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Intelligent Reviewing

Posted on Tue Oct 18, 2016 @ 9:46pm by Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Captain Maritza Soran

799 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: Maritza Soran's Office
Timeline: MD01 0830


"The routine stuff is... well, it's pretty routine."

Mikaela Locke sat opposite her senior officer. She was clutching a PADD, but wasn't really looking at it, having remembered all the details.

"The Orion Syndicate are still trying to push illegal mashrophot; the security team is dealing with a homicide that we suspect is linked to a Andorian drug ring; we've intercepted a coded transmission that the we haven't been able to decrypt yet and we've finished analysing the effects of the recent shift in power on Takara: in short, it won't effect us at all."

Maritza Soran nodded. "If you need more processing to crack the encryption, talk to Dell. The last thing we want is some new drug floating round all the dreamers and hopefuls wanting to get on Pangaea." she made a note on one padd, then picked up another. "Any progress on the virus in the computer core?"

"A little," Locke replied, slightly hesitantly, "It seems like the virus not only affected the Guardian Platforms, but it also ran a self-erasing subroutine. I could go into the details, but with your permission I'll cut to the chase?"

"I'm surprised those cowboys Wallace and Darson left enough that you found that much." Soran allowed then gave her agreement to continue. "Cut away,"

"Piecing the data together is going to be a very long and drawn out process," she continued, her expression turning grave, "but no one on the analysis team thinks this was an accident. Someone didn't want those platforms operational - and they were prepared to go to pretty extreme lengths to make sure that they weren't."

Soran sighed. "That's all we need. As if we didn't have enough on our plates with a brand new planet. Some other unknown party gunning for the station. So be it. Carry on, Ms Locke."

Mikaela stood and nodded, politely, and began to head towards the door, before pausing and turning back. "There is one more thing," she added, "with your permission?"

The trill raised an eyebrow, wanting to know what the woman had in mind.

"I'd like to requisition a couple of field officers from Intel. Command. I know DS5 isn't technically 'the field'," she added, seeking to clarify, "but since the appearance of Pangaea anyone who's anyone has been sending operatives to the station." She took a step back into the room. "Of course, they all think that we don't know they're here, but keeping track of them all is proving quite difficult." She paused, as if contemplating whether to reinforce her point, "I can't be asking the analysis kids to spend their time spying on the Tal Shiar," she finally added, a slight smile on her face.

"Do it." Maritza said. She knew that any power worth the name probably had put out quiet feelers, and it would be good to know what those were. "and pay close attention to the Cardassians. Turvan's made such fuss about his science fleet ships that it makes me wonder what's in the other hand, the one we're not looking at."

"Indeed," Mikaela replied thoughtfully, "although sometimes the hand you are looking at is just as concerning. Hiding in plain sight and all that." She raised an inquiring eyebrow, wondering if Soran was thinking the same thing.

"I would be very interested in knowing what was really on those ships." Maritza said. "Unfortunately, we've got no justification to demand to inspect. They're allegedly here to resupply the Consulate, and are currently hiding behind sovereignty rules and merely hovering within transporter range rather than risking a docking inspection."

"If there's really something that we need to be concerned about, it will reveal itself soon enough." Locke answered pragmatically. "Sometimes it's about the long game."

"Yes it is. And on the subject. One last thing."

"Yes, sir?" Mikaela raised the same questioning eyebrow as she had a few moments previously.

"I want you to put the Dilithium Chamber through some close scrutiny. Raddon is letting all manner of deplorables use it to stage their soapboxing. The last thing we need is some jumped up demagogue inciting near riots."

"Indeed," Mikaela replied, making a note on her PADD, for the official record, rather than because she needed to use it to remind herself, "It seems we have a busy time ahead of us." She finished typing and deactivated the PADD. "Will that be all, sir?" she finalised, slightly more formally than she had intended.

"Yes, thank you, Miss Locke."

Mikaela inclined her head respectfully, turned and left the commander to her considerations.


Cmdr Maritza Soran
2XO/Chief of Strategic Operations


Mikaela Locke
Senior Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five


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