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Honey trap - part 2

Posted on Mon Jul 11, 2016 @ 5:13pm by Civilian Ricardo Draxx & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,581 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Draxx's ship
Timeline: MD1


"I get the feeling," Draxx said lazily as they both laid there sweaty, getting their breath back and coming down from their mutual high, "That you weren't expecting that to happen "twice.""

"Not really." 'Anastasia' replied, breathing heavily still. She hated this guy for what he had done to Yolanthe, hated him more for what extra suffering that had caused Klia, so having to be with him in this intimate a manner made it hard to stay in character; 'Anastasia' was smitten by him, Rianni wanted to wring his neck like a chicken, "Didn't figure you for such an athlete."

He twisted a long lock of her hair off his shoulder with one hand, kissed her forehead softly and sat up moving them both forward while his other hand slid to rest on the top of her stockings. The only piece of clothing still in actual use. Everything else was thrown across his small hold, including what he was looking for. Stretching and not really wanting to break touch or body heat with the woman who was turning out to be such an adventure, he reached for the dusty bottle now half drunk and handed it to her before bestowing a cheeky smile. "Want to go for a hat trick?"

She took a deep pull off of the bottle, it really was an excellent vintage, like something out of her Aunt's personal stock during her time as Ambassador, and smiled sexily, "I'm good to go. Sure you are?"

Draxx just laughed. " Maybe we could try an Andorran butterfly," he suggested hopefully. "After a little time out maybe." She was still breathing rather heavily.

He took back the bottle and took another long swig and shimmed up to sit properly against the side of the hold. His hand pulled away from her hip and he found himself playing with another long strand of her hair despite himself. "So are you going to tell me the real reason you were in Zoots? He asked. The way she was portraying herself was too pure for that dive. Also nice ditsy girls didn't tend to get up to what they had just been doing! He still suspected she was playing him but if she, was the last couple of hours had made it worthwhile.

"Okay, I'll level with you." She giggled, "I was in Zoots looking to get picked up. I was looking for exactly what I found. Not as innocent as I seem, I guess." She took another pull from the Ale and smirked, "Though, being honest, I was looking to pick up the waitress, you just turned out to be more interesting."

Draxx grinned. "Kind of you to say. She was a rather hot waitress. So you like both the men and the ladies?"

"As a rule it's mainly ladies for me." 'Anastasia' shrugged, laying down on his chest, "But every so often a guy catches my interest, you did tonight in a big way, Alfredo. Oh, and if we're going to continue doing this, I guess you should start calling me Stasi, all my friends do."

"It's Angelo honey," Draxx told her. "And I'm not the same as all your friends. So how's about I call you Ana." Not that it mattered too much. They had had fun. Maybe they might have a couple more hours of it but ultimately he would be leaving her at the Orion market and heading back to his crew.

"Okay, Angelo." The newly christened 'Ana' giggled, "This ale must be kicking my ass." She leaned over and began kissing him, nibbling on his lower lip.

"Well I do have a hypo that can help with that," Draxx said once free from the kiss again. "No more for you," he grinned wickedly, yet tenderly placed a kiss on her forehead. He moved the Romulan ale away from her and got up heading to the cockpit to find the hypo spray. He didn't get very far something suddenly clunked him hard on the back of the head. The last thing he saw was the floor before everything went dark.


A little while later ..... onboard the arrow

The pirate groaned as he came round. He was freezing. Still naked and certainly not in his ship. "I KNEW you weren't on the level," he stated loudly yet calmly. "What do you want with me?"

Rianni, her hair now restored to it's normal darker state, smiled down at him, "I want to take you to Col. Carlov, where you're going to tell her everything about our deceased friend, Torm, and get Yolanthe out of the shit your betrayal landed her in you turd." ~God, why does he have to be so frackin' cute?~

"Oh, and if you're thinking about doing something stupid, just know that the wreckage you found when you went back to Torm's place.... my handiwork." She admonished, adding, "And you were right, that was an excellent vintage of Ale. Maybe in twenty years or so when you get out we'll have another?"

Draxx merely smiled. "Oh I did like the blond. But I can work with this. I bet it won't be long before we do that again. You could have knocked me out without taking any clothes off you know but no. You wanted me. And going by my lack of attire you still do. Going by your eyes your thinking I'm cute right now." He grinned.

"So are Tribbles." Rianni shrugged, "Make a damn point.

"For a Romulan your not very good at lying you know," he laughed. "So Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian - thinks she's some sort of super solider, hot shot. Recon you managed something impressive shooting up one gangster and a private moon', Draxx said still smiling. "Honey ALL you did was pave the way for several more to emerge AND if I can work out who you are don't think for a second the rest can't. And that they won't come for you. I think I'll keep calling you Ana by the way. A fondness for our time together."

"Whatever." She said, rolling her eyes, not about to feed into his line of BS.

"So Ana. You mentioned Yolanthe was in the shit," Draxx stated. "By my sources she's back on deep space five a very rich women. I do hope she's paying you handsomely for this little venture honey. I know this because my orders made sure several hundred thousand Latium got to her as was the plan between me and her when there was a change of circumstance. Not betrayal," he held a finger up, "a change in events and circumstance."

"And you call me a turd," he laughed. "Women! I make her rich and kept my word and went back to get her out but someone's rash impulsive "handiwork" messed up MY rescue."

"Rescue, ha!" Rianni dismissed him, "You'd have only taken her back to Verex III and sold her again."

"No I wouldn't because I got "my Kila" back and Yolanthe was key in keeping her safe," Draxx told her straight and seriously. "It's unfortunate that her being worth that much gave me and my crew a way of rescuing another women years earlier than we ever imagined. But I had my girl back, I had enough money despite splitting it with Yolanthe and I keep my promises. It might not have been the original plan but I would have got her in and her and Klia out. I've seen enough women enslaved by enough idiot gangsters and slavers over the years that I would not have abandoned her to that fate."

"Right." Rianni sneered, turning to leave, she knew enough about him from Debby's briefing that she'd never buy his story.

"Whatever," Draxx mirrored her reply earlier. "So what you going to do about Torms dad?" He asked non plused. "When he works out you ordered the onslaught on his only son? Can you run and hide as well as you can fuck Ana?" He grinned wickedly.

"And when you face Yolanthe. She doesn't know about this little trick does she? I mean I know she wants me naked real bad. There's some serious sexual tension there. Almost as much as we still have going on. But this ..." He looked around at the cell. "This isn't really her style is it. If she's pissed at me she'd tell me to my face, and she knew I would be coming back as my crew will have told her. Seems a bit excessive to send a women, a gorgeous one non the less but ...... to knock a man out when their backs turned. Thought you Romulans had honour. I'm disappointed. Twice over, you should have kept the blonde."

"Yolanthe doesn't know about this." Rianni answered, "She doesn't have any clue what kind of trouble she's in, why I'm taking it on my own to get her out. Carlov will debrief you, I'm sure you'll cut some sort of deal. And Greeks looks weird blonde, that was Debby... Col. Carlov's idea."

"Is Col. Carlov going to use the same tactics you did?" Draxx said playfully. "Is she blond? Do you still want that threesome, cause I might be persuaded to cut a deal if that's the offer Ana."

"No, she isn't blonde." Rianni sighed, the man was infuriating, "As for her tactics, that's between you and her, Angelo."

"Well let's get this show on the road then. Bring on Col. Carlov."


erie'Roiv Rianni Monteros-t-Khellian


Ricardo Draxx
Privateer npc Liam


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