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Just One More Thing ...

Posted on Wed Jan 21, 2015 @ 1:39am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

557 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD01

Isha steepled her fingers. For the last two hours she had run every scenario through her mind, each one with a more disastrous outcome than the last. Always she came back to the same question ... could she trust Trellis to deliver?

Any minute now he would be at the door and she had to decide on an answer to that question.

Lieutenant Trellis had returned to the Captain's quarters as ordered, this time without his fellow Trill, Lieutenant Rex. He pressed the button on the chime and awaited a response.

Isha glanced at the chronometer embedded in her desk-top - he was punctual at least. "Enter," she said.

He stepped into the room and immediately stood at attention. "Yes ma'am," He stated.

"Lieutenant Trellis, thank you for returning," she said her fingertips still touching. "I have given some thought to the proposal you brought to me earlier today."

"Yes ma'am, I thank you for that." Trellis replied appreciatively. He had given more thought into the plan himself and how to most effectively capture the woman without putting any other lives at risk. She may have been close to 70 years old, but she had proven herself to be dangerous and willing to kill any and everybody around her just to accomplish her own goals.

"With reservations, and on the assumption that you liaise closely with both Intelligence and the Marshal's Office, I am inclined to allow the operation to go ahead."

"Thank you, I will see to it that former Commander Victoria Sterling is brought on board. Lieutenant Rex and I believe that she will be a very useful asset in this operation." He replied contently.

"There is a caveat, Lieutenant. Your target, as I have read is dangerous, I will not allow her to be brought here lightly. This requires sober focus," Isha chose her words with purpose, "and for you to have that focus I have requested that Starfleet send me a permanent Security Chief - that will relieve you of that particular burden."

Trellis had been through this production before. It would only be a matter of time before the new Chief of Security was either transferred off or in the case of the previous person, die of a strange and rare illness. This time, Trellis would stand firm. He knew that it would be only a matter of time before Starfleet understood his potential and saw fit to permanently assign him to the role of Chief.

"Yes ma'am, I understand." He said as directly as he could.

Isha could understand where his confidence came from, but she thought it misplaced. "I will also require regular briefings on your progress," she told him, "and if I am not satisfied I will place the operation in the hands of Intelligence. Do you understand that?"

"Very well, ma'am." He replied. In his mind he was already going through the various scenarios that he'd have to employ to bring the fugitive into custody. There was also the thought of how good this would look to Admiral DeRosa and other higher-ups once she was successfully captured.

"Will there be anything else, Captain?" He asked.

If nothing else she had to admire his conviction. "That will be all, Lieutenant. Good luck."


Captain Isha t'Vaurek

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


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