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Bringing trouble onboard: Part II

Posted on Wed Jan 21, 2015 @ 2:48am by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Saria Rex & Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,226 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD01


Trellis' furrowed his brow. "C-Cap..." He sighed as he tried to gather his words exactly before his commanding officer. "Captain, Security is capable of handling his matter without the need to include the Intelligence Department." He finally said. "More importantly, this is a problem that the Trill Protectorate would prefer be handled without bringing in 'outsiders'" he added.

"Is she really necessary?" Trellis stated, not being too much of a fan of the resident "spooks".


"Absolutely necessary," Isha replied her tone sharp - there was no way she was going to leave such an operation in the hands of someone who reputedly used whisky as cologne. "You will also liaise with the Marshal's office, should I allow this operation to go ahead."

Mikaela had been in the communications centre when the summons from her captain had come through and, as such, it was a simple matter to descend one deck before she found herself outside the station commander's office. She reached out and pressed the chime and awaited her invitation to enter.

As the ping registered, Isha noted that her Yeoman had already verified the new arrival. Peritdot Quirm might just be more than a froth of candyfloss hair!

"Come, Lieutenant Locke," she said.

The doors slid open and Mikaela strode purposefully through. "You wished to..." she voice trailed off as surveyed the number of officers assembled in room, "see me..." she finally concluded. She glanced around the room at the assembled group again, before returning her focus to t'Vaurik. "What can I do for you, sir?"

Isha clasped her hands together and rose to her feet. "Our Security friends have identified a particularly Trillish problem, but one that has consequences for the Federation also. Anaia Rex. The proposal is that we allow her... indeed we lure her to Deep Space Five. I will not allow this unless my Intel are fully briefed."

Lieutenant Trellis rankled at the Captain referring to the situation as being a "Trillish problem".

Mikaela clocked the security officer's discomfort, but did not respond to it. She had already had one run-in with Trellis, but she couldn't quite judge whether his consternation was directed at her or at the station commander. Either way, this way not the time. "Understood," she nodded, formally, "What do I need to know?"

"Former Starfleet Captain Anaia Rex, I have received information and I have discussed a plan with Lieutenant Saria Rex, the current host of the Rex symbiont, to lure Fugitive Anaia Rex to a safe location and to capture her so that she may be prosecuted for genocide and war crimes." Trellis summarized. He purposely described the situation in a manner that made it clear that the Intelligence Department would not be necessary for this endeavor.

"Lieutenant Rex can give you more information on the symbiont and Anaia respectively." He added as he looked to the Science Officer.

"Ah, yes" Saria nodded. "While Anaia has indeed committed crimes against other lifeforms while she was joined with Rex, I can assure you that she was not influenced by the Rex symbiont I am currently joined with. During her time on Tau Volantis, she became mentally stronger than Rex and overpowered it. Basically, Rex was only able to stay put and witness what Anaia did there." She paused shortly.

"Anaia herself, wel... I'm not really sure how to put it." She gently rubbed the side of her head. "When she crashed down on the planet together with Veronica Sterling, I felt... I felt a sudden change. I can't fully describe it, it was really intense. It was as if something else took control... possesed her. When Rex was removed from Anaia, I could still sense Anaia being the same. I also felt some kind of... memory loss, if I'd describe it..." She inhaled deeply. "I just don't understand... she was a very kind and noble woman before Tau Volantis..."

Isha ignored the antipathy that oozed from Trellis, "I understand you want a low key operation," Isha said, "but, both Lieutenant Locke and Marshal Steiner have access to their own networks, they could well be able to assist in your venture. Do you have anyone on the ground on Tarod III, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Captain" I will have a small detachment of Security Officers in civilian attire waiting for the fugitive to land on the planet and attempt to obtain the drug." he reported.

"I have additional concern that if you are detected someone as dangerous as Anaia might attempt to take action against us here on Deep Space Five. I have a duty to you both as my officers as well as to the population of this station. For that I need Intelligence and the Marshal's office to be fully briefed."

"I have some questions." Soran began. "If Anaia Rex is still alive, then she has to be in her seventies. And Anaia would have to be somewhere where she has secure access to Halu'gen. What makes you think she will abandon that to come here. Whatever bait we have must be superb."

"I agree, she won't be easy to bait" Saria replied. "My best guess would be contacting some kind of black market dealer on DS5 who trades in Halu'gen. One whom might seem trustful and cunning enough to lure her to the station..."

"I agree," Trellis chimed into the conversation. "The shipment was originally due to be delivered to Vistonia Prime. I learned that the colony had suffered a recent shortage of the drug and had made an emergency request. I've had the shipment re-routed to Deep Space 5 where it will be unloaded, synthesized and transported to the nearby colony on Tarod III." Trellis informed the group.

"We'll need to find someone to pose as the black market dealer onboard the station." He said, looking to Lt. Rex. "I'm sure we can find some ne'erdowell within the 'Box of Delight'" he said contemptuously.

Isha raised an eyebrow at his tone. "What is your view on the proposal Lieutenant Locke? Do you think Deep Space Five can handle this?"

"Do we actually want an actual 'ne'erdowell'" Soran asked, managing not to make air-quotes around the archaic word by effort of will. "What would stop them tipping her off." And neither did she want intel or security too near what could very well turn out to be her own Pharmacist. "Perhaps an undercover officer would be better? Perhaps you, Mr Trellis?"

Isha took a few paces away then turned back, her fingers linked together, "I agree that I would not want an 'unknown' in an undercover role. Do you have someone in mind, Lieutenant Trellis?"

"Yes, we can recruit a member for the Federation Marshall's office. They are new to the station and separate from the Security personnel manifest." Trellis suggested.

She might not like the plan, but Isha fully understood the necessity for covert operations, even ones that brought danger close to civilians. Trellis seemed sincere in his desire to run the operation, but could she trust him?

"I will consider it Lieutenant Trellis. Report back to me in two hours," the Captain said. "Did anyone have anything further to add?"

"Then you're dismissed."


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Saria Rex
Chief of Science


Lt. Cmdr Maritza Soran
Chief of Strategic Ops


Mikaela Locke
Chief Intelligence Officer


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