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Honey trap part 1

Posted on Fri Jun 3, 2016 @ 1:03pm by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian Ricardo Draxx
Edited on on Tue Jun 7, 2016 @ 9:27pm

2,504 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Zoots bar, Orion Market/Draxx's ship
Timeline: MD1 21:00


Draxx was at a conundrum. He had been kicking around here a couple of weeks or so, still procrastinating on whether or not to clue Orson in on their biological relationship. What would that mean if he did? Also gaining intel on the fast moving and rebuilding of Torms empire by his father who was it seemed wasting no time establishing his dominance in the sector now back out of hiding.

"Your usual, i'll just keep them coming honey," the pretty waitress stated placing his third drink down on table. Draxx nodded and checked the waitresses backside out as she walked away. "You tell me if you need anything more," she said with a smile looking back over her shoulder at him.

He thought he had found a lead on someone who knew his father and had been trying to locate and meet up with a contact but it just seemed to be stringing out with a whole load of nothing. He knew he couldn't rationalise being away from his crew much longer. And to be honest, this place was starting to close in on him.

Tommorow, he decided he would be making a move back to Biggs and co. But that was tomorrow. So that meant tonight, he was free to enjoy himself. Maybe nail the new waitress. It was a interesting crowd this evening. Clearly some new ships had come into dock. There was your usual people looking for work. Trading illegially and more interestingly there was a rather attractive Blonde women. An attractive blonde women by herself on an Orion slave market. He wondering what the story there was. She seemed to be giving him the eye. Maybe he would get to find out.

Rianni had never planned on coming back to Verex III after she'd barely escaped under fire from the slavers, criminals, and Debby Carlov's ops team, but here she was again, staring at the dirtbag who had made it damn near impossible for her to get Klia out by bringing Yolanthe in, ~I should just shoot the bastard right now.~ She thought, but reminded herself that the same Debby Carlov who she'd barely escaped on her last visit here now held both her card and Yolanthe's, they had to do some work for her, just enough to get their sealed indictments disposed of. She took a drink and raised it to him before sipping on it and looking away.

Draxx has the distinct impression the women was trouble. If Lucy were here she would be warning him off her. But then again trouble was always more fun in his opinion. He stood up and walked over to her. He might as well use a line. Most women didn't frequent a waterhole like Zoots and NOT expect to be hit on. And as he was just tipsy enough, a cheesy one at that. For pure hell of it. If he tanked out still there was the waitress.

"What's a lovely girl like you doing in a dive like this?"

"Drinking." Rianni shrugged, turning back to him and flashing her prettiest smile, "But I can be persuaded to do something else."

"Angelo," he said putting his hand out. As she reached for his, he smoothly pulled it to his mouth and kissed it seeking her eyes. People carried truth in their eyes, that much he knew more than anyone and this broad was hiding something. Something big. And the eyes for some reason looked familar. She was definitely ... Trouble

"That's a very nice dress miss," he told her looking over the tight mini dress. It had a lot of flesh on display up front. It certainly made him want to see what was underneath it but still he couldn't shake the feeling this was more than it seemed. "And what exactly," he smiled. "Do you have in mind?"

"Well, Angelo, clearly you're trying to pick me up." Rianni answered, "And my name is Anastasia, you know, in case that matters. So, what have you got in mind? Oh, and don't try any more cheese, please? I swear to God if you ask me if it hurt when I fell from heaven I'm going to scream and walk out. So, your best shot in three... two... one...."

Draxx gave her a look. He was beginning to think the waitress was the better option. Especially as he was out of here in the morning. Besides he already had Yolanthe and Iiona to chew him out. He could go back to his hotel room and initiate a subspace communication for that sort of crap. He wasn't auditioning for another stuck up, oppiniated broad in his life. Even if it was for a few hours.

