite no longer being afforded the privileges of a Starfleet Captain, he had to admit that the civilian quarters he had been assigned aboard Deep Space Five were not too shabby at all.

They were, of course, not the most luxurious that the station had to offer, but they served his purpose. The suite of three rooms - living quarters, with a replicator, seating area and desk, a bedroom and a bathroom was really all he needed.

And certainly, they were more comfortable than his quarters on the Falcon, but then his mother's basement was more comfortable than his cramped bedroom-slash-office on the tiny Defiant-class ship of which he had once been the commanding officer.

As he thought about the Falcon his mind filled with a memory. A Betazoid science officer with whom he had shared a strong telepathic link. He shook his head once, quickly, as if attempting to throw the image out of his mind, but even as he did so, he realised that it wouldn't work.

This was more than a recollection, more than a mere memory of a love lost: this was an echo. This women - whose name, he could not, for the life of him, remember - had clearly made such a deep impression on him that their psychic connection was still very much there. Even after all these years.

He began to wonder whether there was something more to this sudden revelation. Did this sudden recurrence of her memory mean she was close by - or was that just wishful thinking? Was it possible that he had found his imzadi and had never even realised? All questions he had no immediate way of discovering the answer to, except to allow life to continue to take its course and to wait an see what transpired.

His train of thought was disrupted by a low bleeping sound.

He crossed to the desk where a small PADD was indicated that he had received a text-only communication:

Eyes on Promenade

"That's helpful," he muttered to himself. "Any hint as to where on the Promenade I'm supposed to be looking?" He knew it was a rhetorical question, but he held on to a small glimmer of hope that the very act of asking might elicit a response.

The device was silent.

He sighed heavily, before concealing the PADD in a drawer to the side of the desk. He headed towards the door, collecting his jacket from the back of the sofa as he did so.

He would have to reflect on the psychic echo and its meaning another time. For now, he had to go to work.


Andrus Grax


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