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Bait and Switch (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Aug 18, 2016 @ 11:06pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Selah Zanaz

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD2 - 0030 hours

Still seething with anger Selah looked at the casino chip in her hand. She still had the payment for her delivery and this chip could turn into something a lot more. Her blood was boiling, she was feeling so betrayed and she only knew of one way to get rid of that rotten feeling. She stepped away from the terminal and headed back for the commercial ring of the station. She was going to get some nice clothes, tidy herself up and head for the casino to make enough money for a trip back.

[45 minutes later, The Box of Delights]

The pink summer dress was exactly what she needed. It kept her innocent but was also sexy enough to attract the right kind of attention. She confidently strutted into the bar that was even more busy than when she had left it earlier. She looked around trying to find a likely candidate that would be buying her drinks for the evening.

It had been more than twenty four hours since Ilana had discussed the prospect of acting as floor manager. It wasn't her way to be anything other than subtle. She came like any other customer, making her way around the tables, placing the odd bet while all the time keeping her eye out for familiar faces and telling behaviour.

The sleek grey gown she wore marked her as a woman of substance and taste, helping her to blend in with the clientelle.

She paused for a moment to observe a game of Tongo, lingering as though considering joining the throng.

Slowly Selah made her way through the crowds, she'd avoid Dabo. That game was rigged beyond anything that would normally be allowed in the Federation installations. Cultural heritage my ass She thought as she passed them and came across some tables where they played Tongo. There as some fun to be had there. She lingered for a moment trying to scope out a good guy that would help her out in her endeavours.

Ilana rubbed some chips between her fingers, her eyes on the game as though contemplating going in on the next round. Her gaze flicked up for a moment coming to rest an a pair of dark eyes.

The woman was not much older than herself, but Ilana could see that she'd led an interesting life - it was something about the way she held herself, putting on a show - something Ilana herself did.

Betazoid, Ilana thought, keeping her assumed persona in the front of her mind in case the woman tried to read her. She was observing too, Ilana noted.

Selah her empathic abilities were weak. Especially in her current state. If she had been focused she would have noticed someone spotting her. As it was now she just scanned the tables for the right mark. And she found one in the guise of a slightly too drunk human that seemed to have a little too much money and not enough idea of what to do with all of it. She made her way over to him, passing by several other onlookers, and waited for a moment as she got into position.

As a space opened up Ilana joined the game if only to keep an eye on the woman across the table who seemed to be making a move on one of the players. There was nothing wrong with that in itself - they might be friends, lovers or the Betazoid might be a hooker. That wasn't really a concern for her, but there was something off about the action, Ilana just hadn't worked out what.

The man in front of her made a move on the board and exchanged some cards with the bank. Putting some extra money in the pot and following it up by saying "Acquire".

"Wow, those are all the same!" Selah exclaimed in glee, then immediately covering her mouth in fake shock as she 'spilled the beans'. The man had a losing hand if there ever was one but if he grabbed the pot because of her he would probably take a shine to her.

The men around him immediately bent out of the round, leaving the woman who had only sat down recently.

Ilana tilted her head slightly, "That's an interesting approach," she said softly. She clicked her own latinum together as she mentally tallied the pot that the other players had abandoned - it was a substantial sum.

Ilana drew her first hand.

"Acquire," she said as she examined her cards.

Selah her eyes narrowed at the woman. It wasn't her brightest moment, she would have been the first to admit that, but it showed some balls to keep going in light of the developments.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to ruin any of your fun." She stepped away from the table, still apologising. Surely there was some other schmuck around that fit the bill. She headed for the poker table. She was not a professional by any stretch of the imagination but these types of venues didn't require her to be.

Well that's interesting, Ilana thought. The blonde had been all over the guy but bailed the moment he had to move his latinum into her own pile.

It was a strange and easy win, Ilana reflected as the man ran his fingers through his none too abundant hair before retiring (from that table at least).

That left Ilan alone for a moment before the attention that her win had drawn pulled gamblers back to the table.

"No, no," she said, as she gathered up the winnings, "the Latinum God was with me, but it will be tomorrow before I try my hand again."

She'd lost track of the Betazoid and did not intend to follow her - that would be too great a give away.

She would head to the bar, buy drinks for strangers while she tried to relocate her and then leave with a fat bag of winnings.

Tomorrow would be a different matter.


Selah Zanaz
Slightly Intoxicated
"An intelligent person is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with fools."


NPC by Louise


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