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Back to the Coal Face

Posted on Fri May 20, 2016 @ 2:37pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

3,312 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Ops
Timeline: MD01/08:00
Tags: Promotions

It was a big day for Isha. For the first time in weeks she was able to leave her quarters without a security detail, for the first time in weeks she was cleared of murder, and for the first time in weeks she was back on active duty.

She wore a dark grey tunic long enough to cover her hips, its Nehru style collar in command red held the pips of office, a compromise between two otherwise incompatible styles of uniform, the compromise itself a reflection of the captain’s position.

She exited the turbolift and stepped into Operations.

"Captain on deck!" someone called out. Immediately everyone stood and snapped to attention by their post. The room was silent except for the sounds coming from the sensor and comms stations. They had heard that Isha would be back on duty today and had planned this.

Cade Aldrex was also standing at attention a few steps away from Isha, although he did take the liberty of turning his head and smiling at her. "Welcome back, Captain."

Isha couldn't help but smile. Unless she was mistaken, she felt they were accepting her. "Thank you, Commander," she said. "At ease, everyone. I'll keep this brief. The last weeks have been difficult for all of us. It will appear to some of you that there are still unanswered questions. I ask you all to put away those doubts and trust that Starfleet has done their due diligence. Where there was only darkness outside, there are worlds of potential and, in time, with your help, we will see how that potential is realized. Thank you all for your support."

The XO gave a single nod to the assembled Ops crew. "As you were."

"Commander, if you would join me in my ready room," Isha said.

"Of course," Cade Aldrex said, following her into the private office. He had kept everything as she had left it. He had spent much time in there while t'Vaurek was away, but had always felt like an intruder in someone else's domain. The doors closed behind them.

"Do take a seat," Isha said as she took hers, the upholstery just a little soft for her preference. "I owe you a debt of gratitude. I have submitted my own report of the last few weeks to Starfleet," she told him subtly, pulling open the desk drawer with a subtle flick of her hand.

"I imagine they found it an interesting read," Aldrex said, sitting down. The happenings on Pangaea, the station, and elsewhere these past few weeks were enough to fill several reports. Chief Quirm had undoubtedly been kept busy drafting it for the captain.

The corners of Isha's lips twitched; it was one of her few tells. She nodded at his words.

It was a peculiarity of Federation Standard and the Starfleet ranking system that had always puzzled Isha, that one holding the rank of lieutenant commander was referred to by the term commander rather than the full rank. "I received their reply a little over an hour before I left my quarters. I am pleased to say that my recommendations have been accepted."

Isha slipped her hand into the drawer and placed a small box on the desk. She slid it towards Aldrex, "It’s been well earned, Commander, and is, in my opinion, overdue."

Now it was Cade's turn to smile. He knew what it was. "Thank you, Captain," he said, opening the box. "Amia will be happy to hear about this. I'm glad I've earned your confidence."

"Confidence given too freely is worth little," Isha remarked. "It is my hope that I have gained yours too. I have made other recommendations."

All was in order as she had requested. She had Peridot to thank for that too. She took a padd from the drawer. "This is the list of promotions. You and I have a little work to do. I believe there is one on that list that you might wish to make yourself, Commander."

Cade looked at the list with a curious expression. Then he stifled a laugh, remembering that he was with the commanding officer. "Yes, ma'am. I'll take care of that."

"Where shall we start?"

He thought about it for a second then said, "Well, if you're game, Captain, there's an old Starfleet tradition that involves summoning the accused under the pretense that they're in trouble and had better report to the CO's office right away. I think we should get all of them up here on the double."

Isha raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's the sort of the behavior that might lead to one accidentally falling out of an airlock on a warbird," she said. "But I am not without a sense of humor, or lacking in respect for traditions. Would you summon the victims, Commander."

"Aye, Captain."


The "accused" showed up minutes later, after Cade Aldrex had enlisted the aid of the comms officer in Ops. The comms officer made the necessary calls, telling each that their presence was required in the captain's ready room for a "very serious" matter. The comms officer, being quite the amateur actor, had even put a bit of tremble in his voice.

Isha and Cade passed the time sipping tea and chatting until they heard the chime at the door.

Liam walked in, not really sure what to expect. "Captain, Commander." He stopped. For a very serious matter they sure seemed to be amused, going by the emotions they were throwing out.


Amia didn't really want to leave Sickbay right at this very moment because she was in the middle of a procedure on a wounded crew member, but she knew she could hand it to Benj to finish off, and a summons to the captain's office "for something very serious" wasn't up for any sort of discussion!

She just gave out instructions of her own to 'cover this for me please' and left her staff pulling together. She glanced back as she left and was proud of the way they all threw in and got on with it. It made a warm glow spread through her before she hurried up to the CO's ready room and reset her thoughts away from the operation and onwards to what might be going on above her pay-grade.

It was a short journey, but it felt like a long time when you had so many thoughts and concerns popping into and out of your head in a turbo lift that was silent except for the swoosh as it sped upwards. What were they in for now? Were there some further demands coming in from the Fae in some means or form? Were they going to get some explanations of the odd ordeals and -- for want of a better term -- trials they had all gone through. It was still a matter of some curiosity as to why the groups had been split up as they had and Amia had hundreds of questions still outstanding.

