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Assigning Assignments - Part 1

Posted on Tue May 30, 2017 @ 4:42pm by Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Civilian SigrĂșn Aronsdottir

811 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Starlight Innovator
Timeline: MD 03 - 1505


The docking system on Deep Space Five was a pain in the butt to navigate. Even for someone with an eidetic memory. Mikaela Locke surmised that the port staff who spent their working lives solely in the docking area probably knew all the various ports and their connecting corridors like the back of their hands. Thankfully, today, Locke only had to remember one.

She had taken off her comm-badge and scrambled her bio-signs to represent a Cardassian, and now she made her way down the narrow corridor that led to the port where the Starlight Innovator was docked.

Even though she had been careful, she took one last glance around, just to make sure she hadn't been followed. When she was satisfied, she pressed the chime.

The airlock hatch immediately slid open for her, revealing an interior corridor of the dilapidated, old freighter. It was a marked contrast to the sharp, clean look of the Starfleet-manufactured gangway and docking collar.

Sigrun Aronsdottir was standing on the other side with her back to Mikaela. She was leaning inside an open maintenance panel with a tool in her hand. In her greasy coveralls she looked almost as unpresentable as her ship. Only her short, blonde hair was pristine. At the sound of the door she looked over her shoulder. When she saw Mikaela standing there she turned herself fully around. "Hello, madam. Here to inquire about our shipping rates?"

Mikaela smiled, "Only if you take payment in Romulan Ale," she replied politely. As with all pass-phrases, the response was simple enough, but the prevention of doppelgÀngers was essential.

Sigrun smiled back. "I think we can work something out. Come in." She led the visitor on a short walk through the passageways until they reached her personal quarters. Once inside she locked the door and they both had a seat.

"I've got something for you," Sigrun said. She reached for the zipper on her coveralls and unzipped them halfway down to her navel, revealing a white tank top underneath. Then she reached in and retrieved an isolinear data rod from the interior pocket. "Long-range passive scan logs," she explained, handing the device to Mikaela. "The Cardassians were field testing their new ship."

Mikaela contorted her face as she viewed the log. "What is going on on those ships?" she mused, half to Aronsdottir and half to herself.

"It's very fast, whatever it is," Sigrun said. She pointed to the velocity reading on the PADD display. "That's what we clocked it at before it went out of range."

"'Regular science vessel' my arse." Mikaela retorted, as she continued to assimilate the information in front of her. "It's no wonder they're not docking, and Turvan's not talking." She paused for a moment, considering their next move. "Something's not right," she continued, "What's a prototype ship with that kind of speed doing all the way out here?" She turned back to Aronsdottir. "I think it's time we put a bit more pressure on Turvan," she said. "Are you up for it?"

Sigrun crossed her arms. "Er, sure?" She said, somewhat apprehensively. She didn't know what Mikaela meant by "more pressure," but hoped it wouldn't mean shadowing the Cardassians at closer range. The Innovator had some nifty tricks up her sleeve, but she was no match for a warship.

"Nothing too dangerous," Mikalea clarified, catching the discomfort in her associate's voice, "More personal pressure. Bump into him in The Dilithium Chamber, get him to buy you a drink... See what he says when he's had a couple?"

Sigrun laughed incredulously. "Me? Do I look like a femme fatale?" She gestured to her current appearance. "I'm tiny, I've got no boobs, and a boy's haircut. I doubt I'd even put a dent in him."

Mikaela snorted out loud. "Do we even still use that term?" she asked through her laughter. "I get your point," she continued, composing herself, "Although - for the record - that wasn't exactly what I meant. Play to your strengths," she continued, her once again serious, "You're a cargo ship captain. If he's trying to hide something, independent cargo ships are a better way to go than military transports. Buy him a drink, talk business. See where the conversation leads you."

Sigrun looked at the intel officer dubiously. Surely a man of Turvan's position had all the resources he needed? Still, it was worth a try. "All right," she said with a shrug. "Anything else for me?"

"I don't think so..." replied Locke thoughtfully, as she wondered whether to divulge her other on-going investigation to her agent. In the end, she thought better of it. One assignment would be sufficient for the time being. "No - that's fine," she finally concluded. "Contact me if you make any progress."


Sigrun Aronsdottir
Freighter Captain

Lieutenant Mikaela Locke
Senior Intelligence Officer


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