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New Fighter Jock - Part II

Posted on Fri Feb 13, 2015 @ 1:45am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Caden Aldrex & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Deep Space 5, Starfighter Hanger, Command Center
Timeline: MD01 /1654 hrs

===an hour later===

Tam stepped back out of Kyle's office and turned to see Peridot still standing there. He grinned slightly. "Did you wait out here the whole time?"

"I have my orders. The Captain was very clear," she said with a smile.

Another pilot, helmet in hand, walked up and interrupted the exchange. "Either of you know where I can find CAG?" He asked with a grin.

Tam gave the fellow pilot a friendly grin as he tilted his head towards Kyle's office. "He's inside." He then turned back to Peridot. "So, I guess we're off to see the Station brass now?"

Peridot consulted her clipboard, "Yes, they should be ready for us now. Follow me."

Tam nodded and motioned for Peridot to lead on.

Peridot checked that the team were indeed assembled before she invited Tam to enter the Commander's office.

"You've got quite the interview panel," she told him.

Tam arched his right eyebrow as he replied. "Oh? How's that?"

"The Captain, the Exec and the really weird Marine CO - you've passed already as Starfleet have let you in, but as a group ... I've no advice," Peridot said with a shrug.

Tam looked at her levelly and replied. "Well...I guess I'll just have to be my old charming self then."

She wasn't entirely sure that any of them were susceptible to 'charm', "Good luck," she said again and pressed the chime.

[Inside the CO's Office]

"... and further to that I think it would be conduicive if we establish a morning briefing between ourselves. We can then determine what we need to disclose in the daily staff meeting," Isha said.

"I'll make sure to tell my yeoman that I need my briefing notes first thing every morning," Aldrex replied as he stirred some sweetener into his tea. Yeoman. He was still getting used to the idea of having one. "I assume we'll cover the usual topics, Captain?"

"I'd like to keep it fairly straightforward and build a routine so everyone understands immediately where ... Chief Quirm," she said as Peridot stuck her head round the door.

"Captain Haicon is outside," she said, "Are you ready for him or shall I delay?"

Isha glanced at Aldrex before turning her gaze back her Yoeman - he seemed to be on board with her idea.

"Bring him in," she said.

Tam walked in a moment later. He marched smartly up to Isha's desk and snapped to attention. "Captain Tam Haican, reporting for duty, Ma'am."

Isha swept an appraising gaze over the Marine - how was he going to take it, splitting himself between a Starfleet wing and a marine one?

"Welcome aboard, Captain. At ease," she said, "This is Lieutenant Commander Aldrex, my Executive Officer," she said indicating the Trill. "We had thought that Colonel Darson might join us but it seems you will meet him in your own good time."

Hearing Isha give the at ease order, he moved his hands to behind the small of his back, placing the back of his right hand into the palm of his left. He also spread his legs shoulder width apart and slightly relaxed the rest of his body. He looked over to Aldrex and nodded politely. "Commander," he said with a friendly, yet professional grin. He then looked back at Isha, as she mentioned Colonel Darson, his Marine Commanding Officer here on the station. "Understood, Ma'am. I'll go find him after you're done with me here."

"As well as your marine unit, we have given you charge of one of our fighter wings. Along with our new CAG, you are the best qualified to bolster our defences," Isha said, "a slightly unusual situation, but by far the most efficient allocation of our current resources."

Tam nodded once. "Understood, Ma'am. I won't let you down."

"How many hours have you got, Captain?" Aldrex asked. He was a flight officer by trade himself although this new job probably wouldn't permit him much stick time. Still, he wouldn't mind swapping stories with Haican every now and then over a beverage.

Tam looked over at Aldrex and replied. "Roughly one hundred and fifty thousand hours over the past fifteen years, Sir."

Aldrex nodded. "Outstanding. Well, you'll have a lot more logged by the time your tour ends here. We intend to put you to work. I plan to meet with the new CAG to formulate some new procedures and an integrated operational defense plan."

Tam nodded once. "Understood, Sir. I will help as best I can."

Isha raised an eyebrow as she listened- she had read both their records and could glean what they had in common. In her experience it advantaged no-one if the command staff held themselves aloof. She hoped that they might strike a chord and help bring about the unity that DS5 and the Quadrants were so desperately lacking.

"There's little of value I can add to your conversation," Isha said. "I am no pilot, but to have a common ground is a base to grow a crop in common - its a saying."

Tam looked back at Isha. "We already have a common ground, Ma'am. We both swore to protect and defend the Federation from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. The colors of our uniforms is simply window dressing." He grinned a small polite grin as he spoke.

What an interesting thought Isha mused. Her outfit made concessions to Starfleet attire - black leggings and tunic with a nehru stile collar in 'command' red with pips in place but it still set her slightly apart.

Would there ever truly come a time when she too took that oath? It was much too soon to tell, but that was the ultimate goal of her movement.

She nodded in response to his comment, a gesture of understanding.

Aldrex watched her response with interest. Her dedication to defending Federation concerns was something he had wondered about ever since meeting her. Not that he didn't trust t'Vaurek. He did. Still, she was Romulan, and he knew there had to be a boundary to her allegiances somewhere. "Apologies if you feel left out of the conversation, Captain."

"None required," Isha replied, "It is no trouble to listen to a conversation when the participants are passionate about their subject."

"We are that," Aldrex said, trading a knowing glance with the pilot. "If CAG thinks his people are up to it I would like to step up fighter patrols out towards sector 185. With your permission, of course."

"Of course," Isha said, "Granted. Is there anything further?"

"Nothing from me," Aldrex said with a warm smile, "I think we've covered the 'official' stuff well enough for now."

"Very well, if there is nothing further I'll let you go about your business. I'm delighted to make your acquaintence, Captain Haican," Isha said.

Tam dipped his forward once, then snapped back to attention. "Thank you, Ma'am!" He performed an about face, spinning on his left heel, and marched smartly out of the room.



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