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Dead or Alive...

Posted on Fri Apr 15, 2016 @ 4:54am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,304 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Hard to Say, depends on what you believe
Timeline: MD15 1120 hours


Rianni opened her eyes, disoriented but okay. She looked around and smiled as the warmth of the air and of recognition, “Pearl.” She said happily, recognizing where she was right away. Pearl Harbor, the place where she’d done her fighter pilot training, the accelerated crash course that would get pilots to the Dominion War faster.

"Bitch, where have you been?" An attractive twenty something with her hair in short pigtails asked as she walked over and embraced Rianni.

Rianni recognized her immediately,"Casey....." She’d had a thing for Casey for a very long time, but Casey was, at least as far as Rianni knew, very straight. Rianni loved Casey, Casey loved men.

"You were expecting someone else?" Lt. Casey Salas replied, "'Bout time you got here, too! If you make me late for the party I am so going to kick your pretty ass."

"Party?" Rianni asked, running her hands through her mid-length hair, noticing the 2nd Lieutenant's bars on her leather jacket as she did, "What party?" This all felt really familiar.

"That Kaponos, you ditz!" Casey groaned, "They're throwing us a luau and you are so not going to make me late. Move it, bitch!"

"Right! The Kapono Brothers!" Rianni remembered, the Kaponos had been figuratively humping their legs since they arrived at Pearl, "They must've brought us enough fish and coconuts to fill the waters and trees on the entire island."

"Right!" Casey laughed, "Those two are about as subtle as a photon torpedo in a library."

"They're cute though." Rianni snickered naughtily; the Kaponos were native Hawaiians with long black hair and bodies like the marble statues of Greek gods, they were far more than cute.

"Right!" Casey winked, dragging Rianni along by her left arm, "And if you make me miss them doing their native dance in the little hula skirts I'm going to be putting a help wanted ad for a new best friend."

"Oh, bull, bitch." Rianni laughed, happily running along behind her friend. She could hear the music starting and smell the pig roasting, this was going to be a great night.

As they arrived the Kaponos had already begun their dance, their bodies moving in rhythm with the island music as another young man brought drinks to Casey and Rianni, "Yeah, this is what I needed." Rianni smiled, sipping on the strong rum based drink served to her in a coconut, "Right here."

“No, you need to get off your ass and shake it, bitch!” Casey demanded, “This is a party, baby!”

Rianni watched for a second as Casey’s body swayed in rhythm with the island music, stopping only to drop a piece of clothing every now and then until she was down to her SFMC t-shirt and pants, her feet bare and her toenails painted beautifully in bright blue, Casey’s favorite color. She continued sipping her drink, dancing along with Casey from a few feet away until Casey motioned her over, ~What is she up to?~

“Dance with me.” Casey whispered once Rianni was close enough, placing her hands on the half Romulan’s waist and moving her to the beat, “Come on.”

Rianni had dreamt of this for so long, there was no way she could turn her down. Casey, so beautiful, so vibrant, so everything Rianni had ever wanted. She kept up with Casey as best she could, Casey was an amazing dancer, and was stunned when Casey suddenly planted a gentle, loving kiss on her lips, “Wow….” Rianni said, stunned, “Best party ever.”

"And the night's only getting better, baby." Casey promised, pointing across the way to the Kaponos' boat and the two packed SFMC duffel bags on the deck, "I scored us a 72 hour liberty, we're going with them."

Rianni wanted to groan, leave it to Casey to not only tease her, but also commit them both to a three day sleepover date, but the idea of a three day weekend, yeah, that was good.

"I was looking forward to that." A voice from nowhere stated, it sounded like Klia.

"What was that?" Rianni asked quickly, surely Casey had to have heard it.

"What was what?" Casey asked in response, she hadn't heard anything.

"That voice." Rianni stated bluntly, if Casey was playing one of her trademark jokes this was not the time.

"What voice? It was probably just the music, or someone down the beach talking." Casey shook her head, "You're cracking up from a lack of sex, baby."

"You're right, Case." Rianni giggled it off, "It was probably nothing."

"That's right, bitch!" Casey said with joy, "And it is luau night and we are the main attraction for the boys who want the action! Now come on! We’re dancing!"

"All right!" Rianni laughed; first they would dance, then they would cross to a smaller island where they would spend the next three days with the Kapono brothers, that was the joy of life with Casey, the party never ended, “Can’t believe you’ve got us on a sleepover with the Kaponos…”

“Who says we’re only going to be sleeping with the Kaponos, baby?” Casey winked, stroking Rianni’s face with the back of her hand, “They’re gentlemen, remember? But me? I’m getting laid tonight one way or another.”

"Don't stand me up okay." The voice from nowhere said again. That was it! That was definitely Klia's voice!

Rianni stopped and touched Casey's shoulder, "Casey, I heard it again. I'm telling you something isn't right here."

"Seriously, girl, did you drink your entire stock of Ouzo or something?" Casey laughed, though she was starting to feel some serious concern for her friend.

"Yeah, probably just too much rum in my drink." Rianni said, trying to blow it off.

"Right." Casey smiled, "Now come on, let's go get on the boat, we'll slide out with the Kaponos and...." She raised her eyebrows and lowered them naughtily.

"You're incorrigible." Rianni laughed, downing the remains of her drink as the other guy, she thought his name was Keoki, brought her a big piece of roast pig. The whole thing seemed so surreal to her, was Casey really planning on having sex with her?

“You’ll find out.” Casey grinned, her hand on Rianni’s butt.

"First date in months...."

"Casey, did you?" Rianni gasped as Casey began to make her way to the Kaponos' boat.

"It would've been awesome." The voice again, closer now, as though someone was right in her ear.

"Rianni, hurry up!" Casey called, she was nearly to the boat now, none of what had happened had happened to her somehow, "The guys are ready to go, we need to get moving if we want to make their place before sunrise."

"Don't fucking die, okay?" Klia's voice, softer now, like a whisper as Casey drew further away still.

“Rianni, come on!” Casey called, “Everything you’ve wanted since we met at the Academy is right on the other side of the channel! It’s time to go, baby.”

Rianni finally found herself again, knowing she had a choice to make. Casey was only about fifty meters away, getting onto the Kaponos' boat, she could make it in no time with her superior Romulan speed. But that voice, Klia's voice, it was calling to her and she knew she had to answer, "Sorry, Casey! I've got a date! I love you and I'll see you soon!"

Pearl was gone now, Casey with it, now all she felt was cold. No, she felt cold and someone's hand, she didn't know whose hand it was, but she squeezed it tightly, needing something to hold on to as reality and the entire world around her became blurry.


On the Spirit Plane, Coming Back to Us

The Voice Guiding Her Home


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