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Posted on Wed Sep 7, 2016 @ 6:19am by Ensign Korudos th'Razh & Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher

1,522 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 3
Location: DS5 Science Labs - Deck 61
Timeline: MD03 - 1000 Hours


Most of Deck 61 was taken up by the labs admin offices of the Science Department. Various researchers and technicians were beavering away across the whole open expanse, with machines and computer stations beeping and buzzing and it was all overlooked from the glass bubble of the Chief Science Officer's office.

Ensign th'Razh emerged out of the turbolift and onto deck sixty-one, a PaDD in hand as he walked down the hall. Passing through Next to one of the larger labs he had passed an equally large glass bubble shaped office beckoned him and Korudos entered, making his was towards the Risan officer during at the desk. "Good afternoon, Ensign Bel-Asher?"

A broad set Risan man in his mid thirties, shoulder length hair clipped back out of his face, spun around on his wheely chair. "That's me. What can I do for you, dude?"

Korudos paused for a moment, startled by the laxidasical manner of the officer. Offering a hard cough he looked down at the man who had remain seated and pressed his hands behind his back. "I'm Ensign Korudos th'Razh, the new Chief Science Officer for the station. If I've come at an inconvenient time Ensign, I'm more than happy to check in with you later."

"Not at all dude," the Risan waved aside his concerns, "I've been six weeks without a day off, and we're smack in the middle of a major scientific anomaly. The circus needs a ringmaster. You're totally welcome to stay. Do you want the tour?"

Korudos nodded his head, and began to follow Calaban as they exited the office. He had his PaDD back to the forefront so he could begin taking notes of everything that's going on. "Break it down to me Mr.Bel-Asher, what has the team perplexed? And on your previous note, everyone gone as long as you without a day off?"

Korudos was concerned. No officer would be efficient with six weeks of straight work and a leader without a chance to recuperate is no good to his team. It may not explain the casual attitude of the Risan officer but that could be addressed later. But first he wanted to know more about the anomaly and status of the crew.

"Probably not. But there's a couple here who tend to get caught up when they're in the middle of an experiment. I've just been having to deal with all the shit from Pangaea. It involves a lot of saying 'no'. Total Downer." Calaban stood and walked down the stairs, beckoning the Andorian to follow. "Soooo. As well as research we provide everything to everyone." He started walking down the main corridor. "Priority lab space, reserved in case of emergency, like something that needs immediate attention.

At the end he turned left, onto a broad corridor that led off on a gentle circle. "We do forensics for Security when they want more hands or more complex analyses than their techs can manage. " He waved a hand at a series of small labs on the right. "And pathology services to Sick Bay. Sick Bay's a bit of misnomer. Its the hospital for a hundred thousand people, so we see a fair amount of tissue sampling processing and so on." He waved at a set of doors on the left.

"I've done some reading on the planet, and the Commander mentioned it to me but in little detail. What type of issues are we having?" Korudos asked as they passed by the various labs. He made a mental note to bring up the forensic labs as well, especially medicals. It was something he wasn't use to seeing a science team perform and he wanted further details on how these resources were used and why.

"Ugh. What sort of Issues? All the issues." They walked into what was obviously a break out area and small mess area, with a transporter pad in a nook. Calaban headed for it. "Mostly, they produce paperwork. The planet is effectively quarantined right now. Now one at all goes down there. As a result, more and more science types are coming here and lodging research proposals which have to be read, and evaluated, and theoretically scheduled. There's foreign power who want to go down and do their own tests. There the pioneering types who want to go down and get their shit in our nice clean re-searchable biosphere. And that is before we factor in the locals left us some evil booby traps, there's probably at least one unknown power source which may interfere with any readings, and the fauna may be hostile and carnivorous."

Calaban tapped a preset, "Oh, and Temporal Investigation will probably be here any minute." The transporter came to life and carried them away to another part of the department.

As the two rematerialized on the transporter pad Korudos shook his head. 'Essentially I'm dealing with poor oversight since they lost their former chief science officer' he thought to himself as the two officers stepped down and continued their walk towards the other science labs. He made note of the impressive resources that were available and to go over how they were being utilized when he had the chance over the next few days. A more pressing matter had developed though by the mere mention of the word Temporal Investigations.

Stopping in an area free of other personnel he raised a hand at Calaban, motioning him to stop for a second. "Why in the greater universe would the Department of Temporal Investigations be visiting the station or this department?"

"Because in Cavern Site B there was a portal that lead to Vulcan before the peace of Sarek. " Calaban's tone conveyed that he found such a thing to be totally normal.

A whistle pierced the hallway and Korudos shook his head. At least they hadn't discovered a portal that lead to Vulcan while they were hostile with his species. The Commander nor Captain had made any mention of this in their earlier meeting, he had a lot more reading to do. He began walking again, waiting for his Risan counterpart to join him before continuing his questions. "I assume that particular cavern has been quarantined as well then? I'd hate for the Vulcans to loose that famous logic of theirs because someone taught them something else." A small chuckle may have been heard in his question. But if anyone had asked him, Korudos would have denied it.

"The whole site is, hell the whole planet is. And if they've got any sense they'll put a big forcefield around it and use rabid klingons as sentries. That complex is more than 2 kilometers deep, and almost as wide at the top. its riddles with caverns and we think at least half if not more have a portal somewhere, or somewhen. The opportunities for anthropologists, paleontologists, historians and more is limitless and it needs to be carefully controlled.

Having done some studies in exoarcheology and being a man of science Korudos wouldn't be truthful with himself if the very thought if what was just mentioned hadn't crossed his mind as it was spoken. The planet sounded like a scientists dream and worst nightmare at the same time. As they settled outside one of the labs though, the Andorian decided he had enough information for now to get started on. He'd continue compiling his list over the next few days, he was sure. Looking at his officer he offered the Risan a small nod. "I know I've taken up a bit of your time this morning and I'm thankful for you giving me some basics to go off of. I'd there anything you out the department needs from me as I get underway?" He asked.

Calaban looked around. They were at a crossroads. One way went to the particle physics lab, and astro-chemistry, the opposite to life sciences. Dead ahead was technical engineering and material chemistry. Behind was planetary sciences, geology, archaeology, paleontology and the like. "Get command to quarantine that planet. Science waits for no man and the longer its off limits the more people are going to rush down there when its open."

Stroking his chin in thought, Korudos nodded in response before offering his hand to Calaban. "I'll look it over and see what makes sense then. Any further information you can forward me that would support that decision would be appreciated. Also the most recent departmental status report would be appreciated Mister Bel-Asher. And thank you, I look forward to working with you."

"You too, dude." Calaban took the Andorian's hand in his own. "And if you get lost down here, just shout, we'll send out a search party."

Korudos gave a small smile and nodded to his officer. "I have a feeling you'll be doing that once or twice while I get the lay of the land. Thank you again Mister Bel-Asher, I'll let you return to your work." he said right before turning around and heading off towards the labs for some more in-depth visits and inspections.


Ensign Korudos th'Razh
Chief Science Officer

Ensigh Calaban Bel-Asher
Science Officer


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