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Posted on Sat Jun 25, 2016 @ 12:38am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Commander Caden Aldrex

1,235 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Liams quarters
Timeline: MD2 09:00


"Well ... if it isn't my favourite Trill," an old yet familiar sight and voice rang out. Cade didn't get a second to process it as the lady in question had already pulled his head forward and planted a kiss on his lips. Releasing him just as quickly, Jo stepped to one side to let Cade through the door heading towards Liam's dining table. It was at that point what she was wearing come into full view. She only had on a shirt. One of Liam's shirts he noticed and it came up to just above her knees.

Cade looked at her in wide-eyed surprise. "Jo? Where's Liam?" He stepped in the door.

"Liam's in the shower. Coffee?" she indicated the jug on the table next to a smaller teapot. It smelt strong and aromatic. "Or are you going to be ridiculously british and go for tea?" she asked with a laugh sitting down crossing her legs picking up and sipping the already poured cup she was drinking.

"Coffee is fine. How long have you been on the station?" He took a chair at the table.

"About 18 hours," she grinned at him. "Decided to surprise him. Made him think I was coming in a few days but actually was only a couple of hours away from the station when we talked about it. Computer said he was out someplace called the box of delights. He stormed back in about an hour or so later and basically swore off women. Forever. Didn't work out too well for me I can tell you. I was waiting in just some nice lingerie," she pulled her bra strap out from underneath the shirt so Cade could admire it.

"Welcome aboard," Cade said, ignoring the come-on with a smile. "My wife and I haven't been here that long, either, but we like it."

"Oh Caden," She laughed. "Relax. I know your married," Jo informed him amused at his need to reinforce he was out of bounds. She had only been joking around. "In fact I was thinking as I would be away for quite awhile and it being his birthday in 2 weeks to take him out for dinner and spoil him now before I leave. He's unlikely to do anything with his family you know that. And he's pretty down at the moment. I would like to invite you and Amia to join us. Dinners completly on me. Your still his offical best guy friend yes?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to think so," Cade said. Then frowning he asked, "What's he down about?"

"What happened last night, the whole Jon thing though hes not going to admit it stubborn arse, his mother, possibly still pinning about the half Russian who broke his heart, frustration he can't remember everything else that happened," Jo shrugged reeling off a list. "Keep up Cade."

"Oh it is NOT what it looks like," Liam said walking into his lounge buttoning up his shirt spotting Cade. "Honestly. I slept there and she slept in there," he indicated the bedroom defensively. Jo smirked, nodded at Cade and poured Liam some tea holding the cup out to him. There was a bruise on his face was now a nice browny orange.

Cade put his hands up in a defensive gesture. "None of my business. I just dropped by to see how it went last night. Based on what Jo said I suspect it's not good?"

"Your crazy ops ensign crashed the date. She made me out to be some sort of a slut to your friend with a weekly woman, she has definitely been following me around Cade, then she insulted and threw a drink over Sigrun, called me a bastard and slapped me for good measure. Publically. Rahia got thrown out, Sigrun ran away. I went after her but she wouldn't hear it. Oh and I came back here to find Jo ....." he blushed. "Well she was looking very nice but like I said ... nothing happened."

Jo nodded again at Cade still looking bemused at the whole situation.

Having caught his friend up, Liam turned to the replicator. "Porridge, with blueberries and strawberries. Added protein Reynolds mix 2."

Cade shook his head as he stirred creamer into the coffee put in front of him. "All right then. At your earliest opportunity, Liam, I want you to write an official report about it. Even though it was off-duty I think we can call it a 'conduct unbecoming' incident in a public place. I can't have one of my Ops officers acting like that. Not when the Captain is trying to put on a better face for us with the public." He also made a mental note to check on Sigrun after this.

"So, has Jon been trying to get you to try get him to talk to him too?" Jo asked leaning forward and lowering her voice, as Liam walked over to his piano carefully placing the tea and porridge down on the shelf next to him. He started playing some sheet music he had laying around. He needed something to calm his mind down again. Just speaking about what had happened had wound him up once more.

"He asked me about Liam when he hailed from his ship. I declined to get involved in their family business. But it's not like Liam can avoid it much longer. His brother will be arriving soon."

"When he does," Liam said louder over the piano and somewhat darkly. "I might introduce him to Rahia."

His fingers stopped over the keys, reached up and winced as he touched his face. Had she been wearing a ring or something? It was still hurting. He couldn't fathom out how such a small women could inflict so much pain on him. He got up walked forward and picked up a PADD near the couch where he had slept last night and handed it too him. "Your reports already done."

"I am sorry about your friend Cade. I never wanted things to go down like that. Do you want me to try and apologise again?" he asked. He didn't know if it would make a difference but he was happy to try.

"Sure, it couldn't hurt anything," Cade said with a shrug. "Sigrun isn't the type to hold a grudge so I think you'll be fine." He sighed and added, "I'm sorry it was such a miserable time for both of you. You're both fun, well-rounded people. I thought you would have a good time together."

"We might have done. We only just started talking before ..... " he indicated the PADD and with his free finger pointed at his face. Picking up his breakfast he ate a spoonful and chewed. "I'll try talk to her again," he said after a minute.

"Take her some flowers," Jo piped up. "Women love flowers as an apology."

"Maybe," Liam agreed. "I want to be there. When you speak to her Cade. I spoke to Noelle yesterday morning about all this actually and I need to have a talk with Rahia. More so now she hit me."

"Sure, if you want. It might not be pretty," Cade said. Then addressing the other topic he said, "If you're going to get flowers for Sigrun, I know she likes Taniean Jarnaxas."

"Noted," Liam said appreciatively.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Deep Space Five

Commander Caden Aldrex
Deep Space Fiver


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