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Exchange of Goods

Posted on Sun Jun 5, 2016 @ 4:57am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

1,027 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Qu'it's
Timeline: MD 12 2130


Aleczandra walked along the Promenade, head down, her rainbow hair tucked carefully into the hoodie she wore, her hands in the pockets of her jeans. She turned down into a less reputable passageway and found herself in front of Qu’it’s, the bar where she’d first met Hex. The vial of blood that she’d kept chilled hidden in one of the Science department refrigerators where she interned felt cold against her skin where she had it tucked safely into her bra.

She could feel Juheni inside, wanting out, wanting control. She was fighting him, for now, not sure how long she could fend him off. Her mother was helping. Kinony was aloof, however. She wanted some of her own time and refused to help if Zandra didn’t give her some control.

Do you really think you’ll be safe, dealing with someone like Hex? In that den of iniquity? Juheni asked.

It gave Aleczandra pause. Yes, she knew how to defend herself. She had been trained by Commander Eve Three on the USS Nemesis, and also by her father. She was wearing her wrist sheaths. But she didn’t have the killer instinct Juheni did. She didn’t know Hex the way he did.

What’s going to stop her from leaving your corpse cold in a maintenance hatch once she has what she wants?

Zandra squeezed her eyes closed. Shut up! I’m trying to think!

He has a point, Zandra, Kinony’s sultry voice spoke. What would your father think if he lost you, too.

Leave Caleb out of this, Kinony, Mika, her mother, said. Zandy-bear, you know what you need to do. Destroy the sample. Tell your father.

“I can’t…” Zandra whispered. She felt a hot tear escape despite her efforts. I can’t tell him what I’ve done. How I got it… She felt the caress of Ahjess’ hands, the feel of him filling her. It hadn’t been unpleasant, not at the time. He’d made her feel things she’d never felt before. But it hadn’t been her. She tried to tell herself it wasn’t his fault. But she couldn’t reconcile the disgust she felt with the desire for his touch, also.

“Move it, cunt!”

Aleczandra was shoved roughly out of the way as a Qu’it’s patron shoved her hard into the bulkhead so he could go inside the seedy establishment. When Zandra’s blue eyes snapped open they were cold and hard.

Straightening, Zandra followed the man inside. One of the knives dropped from the wrist sheath into her hand. She sliced the blade across the back of the larger man’s thigh and he gave a cry of agony as his hamstring was cut and he collapsed to the floor.

Zandra wiped the blade on his jacket and slipped it back in its sheath as she stepped over him and went into the dimly lit bar. Pushing through the crowd, the man's howls were quickly blotted out by the noise of the other patrons. She was past halfway in to the bar when a stool shot out of a dark corner, blocking her path.

Hex sat with her back to the wall, long braid dropped across the front of her open jacket. As usual, there was a thick cigar in her hand, its glowing end looking like the eye of a malevolent being in the dark.

"Well look who it is," she purred, and smiled. "You've got to practice walking, Juheni. You make the poor girl look like she’s in drag."

“Hardly,” Aleczandra smirked. “She’s too hot for that to be an option. I got what you wanted.”

"Straight to business, I see. You show me yours, I'll show you mine."

“Business before pleasure and all that,” Aleczandra said, grabbing the stool and straddling it. She unzipped the hoodie a bit and reached inside her bra, pulling out the vacuum sealed vial of blood. It was still liquid, sloshing in the vial as it moved. She put it on the table between them and ran her eyes over Hex. “Still looking good, Hex,” she complimented. “I had some fun getting this,” Zandra chuckled. “Popped my cherry, as the Terrans say.”

Hex shrugged and sucked in a breath through the cigar. She breathed the smoke out in a hard stream that roiled across the table to Juheni. "You can keep your first times," she said with disdanin. "Their last is better."

Aleczandra smiled. “Well, now, that’s an interesting thought,” she mused. “Now that I’m female, a little black widow work might be fun.” She smiled at the thought of slipping a blade into a mark at the height of their orgasm.

Hex reached into her jacket and brought out an ampule of fluid the same color as her cigar smoke. "Psilocyanine-B. Enough to keep you on top for thirty days, twenty-four seven." She put another five ampules on the tables next to it then stacked the agreed five bars of latinum next to them.

"If you run out of the drug, you know where to find me," Hex said. "If you want more latinum, I sometimes have work. Subcontracting. You know how it goes."

Aleczandra nodded, slipping the latinum into her pocket and very carefully packing the ampules of medicine. “Well, since it’s been a century since I last worked, I don’t exactly have any employers around anymore,” she admitted. “I need to reestablish my rep. And what better cover is there than the daughter of the chief of security?” she laughed.

Zandra gestured over a server and got them some drinks. “So, what say we celebrate a new partnership and see where this night goes, Hex? Hm?”

Hex puffed out a large smoke ring and bullseyed it with a small ball of smoke. She regarded the killer in the woman-child's body. "Qu'it!" she yelled. "Bring a bottle!"


Aleczandra Ryan as Juheni Naqiis
Civilian and Assassin
NPC Matthew

NPC by Notty


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