"I am not a performing monkey you know. Clearly your very far from heaven sweetheart. And if you don't want cheese and men hitting on you, don't go drinking in a place like Zoots wearing a get up like that." He raised a finger at the waitress and pointed at his glass. He would have another drink he decided. "I'd offer to buy you a drink but I'm worried now you wouldn't appreciate that effort."

"Now that was interesting." Rianni laughed appreciatively, "Make it a Sumerian Sunset, handsome."

"I'm an interesting guy," Draxx insisted. As the waitress returned with his new drink, he indicated the blond next to him. "A Sumerian sunset for the lady please. Not the usual beverage drank in these parts," he commented. He had never tried one. Even the name the it sounded somewhat over refined for his taste.

"Well, kind of a girly drink, I guess." 'Anastasia' shrugged, "You seem a little macho for Sumerian Sunsets. Probably the type of guy who carries some big, badass gun or something, real tough guy type. So, what's your plan for the evening?"

"When your in this area of space, you have to watch your six," Draxx stated. Of course he was armed. But he wasn't going to draw attention to that or let her know how heavily. "And I'll admit I have been in my fair share of fights. I'm a survivor. I get by. My plan," he looked her over appreciatively shuffling a touch closer, wondering the full extent of what was under that black dress. "Well maybe I will talk to you a little longer."

She leaned forward and kissed him softly, giving his lower lip a little pinch with her teeth, just enough for a pleasurable pressure, and placed her hand on his, "That could be interesting." She moaned, "I'm the kind of girl who really gets off on a good.... conversation." ~Okay, focus, Rianni, we're trying to bring this guy in. Why does he have to be so cute though......~

Draxx smiled lopsidedly. This was more like it. He leaned in and mirrored her action, placing a soft exploratory kiss on her lips, using his free hand to push a strand of long hair behind her ear. Then did a double take at what he felt. It was pointed. So she either had some Vulcan or Romulan in her. Naturally that put him on edge. The owner of that dam ship that had blown Torms place to smitherns was according to his intel Romulan. But this lady certainly didn't look anything like the images he and Biggs had managed to collate. It could be coincidence, it might be nothing. He had no history with this ship and was at a loss at what he could have done to tick those people off. But it might be something. He of course wouldn't know unless he stuck around. And if she was being flirty that made it much more interesting situation to be in.

He ran his finger over the tip of her ear knowing full well it was an erogenous zone. Resting his hand gently on her neck, his thumb was free to continue caressing as he leaned in closer to try look. There was something incredibly sexy about pointed ears. He also tried to read her catching her eyes which were a sea of deep blue. Again Diana's arrow's owner didn't have blue eyes but was this women playing him? Or genuine and enjoying herself in his company.

~Oh, damn...~ The pirate playing with her ears made her tremble, that felt amazing, ~Focus, Rianni!~ She giggled and gave him a pretty smile, 'Anastasia' was very interested, "Mmmmm, you know how to make a girl tingle. Guess I'll have to repay that favor."

The waitress popped her "sunset whatever" in front of them and gave the blonde a look of ice. So, Draxx mused internally. She had been interested. "Doesn't this drink do something cool when you tap it?" he asked pulling his other hand from under hers and handing her the spoon the waitress had deposited next to the glass. He assumed that was its purpose. "How do you think it works?" he watched as she did the honors.

"I don't know." She giggled, playing up the dumb blonde even though, in truth, she had no idea how it worked. Someone had tried to explain it to her once, long ago, but it had been such a complicated thing she felt like she was going to go cross-eyed, "Don't know how in the middle of all these guys in this place you're the only one who works, either. I don't ask a lot of questions, I just enjoy the ride, you know?"

Her giggling was quite charming, Draxx thought. "If you want to go for a real ride, I have my own ship," Now that WAS a line he had used before.

"And a bottle of rather nicely aged Romulan ale." He slipped his arm round her waist pulling her nearer lowering his voice in her ear. His breath hit the same spot his fingers had previously been at. He watched to see if she trembled further. Maybe after the rather frosty start they were somewhere the same page now. "I might even be convinced to let you have a drive if you like."

