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How should I know? You're the Scientist!

Posted on Thu Sep 8, 2016 @ 6:20am by Ensign Korudos th'Razh & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas
Edited on on Sun Oct 30, 2016 @ 12:21pm

883 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: Main Science Bay
Timeline: MD 3 (Sometime after meeting the Commander)

Ensign Noven Kendor entered the main doors of science lab three and looked around for several moments until he saw Ensign th'Razh on the far side of the lab.

"Ah! There you are! It's about time I found somebody in charge, I've been standing around this place for awhile!" He said as he pushed a large-size anti-grav lift into the lab. On the lift was a very peculiar item that had been in special project storage for several years.

Looking up from the opposite side of the lab Korudos antennae bent in curiosity as he eyed the officer approaching him. He leaned over to the Denobulan exobiologist he had been working with and told her to continue on before he walked over to meet the man. "I'm Ensign th'Razh, I apologize for the wait Ensign. How can I be of assistance?" He said, eyeing the large object being brought into the lab.

"I have one Romulan computer core to be signed for by our new Chief of Science." Ensign Kendor stated as he handed the padd to the bewildered officer. "Joke around Auxiliary Engineering is that this thing has been sitting around longer than most of the station Command Staff!" The junior officer joked.

The Andorian scientist stepped up to the anti gravity lift and eyed the large device, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure it why exactly it had been brought to him. He picked up a tricorder from a nearby table and scanned the powered down device. The scan hadn't revealed much which he expected in its powerless state, but it still didn't answer his question. "Why would a computer core be brought to me? Doesn't that fall under the expertise of your team?"

"How the heck should I know!? You're the scientist, Chief Rhe'la wanted this brought over to you as soon as possible. She figured maybe you could figure out the value of it." He responded.

Korudos sighed and looked at Kendor and then looked at the device and finally back at Kendor. "You wouldn't happen to know the history of this device would you Ensign? If my team is taking it I'd like to know what I'm getting into. Otherwise I could always visit the Chief."

Ensign Kendor was becoming annoyed. "Look, I'm not the Chief or the Assistant Engineer, Kivan, so I don't know what the Fu'sheen this thing is or what it does. If you want to know so much just go ahead and read the history of it, or go speak to the Commander, you're on her staff for a reason!" The Ktarian said in a frustrated tone.

Korudos raised his hand to pause the man, his slight annoyance and curiosity gone with the engineers outburst. "Ensign, there is no need to become frustrated. I'm just trying to understand everything I can about this device and what is expected of me. I've been on the station and back with Starfleet less than a day so I'm sure you can imagine everything on my plate and everything I'm still catching up on." The Andorian said, his antennae arched back in frustration.

"Obviously it's related to the Romulan attack on the station years ago. We retrieved it and brought it back here and it's just been sitting around. It must have some value, but nobody has a clue what the thing does or what value it is to us. Plus, the Romulan Gov't would have a fit if they knew we were trying to get into their system or core or whatever the hell this thing does." Kendor said.

"Thank you, that helps a bit. Mister Kendor. I'll do some reading and drop by engineering when I can to speak with the Chief. Maybe we can figure this out together. And who knows, maybe you'll get to help." Korudos responded. He still wasn't one hundred percent sure what he was getting in to with this device but he was here to explore and if they needed him to explore a computer he'd give his best as long as he had the facts. As soon as he was done he'd have it moved to lab eight and secured until then.

"Together....heh, yeah right. Look, I'm just helping clear out 'Special Storage', you egg-heads are the only ones who know how this stuff works, I'm just here to sign off on delivery." He said as he took back the Padd and began to exit the laboratory, leaving the new Chief to his new toy.

The Andorian bit his tongue, in the back of his mind a less than professional comment had crossed his mind over the junior officers professionalism. Walking over to the work station he was at before Kendor had arrived. Korudos looked over the results his Denobulan officer had produced in the background for him and nodded approvingly. "Well done Ensign, I'm glad to see there's professionalism in the science division at least. Let's see if we can't move this 'special project' to lab eight." He said to her.

The two officers grabbed the antigrav lift and pushed the device out of the lab before disappearing down the hall, off to secure and eventually solve another mystery of the universe.

Ensign Noven Kendor

Ensign Korudos th'Razh
Chief Science Officer


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