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Attempt at a New Perspective - Part 2

Posted on Thu Jul 28, 2016 @ 2:26am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

3,085 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Soran's Office
Timeline: MD17 1030


"With all due respect, someone want to fill me in? I know what we're talking about, I think, but what I don't know is the why?"

"Careful, Lieutenant, I don't recall the Commander giving anyone permission to speak to anyone else. We don't want you getting threatened with a court marshall too," Liam stated, very aware that the woman had not responded to his very valid point about her actions during the possession of that entity.


Soran suppressed a sigh at the diplomatic officer’s behaviour. She made a few notes to herself on her padd and briefly considered removing him, but soldiered on. "Mr. Reynolds," she said calmly. "We will discuss your behaviour after we have finished with the matters we were originally discussing. Which. to answer Ms. Tessaro's question…."

She turned to the Assistant Chief of Security. "During the incident where Pangaea emerged, abandon ship was ordered. The ship of the Ferengi ambassador failed to volunteer aid, as required by international law, whilst that ship was docked in its private bay. Note that the shipping bay was private, but it was not extra-territorial. The only extra-territorial areas on this station are on Deck 60.

"The captain of that diplomatic vessel refused to take people off the station until the daughter of Lieutenant Commander Ryan, who was attempting to lead her school class to safety, agreed to perform a sexual act for him." Soran still couldn't believe that anyone familiar with the Federation would have asked it, or that anyone would defend it.

"And then," she said, straightening the padd on her desk a little, "when the crisis was passed, the ship refused to return its passengers to the station until ‘compensation’ was paid. Captain T'vaurek was not in the mood to pander to them and ordered the ship boarded. I gave the Ferengi three chances to dock and claim compensation, as all ships are entitled to do, but the Ferengi refused, whereupon the order to board the ship was carried out.

"Subsequently, the Ferengi have protested our actions whilst failing to recognize that they have carried out blatantly criminal acts for which they are answerable. And whilst diplomatic immunity may apply, protecting those responsible will cause a breakdown in international relations.”

"Correction," Liam stated. "You lot hashed it up royally, then jumped the gun, causing one breakdown of international relations already. And you fail to recognize your part in that, Commander. Also, not protecting those responsible is going to cause further breakdown in international relations. Quite possibly war. Captain T'vaurek was not in a mood to pander with them! You didn't get Diplomacy in. You tried it yourself, not having a clue. And how much of that was you, controlled by your little beast pushing for more turmoil and negativity, I wonder? I think we have grounds to question your state of mind during the whole thing, Commander. Have you even considered that? Has anyone considered how that thing you were willfully carrying was eating up chaos and fear and all those juicy negative emotions. I bet it was loving getting fat during that incident."

At this rate, Annora expected to be hauling her fellow lieutenant off to the brig on insubordination charges. She was half tempted to step out and try to get Dr. Bennett in to act as mediator, but knew that was likely above her paygrade. She still wasn't fully sure what the purpose of the meeting was. However, for now she still going to try and defuse the situation, at least partially. That being said, she gave her take on the situation.

"Thank you, Commander, that fills in the some of the gaps. From what I can tell, both sides have some valid points. Like it or not, the Ferengi diplomatic staff do have immunity. Therefore, they can't be prosecuted for the incident. At least, not without permission from the Ferengi government. We can certainly declare them persona non grata, and have them expelled from DS5 and likely all future diplomatic missions with the Federation. That being said, the idea of diplomatic locations being protected areas does not apply when public safety is at risk. If the Command staff felt the children on board were in danger, or at risk of harm, it would be within their rights to board the ship. When stationed on Earth, we knew we couldn't enter the various embassies under normal circumstances. At the same time, we had protocols in place should we ever need to enter.”

"Declaring them person no grata and expelling them from DS5 will also very very be bad for international relations. Not only that, all the other ambassadors will jump on it. It will be thrown in our faces at every negotiation. That's if they even will still want to be involved with the Federation, because you’re giving out a message that if the Federation cannot get their way in a difficult situation, we will just cast them aside. It will for the Cardassians and Romulans become a weapon that they will use against us to rally support for them to the rest of the races. And we already have the starting's of an unholy Cardassian and Romulan alliance as they are launching something to try get that planet down there. I am with you. I don't agree that it’s right this man gets away with something, but it’s a much bigger stage out there. And there's more consequences that can occur," Liam told Annora calmly then turned to the blond women again.

"Commander, you I want to believe have more of a strategic head on your shoulders. I know you don't like me, but you know what I am saying has merit here," Liam told her firmly.

"Mr. Reynolds. I don't know you. My sole interactions with you involved a briefing that ended with revelations of creature I was wholly unaware of, and this meeting, which has involved a sustained bout of showing disrespect to a senior officer that is bordering on insubordination. Behaviour which will lead to one of these two officers escorting you to the brig at the conclusion of this meeting, pending arrangements for a hearing."

