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Is the Double Trouble?

Posted on Wed May 11, 2016 @ 12:40am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Captain Andrew Reynolds

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Ops
Timeline: 0730


"Communication from the USS Merlin," the computer had advised Rahia Aler and another blonde lady. She opened the comm, only to be greeted with Liam Reynolds' face.

"Captain Reynolds of the USS Merlin. We are due to dock with you in a few weeks and I wondered if we could make arrangements now. We ..... erm are due on a mission that will take us out of communication,"

It was quite unorthodox, a Captain making that request, but what was weirder was it was Liam Reynolds' face staring at them.

Rahia narrowed her eyes at the man on the screen. "Liam, is this some kind of joke?"

Rahia's technical assistant elbowed her in the ribs. "It's no joke! That transmission really is coming from the Merlin!"

John realised from that comment that he had in fact narrowed down where his twin had got too. "I don't suppose you could ask your CO if I could have a moment of his time would you?"

Rahia stiffened. Captain t'Vaurek was due to return to duty today but hadn't arrived yet. Aldrex was here though. "Commander Aldrex?" She turned and saw Cade talking to another officer just out of earshot. "Sure, let me see if he's available." There's another one? How did I not hear about this until now?!

"You are a lovely lady," he said smoothly at the clearly adoring young redhead who seemed very happy to suddenly appease.

Rahia put the hail on standby and left her station to talk to Cade. He excused himself from the other conversation once told there was a communication from a Federation starship. Rahia failed to mention, however, who it was that was calling.

When the familiar face appeared on the main viewer it was Cade's turn to be surprised. "Oh! Hi there?"

"Cade Aldrex," John said happily. This was definitely the place. "It's been awhile."

"Yeah, it, Captain. How are things?" Cade kept his cordial face on but inwardly he was thinking, Oh, Liam is going to flip!

"Well I was trying to sort out resupply and shore leave. Permission to dock and all that but I also seem to have lost communication with my brother. Would you know how I can get in touch with him?"

Cade resisted the urge to wince. He was afraid that John was going to ask that question. "He's been around. Very busy at the moment. The negotiation process has been intense. Liam is doing fine work." He then added as an afterthought, "Oh, and permission granted." What was he going to say, no, you can't dock here?

John flat out glared at him. "Thank you. Would you ask him to answer his messages please."

Cade lowered his chin a bit. "If it's urgent Starfleet business then I'll get to it right away, Captain. But if it's merely a personal communication then it's none of my concern."

"Where does the upcoming nuptials of our mother Lorena the heir to the fifteenth house stand?" John asked. "It would look pretty bad for a former diplomat of Betazed and now Starfleet to not be aware of such events publicly and privately Commander."

"I didn't know your mother was getting married. Congatulations!" The XO beamed, ignoring the dressing down. "Well, if it's about that then I'm sure Liam knows and will RSVP as soon as he is able, both personally and professionally." In truth Cade had no idea how Liam felt about his mother's nuptials or whether he would acknowledge it, but he felt okay playing dumb this one time.

Cade was treated with something recognisable as Liam's angry face as John realised the Trill was not going to give him anything. "Thank you, Commander. Well I have to get going. USS Merlin out."

The screen went blank before Cade could get the words out. "You're welcome," he muttered. Immediately after that he tapped his commbadge. "Aldrex to Lieutenant Reynolds?"

"Reynolds here. What can I do for you, Commander?"

"Just thought you should know. Captain Reynolds hailed us. His ship is on its way here."

There was a long silence before Liam responded again. "Have you a moment in private, sir?"

"Sure, give me a minute." Cade left Ops and went to the ready room. Once there he activated the desk monitor and opened a channel to Liam's office. "What's up?"

Cade's face appeared on the view screen on Liam's side. "I'm sorry. It was inevitable he was going to hunt me down eventually. He wasn't an arse was he?"

"Oh, very much so. But nothing I couldn't handle," Cade said. "Do you know what you're going to do?"

Liam chewed his lip and looked thoughtful.

"Well he's not kipping in my quarters that much is sure. Noelle says I should sort it out. I feel like I would rather punch him. What would you do?" he asked.

Cade offered a sympathetic shrug. "If you can figure out a way to live at peace with the guy then by all means. Maybe you two can see Noelle together. Barring that I think it'd be proper to demand that he stay out of your life from now on. Some people just aren't meant to mix."

Liam looked pensive again. "He's my brother. My twin. We shared a womb. Telepathically linked. If anyone's meant to mix ...... I .... don't want him out of my life forever. Bugger ....... If I were counseling me I would be saying forgive and forget."

"He is your brother after all," Cade said with a shrug.

"I'm still punching him even if I do decide to make it up," Liam said darkly. "Best watch out for the court martial charge."

"Please no. I have enough going on with JAG," Cade said. He knew that Liam was kidding. Maybe.

"No promises," Liam added as something in his office started beeping. "Oh joy, the Romulan ambassador has just descended on us again with another complaint. Catch you later."

"Alright. Later." Cade switched off the computer and headed back to Ops, wishing he knew how to help his friend fix his broken family.



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