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Collecting the Package for Delivery Part 3

Posted on Wed Feb 1, 2017 @ 7:06pm by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,526 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Box of Delights and The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 5 2200 ~ MD6 0200


Zandra smiled. She pressed her breasts around his manhood, stroking him with them, licking his tip. Then she slid her body up his, sliding him very slowly inside of her, inch by inch, watching Ahjess writhe beneath her. She moaned quietly as he filled her. Juheni couldn’t get enough of this! She tapped Kinony’s knowledge of sex, working her muscles around him. She rested her hands on his chest, feeling the thudding of his heart, his ragged breathing, the heat and desperate need inside of him, brought out by the Rowa’ni flower.

“Let’s blow your mind,” Zandra whispered, starting to move on him.


Any ability he had to speak, or even think, dissolved. Under her, he writhed and pushed, chasing every sensation, his eyes closed, his breath held. With the drug flowing through him, his nerves were utterly overwhelmed, he didn't, couldn't last long, and only a few minutes later he spent himself a third time. There wasn't much to give her.

"No more, please," he panted. "I'm bone dry."

Zandra shuddered. Damn, that had been fast! She hadn’t gotten off yet!

“Fine,” she said, a bit frustrated. “Let me get you a drink,” she said, sliding off of Ahjess. She dug in her bag on the way to the replicator, palming the vial of drug she had to put him under. She got him some of the tea that was ready on the sideboard, slipping the clear liquid into his cup, and came back.

“Drink this,” Zandra told him. “It should help.” She smiled and settled on the side of the bed, her whole body starting to ache with her cut off need.

He gratefully took sips from the drink. "You know, if you untie me, I can return the favour," he hinted, tugging at the rope around his wrists.

Zandra smiled. “That is an idea,” she said with a chuckle, though she wondered how long before the drug kicked in. Leaning over, she untied his bonds, releasing him and handing him the drugged cup to drink again. “Are you sure you’re up to it? You were pretty spent after that last time.” She ran her fingers over his muscled chest, knowing he was still sensitive from the Rowa’ni flower.

"You've wrecked me, but I'm sure I can manage the energy to do the job." He downed the rest of the drink then flexed his fingers to get blood flow back. "Come'ere." He pulled her close to him and slipped the fingers of one hand between her legs. "I'm still good for this. Just tell me what feels good."

Zandra gasped. “That definitely does,” she panted, holding on to Ahjess’ shoulders. She started to move her hips with his fingers. “Yes...yes…” Her eyes closed and her breathing quickened. She just had to wait for the drug to take effect now.

His movements became increasingly slow, and he yawned. She could see him fighting it, and trying to do to his best to bring her off, but the narcotic was too powerful and he drifted off his head dropping to her shoulder and snoring gently.

Zandra held Ahjess in her arms. “Gods damn!” she cursed, shivering with unfulfilled need. She shoved Ahjess away from her, letting him flop back onto the bed as she got up and paced the room, waiting for the feelings to pass.

“Water,” she ordered the replicator, and took a long, healthy drink. She pulled out a pack from under the bed and opened it. Inside was a set of black clothes and undergarments, which she quickly dressed in, pulling on some high boots and slipping on her wrist sheaths.

She pulled a set of sweats out of the bag then and dressed Ahjess in them. She put his own clothes into the reclamator, where they dissolved into energy, followed by the tea set. She dumped Ahjess into a chair and then pulled out the last two items, a communicator and some kind of light wand..

Zandra turned on the communicator. “Nug, it’s Juheni. Come in.”

There was no answer.

“Gods damn it, Nug! You better not be fucking one of those plant bitches!”

Heavy breathing came over the line. “Sorry...Juheni!” came a whiny, out of breath, voice. “Be right there!”

