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Bringing Trouble On Board, Part IV: What Happens in Segregation Stays in Segregation...

Posted on Sat Feb 21, 2015 @ 6:43am by Arrain James Darson & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Saria Rex & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Edited on on Sun Feb 22, 2015 @ 8:19pm

2,158 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Starbase 185/Federation Correctional Facility Newgate
Timeline: MD 2


[Federation Correctional Facility Newgate Starbase 185: Warden's Office]

Warden Scot Collins entered his administration suite having just completed his morning round of the facility. "Sir, I have priority message for you from Sector Security Command," his secretary informed him as soon as he walked in.

"Thanks, Joyce, route it to my desk terminal, will you?" Collins said. He passed into his office, took off his uniform jacket, made himself a coffee at the replicator, and took it to his desk. Sitting down, he activated his terminal, pulled up the communication, and began to read it. Then he read it again just to be sure he had it right. The message concluded with an instruction to call an old friend of his, Commodore Chow Wang Lee, the Sector Security Director.

Collins activated the link and a few moments later Lee's face appeared on his screen. He was at a conference table and there were three other people with him. A man Collins thought he recognized as Sector Chief Marshal Brad Lanson, an unknown female Klingon Marine Corps officer, and a Vulcan male whom Collins thought was part of the Judge Advocate General's office.

"Morning, Scot, we've been waiting for your call." Lee smiled. "What do you think?"

"It's highly irregular, Chow Wang, and probably breaches a number of sections of the Correctional Facility Policy Manual," Collins said. "You're asking a lot..."

"I know, Scot," Lee agreed. "But there is a fugitive out there responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. This is the best lead we've had on her in years."

The Vulcan spoke up. "Warden Collins, I am Captain JenTur, JAG senior prosecution counsel. I appreciate your concerns regarding the unusual nature of this action. However, as Commodore Lee has stated, the risks involved and the procedural discrepancies are countered by the potential to capture Anaia Rex. In addition, JAG will provide you with full written dispensation and authority on this matter."

"As will Sector Security," Lee added.

Collins thought the matter through. Written authorization was one thing, having to explain that to a Federation Correctional Operations Review Board was another. He was still skeptical, but he had known Lee for twenty-five years and trusted his judgment. "Alright, if I were to agree -- and I haven't yet! -- I need some more details on your plan. It's all rather cloak and dagger..."

"Once you have Sterling in segregation, transport will be provided by Marines from DS5, " Lee explained. "This is Brigadier K'alluar. She will cover that aspect."

The gruff (even for a Klingon) female Marine spoke. "The Marines will be provided by Colonel Darson out of Deep Space 5. The Colonel is an...unorthodox man, to say the least; however, there is no doubt that he is effective. He is highly trained and highly effective in asymmetrical warfare and counter-intelligence. He'll be running the screen of this operation in concert with Starfleet Intelligence, as well as providing material support to the Marshals and Security.

"As for the transport, it will be a normal Marine troop transport conducting a routine rotation of personnel between postings. Firefly class, it will be moving as part of a convoy with a fighter escort. Moving on its normal schedule, it arrived at Deep Space 5 last night. According to our operational parameters, new flight officers will be installed and the team inserted. I've looked over the dossiers. They are all combat veterans with prisoner handling experience, accompanied by a Marshal to take delivery of the prisoner. They will be docked at the station for two hours, enough time to commence the exchange of both our target and normal Marines. The prisoner will be isolated from the rest of the crew and those unaware of the situation. Under no time while on board the shuttle will she have less than four Marines keeping guard, with the other eight watching each other's backs from their undercover positions with remaining Marines on board.”

"Alright, and when you get Sterling to Deep Space Five where are you going to hold her?" Collins asked

"Good morning, Warden, I'm Brad Larson, Marshal's Service," Larson spoke up. "We'll be sending a Marshal along with the Marines to collect Prisoner Sterling. Then she will be held in the DS5 Precinct holding cells. I have a good team of Marshals there. They'll keep your inmate safe."

"And the Station's Security team will be all over this too," Lee said reassuringly. "Security, Marines, and Marshals, Sterling won't be going anywhere!"

Collins nodded slowly. "Alright, I agree. But I'm going to need the written authorizations we discussed and your transporting team will need to sign for custody of Sterling. I'll keep that in a separate file and ensure she continues to show up on the facility count for roll calls. Besides a few Segregation staff nobody will know she's not here."

Lee nodded. "Obviously this needs to be done as quietly as possible, Scot. You have people who can be trusted for this?"

"Yeah, my Segregation Manager is top notch and I've got some correctional officers who can do what's needed. When do you want this to happen?"

"Can you get Sterling into Segregation today?" Lee asked.

"I can do that," Collins confirmed.

"Good. We'll get the Marine transport on the way," Lee said. "I…we all appreciate your help with this, Scot."

"Sure, just make sure you don't lose my prisoner and you get Rex!" Collins finished. "Collins out!"

He closed the transmission and sat back in his chair, thinking things through. Ten minutes later he called his secretary. "Joyce, get me SCO Staack and CO Mauer up here, would you?"

Senior Correctional Officer Matt Stack was the segregation block manager and Correctional Officer James Mauer was a shift team leader. Both officers were reliable and trustworthy.

Ten minutes later they entered his office.

"Matt, Jim, take a seat," Collins said. "I've got a job for you two. Jim, I need you to go pick a fight with Prisoner Victoria Sterling on cell block three..."

“Pick a fight, sir?” Stack asked. He suspected there was more to this than he was seeing. “How bad do you want it?” he asked. “Do you want her hurt?”

