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Never Shall We Die (Part One)

Posted on Wed Feb 3, 2016 @ 7:54pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,599 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate, SIva 6
Timeline: MD10 1930


In the crevice where Adriel had pushed her, Yolanthe heard the scream. And she recognised it. It was Klia, it was really her! her body went royal blue for a moment, and then a Deep green as the reality of the bone chilling scream took her.

She risked a glance down the corridor. There was a single door, and a single man, an over muscled Andorian, standing in front of it, looking bored.

She pulled back and tapped Adriel on the shoulder. "In there?"

"Yeah, that's her." Adriel said, sniffing back tears. In the short time she'd been there Adriel had come to love Klia very much, like the sister she'd always wanted. She recognized the Andorian, his name was Pollux, and he'd worked for Torm for years. He'd also desired her for years, never crossing the line for fear of Torm though. She thought silently to the new woman, ~Follow my lead, gorgeous, we're going to rescue our girl now.~

Yolanthe grabbed her before she could move. "I don't know you, I sure as hell don't trust you. If you're planning something, Tell me. Because I won't hesitate to drop you if you make me twitchy. And she's not your girl."

She looked back to the guard. There was no way of sneaking up at him. But they couldn't stay there. Not if this betazoid was right about the patrols. "Can you get rid of him?"

"You're damn near as mistrustful as Klia was at first." Adriel sighed, adding, "And if I couldn't I would've already hauled ass. Come on, I'm a slave, but I'm not stupid. Just be ready, okay? I'd prefer not to die today."

She sauntered over sexily. Her slow, sensual approach had definitely caught Pollux's lecherous eye, not that he was exactly a hard case. She ran a finger up his chest and smiled beautifully, her teeth perfect and white, leaning up to kiss him softly.

Pollux's lips tingled at Adriel's kiss, but as soon as the tingle left his lips the shiver went up his spine, "Adriel, if Torm...."

"Torm is busy." Adriel winked, "Now, we going to talk or use our lips for something better?"

Something wasn't right here, Pollux knew that. The problem was he didn't care, wrapping his arms around Adriel's waist and pulling her tight to him, kissing her as deeply.

~Uh, hey, gorgeous, you might wanna grab his weapon now.~ Adriel communicated to her de facto partner; one she was occupied, two she had no idea how to use one of those damn things but figured the other woman did, ~Thanks.~

It took half a dozen strides to get down to where Adriel had angled the Andorian so he had his back to the Bokkai. She slid an arm around his throat and pulled him back into a choke hold before he realised what was happening. He struggled for a moment, before she lowered him to the floor unconscious, and took his disruptor.

She looked at it, twisted it from kill to stun. "Are you any good at shooting?"

"Never tried." Adriel admitted, then pointed to the muzzle, "This end towards enemy, right?" She'd seen Torm and the guards firing their weapons many times, but she'd never actually held one; probably a good thing or she would've been in the same position Klia was in now. She looked over at Pollux laying prone on the floor and said, "Hey, Gorgeous, two things."

Yolanthe offered the betazoid the handle of the disruptor. "What?"

"One, you have a name I can call you? Feel a little funny calling you Gorgeous." She began, then jerked a thumb towards Pollux, "Two can you teach me that move?"

"If you feel funny, then don't do it." Yolanthe muttered, turning a dirty gold colour "Yolanthe." She looked at the door Pollux had been guarding, then at Pollux, and then at the half naked woman. "And two. No. You're not big enough." She patted the Andorian down, and found nothing She looked at the door. it had a palm print lock. She hauled Pollux up and held it over the panel. "Stand back."

"Standing back." Adriel replied, dropping back half a pace behind Yolanthe, then adding mentally, ~And three can you can the hostility? I'm not your enemy.~ She gripped the disruptor nervously, hoping she could do anything to help this apparently capable woman save Klia.

Yolanthe dropped the Andorian's hand on to the plate, and held it there. The screen pulsed with a blue glow for a moment, and then the door opened.

