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Not So Friendly Fire Part III-The Meeting

Posted on Wed Jul 27, 2016 @ 8:51am by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Bajoran Embassy
Timeline: MD02- 1345

Vedek Krell sat at his desk drumming his fingers on the cold stone. He was understandably anxious. To have a Bajoran come aboard, and immediately request an audience didn't seem like a good sign. He took a series of slow breaths and reached for his earring. With his eyes closed he ran his fingers along the length of chain that connected the two main pieces. In the distance he could hear footsteps, as they got closer he opened his eyes.

Two knocks on the heavy wood doors, prompted Krell to stand. "Enter." He called.

Acolyte Kar Oryn pushed the doors wides, and ushered in the guests before bowing and closing the doors as he left.

"Welcome Colonel." Said Antos, a bit concerned by the Bajoran woman's physical state. "Lieutenant." He said with a nod to the Trill.

Wen Aretta spent a good deal of time in and around the Bajoran Assembly, and had met her fair share of Vedek. Vedek Krell looked like every other. She bowed at the neck. "Your Eminence."

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis nodded in acknowledgement.

The Vedek rounded the large stone desk. "Please sit." he indicated a lush couch.

Colonel Wen sat. As she did she realized the amount of pain and achiness she had and winced.

"If you don't mind my asking Colonel, what happened to you?"

Lieutenant Trellis sat attentively as the Colonel began to speak. He felt that now that the Colonel was amongst her own people she would finally feel safe enough to finally explain what had taken place and where she had come from.

Aretta shot a quick glace at Trellis. She wasn't sure how comfortable she was with Starfleet Security listening, but he was far better than the Cardassian. "We were testing a new ship for the Militia, and we were attacked by the Cardassians."

Lieutenant Trellis looked confused. "We...didn't have any reports from the Bajoran Government of any ship movements within this sector." He said in an alarmed tone to the gathered individuals.

"I see." said Antos, crossing to his desk. He pressed a control and then returned to the couch. He finally sat. "Were they unprovoked?" He asked the Colonel.

Wen could not believe the question. "You mean to say, did we fire first?" She said, incredulously. "Of course we didn't. Our communications were down, and when we didn't respond to their requests we were obliterated."

Krell noded. "That is troubling indeed." he said, as his office doors parted once more. Major Cenn Desco, the Vedek's Military advisor entered with Owik Dreda. "Ah Miss Owik, Major. Please sit."

The two new arrivals complied, seating themselves facing the Colonel and the Lieutenant.

"This Is Colonel Wen. She has just informed me that her ship was attacked by the Cardassians." Said the Vedek plainly.

Major Cenn looked to Wen."How many survivors?" He asked grimly.

"Just me and my Weapons Officer I think." The Colonel hung her head. "We couldn't look for survivors."

The Major understood, he looked to Lieutenant Trellis. "Can we organize a search of the wreckage to check for ny others?" he asked.

Lieutenant Trellis was still trying to take all of the information in, it took him several moments to respond. "Major? Is it?" Trellis asked. "We never had reports of any Cardassian nor Bajoran activity in this sector, therefore we cannot accurately predict whether the vessels that opened fired on Colonel Wen's vessel were a part of the Cardassian Empire or just space pirates." He responded.

"My suggestion would be allowing Starfleet to take the lead on the search and rescue efforts." He said. There was till the looming question of just what was Bajor doing testing an "new vessel" in a tactical situation with space pirates.

Major Cenn nodded, "I do see why that would be an issue, Starfleet does have jurisdiction." He looked from the Lieutenant to Colonel Wen and then back quickly, "I will accompany whichever team is sent out." He said. a sternness broke into his usually calm voice. Something about seeing the Colonel, and knowing she was attacked by Cardassians, and that she and her friend may be the only survivors it angered him. He felt the need to take action.

Lieutenant Trellis nodded. "Yes, I would also suggest taking one of our Engineers with you. I'm sure that Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas, being a Bajoran himself, would be familiar with the necessary technology and sensor information." He added.

"You mean the Cardassian!" Shot Wen, her eyes filled with rage.

The Trill Security Officer jerked slightly at the raw and suddenness of her response. he had hoped to avoid the uncomfortable reality that the Engineering Officer was part Cardassian and as such, it would make an already uneasy situation even more volatile. "Look, I understand your frustra----" he began to say.

Vedek Krell held up his hand. "I'm not sure you do know Lieutenant." He looked back to Aretta and continued. "Being raised under Cardassian rule would make anyone understandably outspoken about them. However, I have met and spoken with the Ensign, and you will be safe in his company Colonel. "

Wen crossed her arms. "It isn't my safety you should worry about." She mumbled.

Krell furrowed his brow at the comment. "I apologize for the interruption Lieutenant."

Lieutenant Trellis could feel the tension increase in the room. "Ensign Kivan would be the most familiar with the sector of space as well as be familiar with Bajoran technology." He said carefully. "Time is of the essences, do you or anyone else have any better or faster ideas?" He asked the gathered room.

Major Cenn shook his head. "I am happy to work with the Lieutenant." He said feigning a smile. He hadn't had a chance to meet any of the Starfleet staff before today, and after Colonel Wen's reaction he wasn't overly keen to meet Kivan. duty, however, came first no matter the circumstance.

"My suggestion is that the Bajoran Embassy dispatch a vessel capable of search and recovery efforts since we are not exactly sure how many survivors. . .if any, that we'll recover from the site of the attack." Lieutenant Trellis said. "Ensign Kivan and several other crewmen will be at your full disposal." He said, trying to make the idea of a part-Cardassian serving on a Bajoran vessel easier to swallow.

"I'll arrange to have a ship diverted here as soon as possible, but if Starfleet begins in the meantime Major Cenn is at yours and Starfleet's disposal Lieutenant." The Ambassador, looked around at those who were gathered. "Miss Owik, arrange a meeting with Ambassador Turvan of the Cardassian Union."

The Vedek stood. "Once our ship arrives, Colonel Wen and Ensign Kivan will join the Starfleet ship in the search." He clasped his hands together. "Anything else?""

Lieutenant Trellis stood up. "Thank you for your time, Ambassador." He said.

Vedek Krell smiled warmly, "Walk with the Prophets." he said watching the Trill depart.

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation Officer

Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Delegation

Colonel Wen Aretta
Commanding Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade

Owik Dreda
Ambassador's Personal Adjutant
Bajoran Delegation
NPC By Reade

Major Cenn Desco
Head of Security and Military Advisor
Bajoran Delegation
NPC By Reade

Acolyte Kar Oryn
Bajoran Delegation
NPC By Reade


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