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unwinding pt 1

Posted on Sat Jul 16, 2016 @ 1:51am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,242 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: The Deep Space Press
Timeline: MD14 after Psi incident
Tags: `


"I don't know about you," Liam said as they walked out of sickbay for the second time since coming back from that planet, " but I'm sick of ending up in there. Honestly what a week eh. New planets, unfriendly fae, bad weather, statues alive, unfriendly insectoids, almost losing a crewman," he shuddered at the memory of having to keep applying pressure to that poor crewman, "and to cap it off going head to head with a crazy monster in the bowels of the station."

He stopped for a moment and nodded at her. "I don't even think I've had chance to say thank you for having my back and everyone else's through it all lieutenant."

Following the Ambassador out of sickbay, Annora pulled her hair into a loose ponytail.

"I share your dislike of medical facilities sir. I'd say all in a day's work, but we haven't exactly had a normal week as you pointed out. Hopefully things calm down over the next few weeks."

"Liam, you are welcome to call me Liam. Come on Lieutenant, we have both had our hands deep in the blood of another person trying to keep them alive. I think that allows you permission to address me as Liam. And I recon I owe you a drink. At the very least. Do you like bands? There's some live ones playing in a little place I stumbled on the promenade and I was hoping to check it out," he offered.

"Sorry force of habit. We can drop rank for now. Modern Starfleet seems a bit more lax than what I'm used to."

She hadn't quite made up her mind yet if that was a good or bad.

"A drink and a live band sound like just the thing. Lead the way Liam."

So Liam did, leading them both out of sickbay's deck to the turbo lift and ordering it up down to the promenade. "How long have you been in Starfleet?" he asked. She seemed about his age but something was making him think she was relatively new to the job.

"In Starfleet?"

She wasn't sure how to answer the question. She didn't hide her past, but didn't advertise it either.

"Excluding the Academy, I spent a year working security on Earth, and then about a year and a half on the Sundsvall. That ultimately led me to this posting. So to answer your question, I'm going on three years in Starfleet."

Something rang in Liams head. "The Sundsvall," he asked. "Why is that ringing bells?" He couldn't put his finger on it. He had, however heard that name before.

"The Sundsvall? Probably because we were in the news about 4 years ago."

"Sorry," Liam said sheepishly. "A lot has happened over the last 4 years. What happened?"

She chuckled at his confusion.
"It's a long story, best told over drinks."

"Well we can sort that no problem," he grinned.

The turbolift finished their journey and the door pinged open admitting them to deck 378. " I decided to explore all 100 decks of the Promenade but didn't start logically," he admitted leading her out onto the level and heading towards a small but friendly looking bar. "Anyway I saw an ad on deck one for the live bands night and decided to check it out. I had just missed it. Naturally," he said a with a hint with a smile. "They put it on every couple of weeks or so. I used to be part of a band on my last posting. Wondering if its worth another go. At least it would get me out and socializing. I play keys," he explained as he held the old style door open for her to enter.

"Thanks. Sometimes these out of the way establishments are just as good or better than the more heavily trafficked areas."

She entered the bar and took a chair at a small table in the corner.
"Keys huh? I prefer the strings myself, mainly banjo & guitar."

"Really," Liam said as they entered the place. It was busy but not Box of delights busy. Still plenty of tables and you could hear the band quite nicely. He steered them to an empty table with a nice view of the stage. A quartet of Bolians were just finishing up. The music was interesting. Bolian Jazz. Not quite Liam's cup of tea but enjoyable none the less.

It was table service, so a young human woman made her way over. Liam recognized her for his last trip down here. "I knew you wouldn't be able to keep away," She laughed. "We have 2 more up this evening. I am sure you will enjoy them. Anyway, what can I get you both?" she said friendly. Liam indicated Annora order first.

"I'll have some Andorian ale, and Nachos if you have any."

She wasn't sure what they had available in terms of food, but Nachos were usually a safe bet.

"And I'll have a glass of that cider if you have any left?" Liam added. She nodded and disappeared off. "Make it themselves. Its phenomenal. Almost like the stuff I can get back at my grandparents place in Earth. So strings heh. We have the beginnings of a band between us," he laughed. "What sort of music are you into?"

"I listen to several different types of music. In terms of playing, I tend to gravitate towards bluegrass, and some jazz. I did dabble in classical guitar, but for whatever reason it never really held my interest as much. How about you?"

"I like rock mainly. Historic rock. I play a lot of classical but that more to keep my sanity. It helps depress from the empathic gifts," Liam said quietly. Again he was admitting a weakness. There drinks arrived and boy did Annora's nacho's look good. Now that he could smell them he realized how hungry he was. He couldn't remember when he last ate. "Could I have a portion of those too?" he asked the waitress. She gave him a knowing smile and nodded disappearing again.

"Not much call for bluegrass in England," he grinned after taking a sip of the cider. "But its right good fun. Occasionally you will get a band."

"Yeah I noticed that when I spent some time in Western Europe. I think it helped that my music instructor came from a family that had a tradition of playing bluegrass music. Although the nice thing about the colony I grew up on was the diverse population. Gave one exposure to several different cultures in a small area."

Taking a bite of her nachos, Annora watched as a mixed group of Bajorans and Trill took the stage for the next musical set.

"How are you settling in to the station?" Liam asked then smiled again as the waitress returned with another portion of food.

She shrugged. "So far so good I guess. As you pointed out on the way down, it's certainly been an interesting week. Although I shouldn't complain too much, I knew a frontier posting would come with its own set of challenges. Although it would be nice to have a few days break before the next crisis comes along."

"Agreed. So," he lifted up and indicated his drink. "You said you had a long story," he finished popping it back down again with a grin and scooping up some nachos.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Lieutenant JG Annora Tessaro
Assistant Chief Security Officer DS5


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