"You'll have to teach me first." 'Anastasia' smiled sexily, tracing the outline of his bicep with her fingers, not about to let this guy know she was a hot shot pilot, or for that matter had any training at all, "And Romulan Ale goes straight to my head." She took a sip of her Sumerian Sunset and flipped her hair, "But I bet that's what you're hoping for......"

"Maybe, or maybe I want to share it with someone who will appreciate it," Draxx said. He let his hand slip lower so it cupped the side of her hips letting his thumb trace the curve of her spine. Not many men knew about that area, that if stimulated right, was also very enjoyable for Vulcan and Romulan women. But not all men were the son of a women from a harem. Draxx had grown up learning every secret and tip going. "I didn't say you would be getting a lot," he teased.

His touch sent shivers up her spine, almost causing her to forget why she was doing this, ~Doing this for Klia and Yolanthe, focus!~ "Seems you know Romulan physiology, Angelo." She smiled, fighting hard not to moan.

"Are you complaining?" he asked suddenly tracing the same route once more with slightly different pressure. He watched her inhale suddenly with a sly grin. As she confirmed she was definitely Romulan. The idea once again that this was more than coincidental fluttered in his mind. He pulled his arm away and leaned sideways on the bar. Placing his elbow down and resting his head in his hand. The bicep she had been tracing earlier went taught. It wasn't an intentional move. He waited to see if there was any indication she was going to take him up on his offer.

"So, we should go then." 'Anastasia' smiled, draining her glass and offering her hand, "This night's not going to start itself."

In a rather gentlemanly action Draxx, took her hand and helped her up. "Just one thing," he said offering his arm in yet another chivalrous move and fishing around in his pocket for another marker. He showed her a round pin. "Can't beam you up without this," he paused before pinning it on her jacket collar. "Are you sure you want this?"

He might be a scoundrel, pirate and he might have had his fair share of experiences with the fairer sex. Lord only knew her true intentions but some mutual flirting in a bar aside proper permission had to be granted. That much he would always check, having witnessed plenty of none of that happening in his early childhood and his years working for Torm. He could see from the brief confusion on her face that she had not expected this move at all.

She simply leaned her head up and kissed him deeply, "You know I do. But I appreciate the fact you asked." She cast an eye over to the waitress and blew a little kiss in her direction, "Maybe next time we bring her along for the ride."

Draxx grinned. It was a nice idea. But he was curious enough on just the one lady right now. Pinning the marker on her he pulled her in close for another kiss. His ship appeared around them. Automatically it cloaked. He deepened the kiss and slowly peeled off her leather jacket. "You won't be needing that," he said simply.

"Why, Sir, I do believe you'll have me down to my stockings before much longer." She answered in an exaggerated Southern Belle accent then laughed, adding, "Beautiful ship."

"Oh I think you should keep the stockings on," Draxx quipped appreciatory. "But the dress, as beautiful as it is, that's going to have to go."

He walked to the left of the ship and opened a locker pulling out a dusty bottle. He had won this in a poker game 2 nights ago. He had been told it was over 100 years old and worth about 50 lat. Uncorking it he walked back to her and placed it in her hands.

"Is it the real deal? decent?" he asked moving slightly to her side and brushing her hair off her shoulder. Then he placed a kiss on her neck, working his way up to nibble her ears.

"This is wonderful." 'Anastasia' answered, her voice taking on a moaning quality as he nibbled her ears again, "I'd say it's worth much more than that, maybe double."

"I won a good pot then," Draxx said impressed. Taking it back gently he took a sip. It was good. Handing it back to her, he brushed the straps down her shoulders, fingers touching her bare skin. "So about that dress,"

'Anastasia' fluttered her eyebrows and dropped her dress to the floor, revealing a skimpy bra and even skimpier panties, "What dress?"


Ricardo Draxx pretending to be "Angelo"

erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian - "Anasasia"
Commander - IRW Dhelan


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