"Evidently I was wrong and you don't have a strategic head on your shoulders," Liam stated calmly. "So if you’re going to court martial me for speaking the truth, get on with it. You’re clearly not going to accept your Chief Diplomatic Officer’s counsel, so there's really no point me being here."

Maritza raised an eyebrow at the petulant tone. He didn't seem to understand that his tone was not appropriate, or that even if what he said was true, being true was no defense. "You are not dismissed, Mr Reynolds. You will wait here until we have finished."

The Commander turned to the two security officers. "I shall move on. Mr. Ryan, were you aware that your daughter was on the Ferengi ship when you wrote up your report?"

Liam took a seat regardless of being offered one. He had just thrown a gauntlet down and she had not sent him to the brig anyway. He brought his padd out, bringing up the half written complaint on this women from their first interaction with each other. He should have sent it right when he had landed in sickbay the first time round, and now he was most definitely going to now. Annora was confused and playing it safe, but his comment about the Romulans and Cardassians had peaked her attention and concern, if not the Second Officer’s. Which, considering her harsh manner and view on the Ferengi, should have had some sort of reaction.

Soran was drilling down for something specific now and Ryan knew it. There were too many secrets floating around amongst the senior crew, Liam decided. He expected it from the diplomatic ambassadors, but the not the senior crew. Ryan was protecting his daughter; he could sense and respect that. Soran, no way had she had a bereavement through that seven days she had holed up in her room. That was monster related, but still something didn't add up.

Caleb had kept quiet during the argument. This was a nightmare. This should have been done and finished with his report. He straightened as Commander Soren turned her attention to him.

“Ah was aware, sir, yes,” Caleb told her. “Ah put all the pertinent details in the report. Ah take responsibility, though. Ah should have handled the Ferengi situation personally instead of delegating it. Ah will say the captain’s order was hasty an’ premature, an’ allowed no room for a diplomatic solution,” he pointed out. As for what occurred between that Ferengi and mah daughter…” Caleb’s face hardened, a dangerous look in his eyes. He hated that everyone was in their business. Attention to Aleczandra might reveal her secret. “Well, mah daughter’s statement is in the record. She says it was consensual. She would have done everythin’ needed ta save her classmates. Includin’...that,” he said with disgust. “Ah’m just glad it was settled with only oo-max. Ah want this over with, ma’am, an’ so does Aleczandra. No charges could be pressed, an’ Ah’d rather not expose mah daughter ta any more rumors an’ gossip than she already is.

“As for the Ferengi, their demands were very reasonable, for their kind, at least. The price asked for compensation was a token amount. Ah would have gladly paid it out of mah own pocket. It isn’t somethin’ ta be riskin’ an inter-quadrant incident over. I will remind you, after all, we have no friends on the issue of Pangea except the Klingons and the Ferengi. If they withdraw their support from the Federation position and throw in with this growing Cardassian-Romulan alignment, there is no way the Federation could prevent their colonization of the planet short of war. No one wants that.”

"Actually, Mr. Ryan, the error was not in delegating. Given your daughter was a victim in this incident, there was a clear conflict of interest. You should have recused yourself entirely from the process."

“And Ah wasn’t involved,” Caleb pointed out. “Lieutenant Trellis handled it. But Ah’m still of the opinion it was the wrong call an’ the captain wasn’t in her right mind ta make it at the time.”

"Furthermore, Mr. Ryan, I am shocked to hear you claim what happened to your daughter was consensual. When sexual activity is procured in return for the safety of the victim or others it is not considered consensual sex in any way in the eyes of the law. Consent can only be given where there is no fear of consequence for refusal. Additionally, as I was explaining to Mr. Reynolds, in cases such as these, the decision to prosecute lies with JAG, not the victim." Soran looked at him. "Before I start to question whether I should refer this to JAG over a possible conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, is there anything you'd like to say?"

Her blue eyes flicked to Liam for a moment, as if to say And mind your manners while you do it, or you'll join Reynolds in your own brig.

Liam was glad that he was sat down as the full array of emotions that went through the Texan would have been almost powerful enough to knock him over. The subtext of her last statement and gesture was not lost on anyone. And Liam had her additional frustration and anger prickling over him as well.

Liam couldn't help but think about a quote that his father had once told him and Jon by an old military general many years ago. "You don't lead by hitting people over the head; that's assault, not leadership." And parts of the whole situation now reminded him also of another quote by a now famous Starfleet Captain Riker. "When has justice ever been as simple as a rule book?"

