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You Work Too Hard, Part 2

Posted on Tue Dec 13, 2016 @ 4:46am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Civilian Sigrún Aronsdottir & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,441 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Rumours
Location: XO/CMO's Quarters
Timeline: MD 02 - 2200


Most of the dishes had been cleared away. The result, of course, of one person getting up to do it, followed by another who insisted that the first person sit down, then joined by the third person who insisted that person number two was too pregnant to do it, even if she wasn't. In the end everybody helped. Now they were enjoying dessert and coffee. The computer was playing soft, unintrusive music in the background.

From his chair Cade looked out the observation windows at the planet. He sighed. It reminded him of work. "I should order Ops to turn us so we're facing away from that thing," he said absently. The ladies at the table weren't listening to him, however. They were talking about more important things.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" Sigrun asked. "Or do you want it to be a surprise?"

"She's a girl" Amia said with obvious delight. "We have NO idea what we're going to call her though....."

"At least nothing that we can agree on," Cade chimed in.

Sigrun's eyes wandered upward. "Let's see. Maybe I can suggest something Icelandic."

"Because when you think of someone half Ba'ku and half Trill, you think of Iceland," Cade said before lifting his coffee mug to his lips.

"Try being original, Aldrex," Sigrun shot back. "Or at least un-boring."

Cade regarded her with squinted eyes over the top of his mug. "What's your mother's name? I know I've heard it but I forgot."

Sigrun pronounced it slowly for him. "Hjördís."

"And what does it mean? You told me once."

"It means 'sword goddess,'" Sigrun said with a hint of pride.

"It's very lovely," Cade replied diplomatically, but there was no way he was calling his kid "Hjördís."

Amia chuckled. "It is lovely! Cade.... put it on the list of favourites, please?" she teased, knowing full well from his polite tone exactly what he was thinking but couldn't say. "I think the PaDD is on the top nearest your arm.... " she pointed it out and waited for him to have to ask to spell it. Her eyes glistened with mischief and she glanced at Sigrun fleetingly who was watching and waiting to catch her eye. Sigrun winked, out of Cade's direct sightline and it left Amia with a rising fit of giggles that she had to struggle to contain. The smirk escaped first.

Cade was onto them both, and he wasn't going to be outmaneuvered. "Your sister's name is Gudrun, right? Put that one down too."

"Goodrun?" Amia looked quizzically at Sigrun, trying to pronounce the name that was a close variant of Sigrun.

"Yes, Gudrun," the Icelandic freighter captain said as she picked up Amia's PADD to type in her mother's name. "You want me to enter Gudrun's name too?"

"Yes. It's hearty and spirited," Cade said in a dull tone.

"What's your mother's name, Amia?" Sigrun asked.

Amia's smile faded. "My mother was called Rayenne" she answered quietly. "I still miss her." The CMO's eyes un-focussed and she looked distant for a moment but she shook herself and reached up to her neck, underneath her hair at the back of her neck and tapped at something that sounded metallic. "Damn thing keeps slowing down" she muttered, fidgeting with her neck. "Mai'ya recommended I see her friend at the Research Facility about it. I'm sure it's nothing." Her smile returned and she remembered her hostess duties. "You're both out of coffee! How dreadful is that? You won't come here again! Terrible service!" she laughed and got up to refill the cafetiere with a fresh brew.

Cade traded a look Sigrun then followed his wife to the kitchen. "Here, let me see," he said, standing behind her and pulling her hair up to examine the nape of her neck. As if merely looking at the implant spot would do. He kissed it softly. "There. Does it work any better now?"

Amia smiled, her green eyes deep and fluid with love and gratitude for him and how sweet he was.

"Do you want me to leave?" Sigrun asked from the dining room. She could hear everything.

"No," Cade replied. "We pride ourselves on being safe around hot liquids." He picked up the coffee tray for his wife and returned to the dining room. "Same as before?" He asked Sigrun.

Sigrun nodded as she studied the other names on Amia's PADD. "Just half a cup this time, please." She looked up at Amia and added, "Rayenne is a nice name, too."

As Amia returned to her seat Cade caught her resting hand on the table top and squeezed it gently, while his other hand spooned a quantity of sweetener into Sigrun's coffee.

Amia was drinking 'decaf' so her replenishment came out of the replicator. "Yes it is a nice name" she agreed "But it's taken. We could name her after her grandma but if we did, I'd prefer it to be after Cade's mum who is alive to understand the compliment."

"Actually, my mother is working on her own list of names," Cade said. "She says she'll transmit it to us when she's done." He chortled at that and sipped his own coffee.

Sigrun's mouth twisted into half a frown. "Your mother's a sweetheart and I adore her, but don't let her muscle into this. You two should be the ones who decide what the name will be."

"She's just excited," Cade replied with an indifferent shrug. "First grandchild and all."

"And I can't wait til she gets here. I'm in great need of some girly fussing. I know she'll help me set up the nursery and the girls... Cade's sisters... will be all over that too. It'll be so bright and giggly and alive here when they come in. I have missed them so much. I miss lots of people. It's a bit .... well..... too serious here. No-one seems to have fun, be light and just... I don't know.... " she tailed off, embarrassed. "Anyway, it'll be so good to see Cade's mum. She won't be a nuisance, I just know. Sig, are you here long this trip? Can we go shopping before you leave? Perhaps have some coffee and explore the Promenade. I can show you the Bajoran Gardens, they're wonderful." Amia enthused.

"Sure, would love to," Sigrun replied with a grin. "My ship will be tied up for a whole week." She nodded to Cade and pointedly asked, "will the Mister be joining us?"

Cade traded a glance with his wife. "Um, maybe. If nothing else comes up, sure." He put on his own smile but it was a mildly distressed one. Something was always coming up lately.

For her part, Sigrun only raised her mug to her lips. Her raised eyebrow was visible just above it.

Amia was visibly deflated but she bit her lip. "Perhaps it's a 'girls only' trip?" she tried to make light of it.

Looking around the others, Amia felt she ought to say something in Cade's defence. "It was always going to be an extremely busy job, being XO of such a huge station. It's the size of a city in space." she said on his behalf, not quite sure who she was saying this for the benefit of, but quite sure she wanted to help him out, judging by the sad look in his eyes, which she could never bear to see. "And anyway, it's great news for us... no men around to be all sensible and say no to silly things and extravagances!" she winked at Sigrun.

Then the comm interrupted. "Ops to Commander Aldrex."

Wearily, Cade reached for his commbadge. It was resting on the table before him. "Aldrex here."

"Sir, the Tholian Ambassador is requesting a conference with you immediately. Something about the 'insulting' docking privileges their ship has been accorded. Shall I patch them through?"

"No. Let me put a uniform on and I'll head back up there. Leave 'em on hold for a while. Aldrex out." He cast an apologetic look at Amia. "Sorry." He planted two quick kisses, one on her lips and one on her forehead. Then headed for the bedroom to change.

Sigrun reached across the table and gave Amia's hand a reassuring squeeze. "It'll get better, pretty girl. It will."

Amia smiled back at her friend. She really didn't have any reason to believe that but it was a nice hope to cling to.


Cmdr. Caden Aldrex


Cmdr Amia Telamon


Sigrún Aronsdottir
Freighter Captain
NPC Bert


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