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Do we not worship the same Gods

Posted on Fri Jan 29, 2016 @ 12:38pm by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas
Edited on on Sat Feb 6, 2016 @ 7:37am

783 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Bajoran Embassy
Timeline: MD 11 - 2:00 (Sometime after "May The Prophets Welcome You")


Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas walked slowly up the stairwell leading to the entrance of the still-under construction Bajoran Temple. Although Kivan was an Engineering onboard the station; however, the construction of a Bajoran temple fell under the purview of the Civilian Administration. Such a facility struck a chord with the young man of Bajoran and Cardassian descent.

As he made it to the top of the stairwell, he paused as he observed the arch surrounding the entrance in a semi-circle. He looked around and saw various construction drones going back and forth with building material in accordance with their programming. He took several steps foward, but stopped once he got to the steps to the entrance.

He hesitated slightly as he contemplated whether he wanted to step foot into a temple. It had been years since he had gone within 10 meters of one, but now here he stood before one again. His train of thought was derailed as he heard a voice over his left shoulder.

Cardassians could always be counted on to unnerve Antos. The sight of one on consecrated ground brought up a slew of emotions the Vedek could not even attempt to describe.

Stepping cautiously behind the uniformed mam, Krell put on his most authoritative yet Diplomatic voice. "Is there something I could help you with?" He asked, his voice remaining even.

Kivan turned and looked at the Vedek carefully. "H-hello. I am Kivan Ta'Gas, my mother was Kivan Sh'rah, she was Bajoran." He said, trying to introduce himself and provide justification for his standing here before a Bajoran temple. "I--I wanted to come take a look at the new Temple that I heard was going up." He said.

Antos calmed slightly. He had a soft spot for the offspring of Bajorans. Despite the man's origin, the Prophet's spirit can find even part of a Bajoran soul.

"This will be more than a temple, it will serve as a Diplomatic Embassy as well." The Vedek beamed, however cautious. He was truly excited about what was being done here.

"Have the Prophets graced your life?" Antos asked against his better judgment. He had hear of Cardassian-Bajoran hybrids who were devout, but had yet to meet one.

Ta'Gas paused.

"Graced?" He asked rhetorically as he turned to face the looming structure. "I haven't been grace since I watched my mother die." He said as he turned back towards the Vedek.

"What kind of Gods would 'grace' a child with the experience of spending 2 days staring at his mother's convulsing and slowly withering body because the guards didn't want to risk contracting a 'slave disease'." He said.

"The Prophets are all-seeing. They choose when we are to join them in the Celestial Temple." Antos spoke with urgency, wanting the man, oddly enough, to have peace.

"Is that what you told everyone during the occupation? That it was the will of the Prophets that their loved ones were to die from being worked until they died from exhaustion or just were murdered by some Cardassian Overseeer!?" Ta'Gas said through clenched teeth, his fist balling unconsciously.

"The Prophets inflict only what we can endure or learn from." The Bajoran asserted, "Would you not agree that the Bajoran people came out of the Occupation stronger than before?"

Ta'Gas' response was arrested. His anger still flowed through him, but the more rational part of him recognized that the Vedek had a significant point. He sighed as he turned back to face the Temple's entrance.

"I ....I guess Bajorans did." Ta'Gas said, particularly referring to the race in the third person. Despite his lineage, he rarely felt comfortable referring to himself as a fellow Bajoran while in the presence of another.

"But what difference does it make? The Prophets guidance and love has never been for outsiders." The young man said pointedly.

"The Prophets will embrace those who embrace them." Antos smiled at the man, despite his discomfort. "Their love is shared by all through those who bask in the warmth of their protection. We are the messengers for the Prophets, and we must share their guidance and love with all who we encounter. "

Ta'Gas was troubled just by standing so close to the religious site. He knew how important the Prophets were to his mother, but. . .she wasn't here anymore. Despite the hardships he faced growing up, he still felt a tug towards the teachings and guidance of the Prophets, perhaps it was something that he would want to explore in the future.

"Thank you, for speaking with him." Ta'Gas said as he left the Temple, he had much to think over.


Ensign Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer

Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Republic


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