Collins nodded, understanding the question completely. He was neither violent nor sadistic, but many years of managing maximum security prisoners left him a gritty realist. "I don't want anyone going to the infirmary, but it needs to look like a real incident..."

CO Mauer nodded as he took a seat, still looking forward, awaiting further instructions. His brow furrowed as he comprehended what had just been stated to him. "I'm sorry? You want us to purposely fight with an inmate?" he asked. He was surprised, especially since Prisoner Sterling was one of their model inmates.

"Unfortunately yes, Jim," Collins said levelly. "And I know what I'm asking of the pair of you. I cannot give you the reason why Sterling needs to be in segregation, just yet. But I can tell you that it is necessary that she be there and I will explain more when I can. I am asking for your help and your trust, gentlemen. Do I have it?”

“Of course, sir, Stack nodded.

"Thank you" Collins said "Let me explain what I need to happen..."

[Cell Block Three]

Prisoner Victoria Sterling was returning to her cell from the gym when two Correctional staff entered the block. Sterling looked closely at the two officers which were now standing in front of her. "Officer Stack, Officer Mauer," she spoke as she stood right up. "What is it that I can help you both with?"

“We need you to come with us,” Stack said, his voice tight, tense, and he grabbed her arm roughly, rougher than she had ever been handled before.

"W-What the hell is going on?" Sterling asked, being grabbed by the officers.

"You don't ASK US QUESTIONS, inmate!" Mauer said directly. "Do you understand that or do you need to be reminded of the rules of this institution?" he continued.

Stack yanked Stirling along, purposefully ‘accidentally’ slamming her into a locker. “Oops,” he sneered. “Watch your head, inmate.”

"Jesus Christ. Did the warden give permission to abuse inmates in all of a sudden? What are you taking me for anyway?"

"We've found contraband inside of your cell. You know that we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on inmates sneaking contraband into this facility," Mauer said as he pushed her back against the same locker.

Veronica gave Stack and Mauer an indignant look. "I don't know of any contraband, gentlemen. I am not sure whether the detection scanners of the facility are too old or the engineers aren't qualified enough, but I ain't got no contraband."

"Ohhh, I see someone needs a lesson regarding insubordination!" Mauer said loudly as he got into her face. "STAND DOWN inmate or I'll be forced to use force to make you comply!" He shouted to her as he withdrew his baton.

“Maybe we need to search her,” Stack sneered. “Thoroughly.” He let a heaping amount of lechery drip into his tone and his hands touched her inappropriately as he patted her down. “That camera in Stairwell 3 still on the blink?”

"Oh, don't you fricking dare, mister. I may be an inmate, but I am no harlot." Veronica sneered as she pushed Stack from her away. "And you call yourself a Starfleet officer? Since when did they switch from exploring new worlds to exploring an inmate's body?"

"SHE'S BECOMING HOSTILE!" Mauer said as he withdrew his baton and struck her purposefully in the back of her thigh, causing her to leg to give out. "Stack, get the restraining units!" Mauer yelled.

Stack was already in motion, pulling out the manacles even as he tackled the ‘hostile’ prisoner to the ground. He left an opening, though, for Veronica to retaliate, and even gave her a bit of incentive as he ‘accidentally’ fondled her. He was willing to take one for the team, to make this real, trusting the warden to make the security feed disappear, otherwise he was going to look pretty bad.

Veronica didn't miss the opportunity and struck Stack in the stomach with her elbow. With him collapsing on the spot, she crawled away from Mauer and tried to stand up.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" she yelled. "Are you undercover agents for Starfleet's Internal Affairs trying to execute me on the spot? You just wait and see what I still can do!"

Stack clutched his stomach, trying to catch his breath back. He glared at Veronica as she backed away. “Stand down, prisoner!” he ordered her, but didn't give her a chance as he retaliated back, snapping out his own baton and striking at her with the stunner on the tip.

Mauer continued to strike the back of her thighs as the inmate collapsed and fell hard to the deck. He took the opportunity to activate the restraining units on her wrists and ankles.

"Inmate secured," Mauer reported to the other officer. "Let's move her to the segregation unit," he stated.

“Yeah,” Stack grunted. “I think I owe you a beer.” He grinned. “Bitch still packs a punch at her age.” He rubbed his stomach and helped Mauer haul Veronica up and drag her to the lift.

CO Mauer reached for his comm unit as he and Stack dragged Inmate Sterling towards a nondescript turbolift. "Mauer to Central, prepare a cell unit in the Segregation Unit for Inmate Veronica Sterling. Seems like she'll need some alone time," he radioed as he inserted his access code into the wall unit.

“So still no idea why we’re doing this?” Stack asked, leaning against the wall of the lift.

Mauer shook his head. "Change of destination. We're to take her to Sublevel Forty-Seven. No clue what will happen to her next. I just know we're to take her there and wait further instructions," he said as the lift began to descend in the pre-programmed direction.

[ Warden's Office]

Collins checked his facility housing list and noted the relocation of Sterling from her previous assigned general population unit on Block Three to a solitary confinement cell in Segregation Level Forty-Two and a pending disciplinary charge for assault-on-staff. He wasn't happy with what his staff had had to do, but accepted it as a gritty necessity if they were to have a chance of apprehending her former captain. He sent off a short message to Commodore Chow Wang Lee, the Sector Security Director.

Inmate S now housed appropriately. Will expect collection team in two days


Veronica Sterling
Inmate and war criminal
Played by Lieutenant Saria Rex

Warden Collins
Commander Wang Lee
SCM Larson
Played by George

James Mauer
Correctional Officer
Starbase 185
Played by Thom

Matt Stack
Correctional Officer
Starbase 185
Played by Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan


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