She dropped the unconscious Andorian, and his head cracked hard against the floor. She didn't notice, jumping past his fallen form, desperate to get to Klia.

Then she was in the Black Room, and the sheer horror in front of her made her freeze for a split second.

Klia was bound naked to a table of some sort, there were burns all along her body, her hair had been burnt off. Blackened lines as thick as Yolanthe's pinkie had been burnt into the flesh of her breasts and left seeping blisters in their wake.

And the whole place smelt of charred flesh.

Adriel wanted to cry, to break down, fall to her knees, and bawl at what had been done to her friend: Klia's face was burnt, her beautiful hair destroyed, nothing left but ashy strands atop a partially bald, partially burnt scalp, and the scars that would be left on her body.... it was all too much. But, she forced herself to concentrate on her task at hand, aiming at Torm and pressing angrily on the fire button, ~Die, you bastard!~ She thought, hoping he caught it. She fired again and again and again, not hitting Torm but making him dodge behind the table.

The fat Boslic moved with speed that someone that vast should not have been capable off, but sheer fear gave him wings. He sparked up the laser torch and put the bright blue burning point close to Klia's eye. "I'll kill her."

Yolanthe had ducked down to avoid the Betazoid's wild firing, and she found a discarded jar on the floor. She had it in her hand and was casting it before she even thought about it. The boslic started to flinch away, but it caught him on the rise of his orbital arch, shattering glass into his right eye and he collapsed back, laser torch falling away uselessly.

The Bokkai dashed to Klia's side, "Help me get her loose." The manacles had to come off somehow."

"I've got an idea." Adriel smiled, "Take that welder, change the setting and it's a cutter, I'll figure out how to do the same with this.... thing." She said, indicating the weapon; she knew that energy weapons like this could be used as cutting tools, she'd seen Torm do it before to women in the black room. She looked down at Klia, poor Klia who didn't deserve any of this, and smiled, ~Don't worry, I know where the medkit is kept, I'll fix you up in a minute.~

"Lani?" Klia's voice was hoarse from screaming. "Are you real?"

Yolanthe turned the laser welder back on with a twist of the wrist, and set it against one of the chain links leading to the manacles on Klia's thin wrist. "I'm real. And I'm taking you home."

"Where is he? Is he dead" She tried to lift her head, tried to see but Yolanthe shushed her and concentrated on cutting. Torm was still a dazed heap on the floor.

"He's not going anywhere. We are." The chain came free, and she moved down to Klia's ankles, cutting the chain there as close to Klia's feet as she dared.

Klia slumped back again, whimpering in pain, the exertion having disturbed the burns. "You're real."

"That's right, Klia, we're both real." Adriel smiled, happy that Klia could at least speak, "Come on, we're going... anywhere but here." She was going to say home, but this was the only home Adriel had ever known, she had been born here and never been past the gates, maybe soon though...

Yolanthe scooped Klia up bridal style, wincing in sympathy as the movement broke open more blisters on the charred wounds and Klia groaned in pain. She turned to Adriel. "Nearest way out?"

Before the betazoid could reply, Torm, now recovered from the blow to the head, howled, "Guards!"

Yolanthe whirled back, saw the communicator clutched between his podgy fingers and decided that the damage was done. "Run!" she hissed, giving Adriel a little shove using Klia's feet to nudge her along. "Now!"

"Don't have to tell me twice." Adriel replied, running towards a panel that opened to a hallway leading outside, she'd seen Torm's guys take bodies out this way before; Adriel and the other women had nicknamed it the Death Tunnel. She fired three more shots to cover their retreat, her aim improving with every shot.

Yolanthe dashed down the narrow hall as fast as she dared without dropping Klia. After a twenty meter dash with only the scant illumination from the Black Room lighting the way she saw a new light source and went straight for it.

The light wasn't at the end of the tunnel. But only because the end of the tunnel was a pit that dropped down into the earth. A perfect place to dump a body. Yolanthe was running flat out. She wasn't going to be able to stop...

::To Be Continued::

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The BOx of Delights

Klia N'Shahdra
NPC by Notty

NPC by Drea


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