Zandra growled. “Fucking Ferengi,” she said, turning to stuff her dress into the bag. She picked up the wand and went to the bed. When she activated it, it glowed with a purple light, which she waved over the bed in several passes to be thorough. The borian radiation would kill any living thing and break down its DNA into its constituent amino acids, making it untraceable. She did the same the to the door handles and anything she might have touched.

There was a knock on the wall on the far side of the room. Zandra walked over and found the hidden latch, pushing the wall panel aside. A weasley Ferengi and two massive Naussicaans stood in a narrow corridor built behind the line of rooms on this floor. Gods bless Tianys and her famous discretion.

“Put him in the box,” Zandra said, nodding to Ahjess and moving out of the way.

The Naussicaans lumbered into the room and easily picked up Ahjess while the Ferengi slapped open the seals on an antigrav crate, where they dumped Ahjess inside.

“Careful!” Zandra snapped. “The client doesn’t want him damaged.” She paused and then took a pillow from the bed, fondly placing it under Ahjess’ head. “Seal it up.”

The lid slapped down and Zandra hit the button for the oxygen recycler built into the crate to keep the air fresh, a typical modular design for transporting live specimens.

After another look around the room and a last sweep with the borian wand, Zandra said, “Let’s go!” and turned and strode out of the room, sliding the wall closed behind her.

They walked down the narrow corridor until it joined another, wider service hallway. There was more traffic here, rather considerable, considering the hour, but this was the time when most of the deliveries were made to The Lotus. Another delivery crate among the others wouldn’t be noticed.

As they reached the bulkhead doors that would leave The Lotus for the main service corridor surrounding the Promenade, Zandra saw the beautiful Rowa’ni matriarch standing there. Tianys tapped a finger against her bare arm.

“Well, you took longer than you told me you would,” the Rowa’ni said. “Have more fun than you expected?”

Zandra scowled. “Old time’s sake,” she said. She turned to the Ferengi. “You know where to deliver it,” she said. “You’ll find the other half of your payment there. Try and mess with me and I’ll find you and gut you,” she promised.

The Ferengi swallowed and nodded. “Yes, miss,” he said with whiny obsequiousness and waved the Nausicaans to hurry once Tianys had released the lock on the doors.

As the doors closed again, Zandra fished in her pocket. “Here’s the latinum for the off the books room,” she said, with emphasis on the ‘off the books’. She pulled an isolinear chip from the other pocket. “And here are the scheduled security sensor diagnostic downtimes for Dock 17, as you requested.”

“My thanks.” Tianys slipped the isolinear chip into her bosom. “Nice doing business with you, Zandra.”

Zandra whirled and shoved the alien woman against the bulkhead, a blade suddenly in her hand and pressing to Tianys’ throat. “What did I say about using names?” she growled. She had to suppress a groan as the Rowa’ni’s scent hit her, sending pleasure shivering through her body, reminding her all too well that she hadn’t gotten off that last round with Ahjess.

Tianys merely smiled. She moved her fingers across her lips in a zipping motion.

“Right…” Zandra said, the blade disappearing back up her sleeve. Then she kissed Tianys hard and shoved away from the woman.

Tianys gave a light, musical laugh that made her all the more alluring, touching her bruised red lips. “My, my, what would Daddy say?”

Zandra sneered. “I have that man so wrapped around my finger. He’d never think his little angel capable of anything bad.”

“If only he knew…” Tianys said, turning and walking away.

“But he won’t,” Zandra reminded.

“That’s what you paid me for,” Tianys returned, waving the isolnear chip over her shoulder.

Zandra stared at woman’s fine, retreating bottom for a long moment before turning back to the doors.

“Zandra.” Tianys’ tone was more serious, and when the teen turned back, she saw the Rowa’ni had stopped down the hallway to face her. “I don’t know what you’re into or why This is well beyond a bit of teenage rebellion. Don’t get in too deep, and be careful.”

“My business, not yours,” Zandra said, slapping the door control and exiting.


Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ahjess Denn
Dabo Boy
Box of Delights
NPC Yolanthe Ibalin


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