He settled back into his chair, not commenting and waited to see Ryan's response to her clearly hitting the other man by forcing this situation with his daughter into what was overkill. Could she not see that the other man was protecting his child, for whatever reason. The ironic thing was both the security chief and the second officer had the same goal.

Ryan’s fists clenched and his eyes grew hard. He leaned forward on her desk to meet Soran’s eyes. His head throbbed behind his eyeballs, but he kept his temper.

“What happened ta mah daughter was inexecrable, Commander,” he said. “Neither she, nor Ah, want this dragged out in the open in a public forum for all ta see. We’re a private family, sir, an’ we take care of our own. We always have. We don’t air our dirty laundry out for the whole quadrant. Especially if it’s gonna start an incident. Ah’d ask ya to please respect mah daughter’s wishes not to go through this again.”

Caleb straightened up. “Ya can forward it ta JAG if ya want. It would be hard ta prosecute if the only witness refuses ta testify.”

"Mr. Ryan," Maritza said. There was a hint of sympathy in her tone. "I appreciate you want what's best for your daughter, but it is your the failure to do your professional duty and follow the rules of procedure and conflict of interest that means this gets dragged on. This report is so riddled with procedural failings that the investigation has to be reopened. If you had excused yourself at the start we would not be in this position. I am going to chalk it up to emotional compromise and relieve you from any further involvement in it as per the provisions in Starfleet regulation 619. Test me on this and I will relieve you of duty entirely and refer you for criminal misconduct."

"Going forward," Maritza's cold eyes swept the room, "I agree with you its hard to prosecute if the main witness refuses to testify. But she is not the only witness. The suspect himself boasted of it to Mr. Reynolds. The Ambassador herself informed Mr. Reynolds that it took place. There is testimony enough their to reopen investigation. In light of your actions, I have doubts you are capable of judging what is in your daughter’s best interests. I will contact JAG directly for a properly cleared child advocate. They will determine what's in the best interests of your daughter, and it's her decision we will go with. While we are awaitng her arrival Ms. Tessaro will begin her investigations with the other witnesses.”

"Well, seeing as I am going to the brig regardless, I guess I am in for a penny, in for a pound," Liam said after a moment. "So I am going to say this. Let’s not beat around the proverbial here, but you are a bully, sir. You might be mad at me, saying you’re going to court martial me for disrespectful tone and behaviour, but what about you Ill-treating subordinates? That's also a court martial offence. You put my job and livelihood in the diplomatic sphere in jeopardy and now you have just threatened an officer with potentially his daughter being taken away from him, criticized his parenting, and threatened to end his career. You want to publicly drag his family through this despite him asking you not to. It's humiliating and degrading. The way that you have handled this situation is unnecessarily harsh to all your subordinates in this room.

“Respect works both ways, Commander, and if you keep ignoring the counsel and advice of your senior officers and continue to bully, threaten, court martial, and throw them in the brig just for disagreeing with you there will be no one left to follow you. You will be a commander with no respect and no one to command. You might want to think about that. This feels like you dispense your own brand of justice, decisions quick, punishments severe, and appeals denied. You don't believe in Starfleet; you’re forcing a drumhead trial."

Scanning the faces of those around her, Annora didn't need any level of telepathy to read the room. Commander Soran had already alienated one department head and ran the risk of repeating it with another. Already in the crossfire, she gave the simplest response possible.
"Yes, ma'am."

Soran looked at Reynolds for a moment and then pinched the bridge of her nose. She was beginning to understand how a man several years older than her was still only a junior grade lieutenant. "Mr. Reynolds. You have put a lot of words in my mouth and made several quite unfounded allegations. I am not going to dispute with you any further."

She turned to Annora. "If you have no further questions, please take Mr. Reynolds to the brig on charges of gross insubordination."

Liam stood up and moved his hands together placing them in front of the other officer. "Better bind them up tight now, considering how dangerous a criminal I am apparently."

He really wished Soran could see how bad a commander she was. Long story short, if she did not engender the trust, confidence, and loyalty of her senior officers and crew and didn't realize that her "My way or the highway” bullying and intimidating style didn't play well with everyone, nor make any attempts to bend and communicate effectively instead of just shutting everyone who didn't say what she wanted to hear down, she was not going to get very far into her career.

Annora allowed a bit of smirk to appear. “That won't be necessary. You'd have to actually strike a fellow officer or pull a weapon during the confrontation."

Following Liam out of the office, she wondered how things would play out for all involved.

Caleb took several slow, deep breaths. “You’re really going to do this, Commander? I know what is best for my daughter, and she does not need to go through this again.” His accent dropped to more proper Standard. He clenched his fists again. “I will be putting in a formal protest about this, sir,” he told her.

With that, he spun around on his heels and stalked out before he did something that would really end his career.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant(jg) Annora Tessaro
Assistant Security Chief

Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical


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