Perhaps it was nothing to do with any of that. Perhaps the hull was breached. Maybe there was an epidemic breaking out. Some more political unrest? Was the station under attack? No, there would be battle stations sounding and klaxons, lights, commotion.... Operations was as quiet as ... well, more quiet than usual as she passed through and made her way swiftly to the CO's chime. For the smallest moment she thought -- no she must have imagined it -- that someone's lip curled very slightly as if to smirk at her. That was ridiculous. It must have been just a nervous small smile of recognition. Perhaps she should have acknowledged and at least nodded back, but she was already under pressure to get to the CO's door within a reasonable response time.

She pressed that chime and she found herself admitted to find her Cade and the captain drinking tea as if it were a Sunday afternoon. Puzzled, she instinctively shot a look at Liam to see what he was making of this.

"Captain. Commander. Lieutenant," Amia acknowledged them each formally and then moved further into the room to stand to attention in front of the CO. "You wanted to see me, Captain?" She knew Isha didn't like to be called Ma'am.


A summons? From the captain? The captain was back on duty? Oh frak...

Did that mean word had gotten to Isha about her chief engineer's machinations over the last couple of weeks? Regardless, this couldn't possibly go well for the diminutive lizard, no matter what the outcome.

"Do I keep her waiting while I change uniforms, or go up there covered in coolant? Spirits of Emperor's past..." Rhe’la muttered, pulling herself from the jefferies tube she had been working in for the last two hours. Was it already alpha shift? Where had the night gone?

A quick stop at the replimat for a fresh jacket and Rhe'la was on her way to Ops. Once the turbolift opened, she felt like everyone was looking at her. Her paranoia was only hastened by the ensign at tactical whispering, "Dead female walking..." as she passed.

Once she had been granted access to Isha's office, she suddenly felt even smaller. There was a lot of brass in there. Was she in that much hot water? Oh, this couldn't be worse. "Uh... Captain, Commander, Commander, Lieutenant. Good morning."

As Amia took a seat next to him, Liam made the smallest of gestures, indicating he didn't know what was up. Amia, having known him for years, would have caught it. Possibly Cade too. However, the Betazed got the impression that the surprise was good. Being a Yorkshire man, and as the tea was on the table for all, he felt the only civil thing to do was naturally pour himself and Amia a cup. "Ensign?" he asked, still holding up the tea pot. Actually, he wasn't even sure her species drank tea.

Standing as straight as she could, the Zarnac shook her head. "No, thank you, sir." she whispered. She didn't mind tea, but she didn't want a liquid filled cup showing off just how much her hands were shaking.


Caleb had just settled back into his seat in his security office, having just returned from Operations and the Captain’s little welcome. As a senior officer, he’d felt he should be there. He was a bit annoyed at having made the trip down five hundred decks only to be summoned back.

“Well, more bloody Romulan mind games,” he said to himself, getting back out of his seat. He held no real antipathy for the captain as a person. He had just spent most of his career with Romulans on the ‘other side’ that it was somewhat instinctual. Other than her actions during the Fae incident – which he himself couldn’t fault, as he could imagine himself behaving that way if Aleczandra had been involved – he had no real complaints about her captaincy.

It was another long ride up the turbolift back to Operations, and Caleb took the moment to review the possible reasons for the summoning. Had Aldrex decided to reveal his daughter’s secret to the captain? It was the only real fault in his record that he could recall, and one Aldrex had promised to keep confidential.

Shaking those thoughts away, Caleb reminded himself he’d been through enough odd official summons that he knew that speculating would do no good, so he cleared his head as he exited the turbolift into Ops and went directly to the captain’s door. When he was let in, he looked around at the odd little collection of officers.

“Captain,” Caleb nodded, finger raised to a nonexistent hat brim. He gave the others a nod as well and settled against the wall to await the reasoning for the summons.


And now Commander Ryan as well? Was she about to be court martialed and thrown in the brig? Should she throw herself on the mercy of the Captain and hope for the best? Rhe'la's mind was racing as her tail started swishing back and forth at an ever increasing pace.

Seated behind her desk the Captain leaned forward slightly. She steepled her fingers and peered over them at each of the assemble officers.

"It is my duty to inform you that I have found reason to inform Starfleet of your recent conduct on this station," Isha said in the voice she tended to use only in the most dire and serious circumstances, "The activities of each of you has not escaped my notice, though you each may have thought that my attention was elsewhere."

Liam almost choked in his tea. He put it back down again trying not to laugh at himself, the situation and the positive emotions ringing out from the two at the head of the table really laying on some drama. But they could not unfortunately fool an Empath. Another reason surprise parties were somewhat pointless for him too. It was a shame. He would love to genuinely be surprised by a party.

"Sorry, that's really hot," he said sheepishly.

'Aaand I'm dead. I'll be spending the rest of my life in New Zealand. I hope it's at least a warm part...' the little lizard was frozen in place, with only her stubby tail whipping back and forth.

