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Consequences and ramifications

Posted on Sat Jun 25, 2016 @ 12:38am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Commander Caden Aldrex

1,138 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: XO's office, Ops
Timeline: MD2 13:30


Walking through Ops had been horrendous. He could have gone and got his face patched up but it was only a bruise. It looked worse than it was. And Liam did not want to waste Amia's staff's time over a bruise when there could be other people far worse off. Rahia had not given him any eye contact but the rest of the staff had been all eyes on him curious. Liam rang the chime on Cade's office, the other officer was expecting him the Trill having scheduled this meeting himself.

"Hey, Liam, how are you feeling?" Cade asked with genuine concern. "How's things?"

"I send Sigrun some flowers. The ones you suggested and a hand written apology. I doubt she wants to see me again but I also think Rahia's said something to Tera. I think ...." he asked his friends opinion. "I should probably go in person to see her?" He wasn't sure what the protecol was but considering they had spent the night together, but he felt the extra effort was needed. He took a seat, not really looking forward to this. The red head was still harbouring some anger when he had walked through.

Cade nodded his agreement. "Not a bad idea. I wouldn't worry about Sigrun, she's not the type to hold a grudge." He took a sip from his mug and added, "I don't think."

"Shall we get this over with?" Liam nodded.

"Right." Cade tapped his commbadge. "Commander Aldrex to Ensign Aler. Report to my office."

There was a pause, then "Aye, sir. On my way."

Seconds later Rahia Aler marched through the door, chin up and shoulders back. She kept her eyes fixed on Cade and avoided any eye contact with Liam. "Reporting as ordered, sir."

Cade lifted a PADD from the edge of his desk and waved it in the air. "I've got an interesting read here, Rahia. Do you know what it's about?"

"I'm afraid I don't, sir."

"Really? You're going to play dumb about it? It's a complaint to security filed by a civilian, an employee at the Box of Delights? Does that put a blip on your sensor scope?"

Still standing at attention, Rahia kept her eyes fixed on the bulkhead above the XO's head. She said nothing.

"Apparently you indulged in some liquid refreshment there last night. Too much I'd say. Then you started an altercation with Lieutenant Reynolds and his date, who were minding their own business until you came along. You created such a scene that you were thrown out on your ear. Do I have these facts correct?"

Rahia swallowed the lump in her throat and spoke. "Sir, things got a little out of hand, I--"

"A little?" Cade asked. "You struck Mister Reynolds in the face, Ensign. Have you see what he looks like right now? Look at him!"

Rahia turned her head to look at Liam. That's when she noticed the bruise. Not that it could be missed. She winced visibly. She'd had no idea that she had hit him that hard. A few other details were still hazy too.

"Perhaps an apology is in order, Ensign?" Cade suggested.

"I'm really sorry," Rahia said to Liam.

Liam sighed. It was now or never. He tried to remember all of Noelle's advice.

"Rahia, I think we need to have a chat. About the following me round, violating my privacy. Its disconcerting and upsetting for me. I know that you like me. I'm empathic. You know I can't miss that. I'm flattered," ...... he tried to do this as kindly as he could but it wasn't easy ....... "but I don't return those feelings."

Her face remained exactly the same. Cade could see no reaction but her emotions were of sadness, humiliation and rejection. It just made this even more horrible for him to do.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to cause you pain but that's the way it is. You can't force something to happen or someone to like you by continuing to turn up in their life and by interfering with other people in their life. Look I don't want to press formal charges for this," he indicated his face, he was a lot calmer than last night and this morning now. Speaking to Jo and Cade had helped immensely. And it was one silly drunken incident on her part. Sure he had some, Cade had definitely had some. It didn't deserve a black mark on her record if it could be avoided.

"Something so early in your career will not look good for you," he continued on, "and Commander Aldrex tells me that despite this "little crush" you are a good officer. But I need to know what you have said to my Bajoran," he stopped what was Tera? He settled on, "Friend? My date last night is mad at me, the way you publically painted me out to be and Tera, well I haven't heard from her in weeks."

Rahia's gloomy look gave way to one of confusion. "I haven't said anything to her. I've never had any contact with the woman, honestly."

Liam sighed. "Okay well will you make sure you keep it that way please."

It was the truth. Rahia had never spoken to Tera, but she knew there was more to add if she was going to come clean. "I've never met her, but I did allow someone access to her secured comm channel."

"YOU WHAT?!" Cade said, his angry voice reverberating off the bulkheads. "You're a comms officer, Aler! It's your duty to keep secured channel frequencies confidential!"

Rahia Aler wilted visbly. She knew she was in serious trouble now. "He said he was a friend of hers. He said it was for a prank. I didn't think it would do any harm. He seemed to know a lot about her."

"Who was this person?" Liam demanded.

"I...I don't remember his name," Rahia stammered. "I don't think he shared it with me."

"How could you do that?" Liam was completely disgusted. And worst it was because of him this had happened. "You abused your position, completely invaded her privacy and possibly put her in danger. Commander I need to go check in with her," He said worried.

Cade nodded, "Go. The tactical officer on duty is out there in Ops. Tell her to grab a phaser and go with you." Then to Rahia he said, "You're relieved, effective immediately. You'll be confined to quarters until I'm ready to deal with you again."

"Yes, sir," Rahia said, struggling to keep her voice even.

"Thank you Commander," Liam said to Cade rising to leave. He stopped at the door as if he was going to say something further to Rahia but decided against it.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Commander Caden Aldrex


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