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Whiskey Is Not The Only Strong Spirit

Posted on Sun Mar 20, 2016 @ 4:44am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos

839 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: MD11 2200


It was relatively quiet in the box. Rosh Pelin had worked far more hours this week than normal. Yolanthe had been gone almost a week, and he was beginning to wonder if she was ever coming back.

He pulled a couple of beers from the taps and handed them off to Blake who dissapeared into the crowd, which was mostly warming up before going up to see Madam Meow's new show, or going to heckle that nights sacrificial victims in the comedy room.

He gave the bar near the tap a quick wipe, and turned to the next customer, another Bajoran like himself, though olde enough to be his grandfather, with an earring that sung heavily with multiple chains and charms

Antos was making an effort to explore the station, and that included the entertainment areas like Box of Delights. In Bajoran Faith, the clergy were permitted to partake in all of life's pleasures. They are considered the spoils of the Prophets.

So far, Vedek Krell had been surprised at the number of Bajoran residents to the station. Walking intothe Box of Delights was no less surprising. Right behind the bar was yet another Bajoran. Krell focused his attention on the man as he made his way to him.

"What can I get you, your grace?" Pel turned to him, throwing the bar towel into the bucket under the bar. "We've got Springwine, Fire spirits and Klaavatu schnapps if you want some home comforts, or I've got plenty of others." He offered the holy man the drinks menu, with its long list of cocktails, and the full drinks list.

Eyeing the menu a moment, Krell settled on a favorite of his. "Springwine please, any vintage." He smiled warmly, and took a seat at a nearby stool.

Pelin spun a wine glass into his hands, found a relatively young bottle, a 2390, and poured a generous glass. "This one's pretty good. I don't drink a lot of Springwine, but I like this one."

Krell felt assured by the man's honesty. He took the glass, and sipped handsomely. "Ahh, very good." He smiled.

"Are you the new ambassador?" Pelin guessed. He knew the clergy from the temple at the bottom of the Promenade, and he didn't recognise this man. But gossip had got about that the Cardassian ambassador had his panties in a bunch over the installing of a temple in the new Embassy, and he took a little bit of secret pleasure in anything that pissed of Cardassian Ambassadors.

"How could you tell?" Antos asked, looking down at his attire and smiling.

A padd under the bar beeped, and listed an incoming drinks order, and he put two pint glasses under different taps and turned them on. "There's only so many Vedek's on this station. I know the others by sight. But you're new, and the ambassador only arrived a few days ago. So it made sense."

Smiling, Krell sipped his wine. "I have yet to meet the other Vedeks. There is much we need to discuss."

Pelin nodded, one eye on the poring taps. "How are you finding it here? The Cardassians giving you any problems?"

Krell's smile broke. "Their Ambassador has attempted to antagonize me." The Vedek stated. "Other then that, my time has been very good. There is so much to see, and so many people ."

"That there is." Pelin allowed. The pints finished and he swapped the pints out and began working on the cocktails. "But hardly any of us are Bajoran."

"Really?" Krell said, "I've seen a lot of Bajora, especially on the Promenade."

"That where most of us work. But there's not many amongst the fleeties. And theres tens of thousands of people on the station, as a percentage, we're quite small. Some are moving away too. Things are starting to get uncomfortable round here if you're not human. And being a federation member only makes it slightly better."

The Vedek finished his drink slowly. He looked around the room. "Can you do me a favor?"

Pel put a green drink in a hurricane glass onto the tray. "Sure. What do you need."

"Come to Temple, you seem like a man that people follow." The Vedek looked sincere.

Pel blushed red from nose to the tips of his ears, "I..I, " he stuttered out. "People don't follow me, Vedek. I'm the barman. They give me orders."

Antos reached across the bar, and gripped Pelin's ear between his thumb and forefinger. "I think you underestimate yourself. Your Pagh is strong, others can feel that." He released his grip.

The young man startled, and pulled back at the touch. Getting groped by the customers was something Ahjess and Blake experienced, he was usually safe behind the bar. "I think you've got the wrong man, Vedek."

Krell stood from his stool, and made to leave. "We have evening service on Tuesday at six o-clock." He called back. a huge smile broke on his face.


Krell Antos
Bajoran Ambassador

Rosh Pelin
The Box of Delights


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