Cade knew he couldn't pull one over on Liam, but remained stony-faced anyway. Until he knew better Liam had to respect the grave formality of the circumstances.

Catching Amia's eye for a brief moment Cade gave her an almost imperceptible wink. Then he cleared his throat and stood up. "As we all know, it is the duty of every single Starfleet officer to conduct him or herself with the most rigid standards of professional bearing. Attention to detail is a must. It's especially important to me given that our commanding officer is on exchange from the Romulan Empire, a race with whom we strive to maintain cordial relations. I expect all of you to be at your very best at all times. So you can imagine how troubled I was when the Captain told me that your uniforms, as currently presented, are incorrect. It is alarming to discover that such fine officers, considered to be among the best in their respective fields, could allow something so trivial to escape their notice. That is why you have been summoned here. To receive corrective action. All of you fall in and stand at attention."

'Oh no... oh no... oh no...' Rhe'la's mind was racing. She couldn't stop staring at Isha, but desperately wanted to look down. Did she have coolant on her boots? Pants? Oh no... was it on her gloves?

Amia stood up obediently, still a little confused but by reading her husband's body language, felt instinctively no cause for alarm. It was a bizarre feeling. She just waited. Whatever it was, they could work it out and move on, she was sure. Otherwise he'd be looking more.... worried? Wouldn't he??

Cade took each small box as it was handed to him by Captain t'Vaurek. Then went down the line person to person. Standing at attention before each one. His dour face finally melted into his ever-present grin.

"Ensign Rhe'la, Daughter of the Forty-Ninth House, for your professionalism, devotion to duty, and for holding this tired old station together without complaint, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. Congratulations." He offered his hand for a shake.

"I'M SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T... wait, what?" Her natural predilection to hide melted away to confusion. Taking the small box and popping it open, she found a half pip staring back at her. Sheepishly, she took Cade's hand and shook it. "Um... thank you. And sorry for... yelling..."

"Lieutenant J.G. Liam Reynolds, for your professionalism, devotion to duty, and for taking on the thankless but important job of peacemaking, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Congratulations." He shook Liam's hand then gave him a squeeze on the shoulder.

A warm genuine smile rose on the part Betazoid's face. He happily took his best friends hand and nodded at the Captain. "Thank you."

"Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan, for your professionalism, devotion to duty, and standing vigilant watch over this station and her people, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander. Congratulations." He shook hands with Caleb.

Finally he arrived at Amia. "Lieutenant Commander Amia Telamon, for your professionalism, devotion to duty, and for being the best doctor this station could ever hope for, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander. Congratulations, and I love you." He kissed her then showed her the new pip he had been holding in his hand. "I'll pin yours if you pin mine."

Amia smiled a warm and wide doctor's smile and turned her face slightly to make it easier for him to pin her new pip and replace the hollow one that had been on her collar until now. She had been slightly confused at first about his reference to his "own" but it wasn't rocket science to guesstimate that he would have gotten a step-up himself and then she saw the pip he was holding and cottoned on. She knew he had earned his but she wasn't so convinced about her own. Still, everything aside, it *was* very much appreciated nonetheless. She was also very honoured to be being asked to present it to him, at least in to pin it on for him anyway.

"Thank you Sir" she answered, her face remaining impassively unruffled, two could play the 'secrets' game, she only hoped he wouldn't notice that she was shaking as she removed his hollow pip and replaced it with the full one from his palm. "You monster!" she hissed almost imperceptibly into his ear but her eyes were sparkling with love as she stood back and saluted him.

Covering her own confusion and emotions, Amia turned to thank the Captain, dropping her head in a quick but respectful nod. She spoke her thanks and waited to be dismissed before returning to her fellow Awardees.

"On behalf of Starfleet I wish to thank each, and everyone of you. Do not forget that I took the honour of promoting Aldrex to the rank of Commander before you arrived. Each of you have served with distinction through a difficult time, and that gives me confidence that when such times return we will endure. If it is not inappropriate I will give you a very Romulan quotation, that is the warbird rises against, not with the wind - each of you have risen against adversity, and succeeded. Thank you," Isha said.

Rhe'la's natural poker face belied her feeling of being utterly confused. After all these years she'd been promoted. Eight years was an inordinately long time to go without promotion, but she could only chalk it up to four of those years being the junior most member of an intelligence team.

Finally, she recovered a bit of her composure. "Congratulation ma'am, sirs." she said to her fellow officers with a polite bow.

"Congratulations to you too, Lieutenant!" Amia replied and offered a gentle handshake. She then turned to Caleb and congratulated him and then offered a hug to Liam. "Much deserved Lee. Very much!" she patted him on the back and this time her grin was wide and relaxed.

Liam returned the hug enthusiastically. Being surrounded by happy feelings of pride for a good job done and recognition of that was a nice feeling. "Well done Amia, Chief, En ..... sorry Lieutenant," he smiled at the Zarnac.

Captain Isha t'Vuaurek
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Commander Caden Aldrex

Commander Amia Telemon M.D.

Lieutenant (JG) Rhe'la Daughter of the Forty-ninth House

Commander Caleb Ryan


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