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Lure of the Lotus (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Dec 3, 2015 @ 7:07pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

1,364 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Thereen's Jewelry and Fine Gifts
Timeline: MD 5/1830

Tianys smiled and nodded, standing gracefully. Her scent filled the air around Liam, tingling pleasantly along his nerves, as she took his arm and guided him out of the main club and back into the lobby.

“Tell me about yourself,” Tianys said. “Help me understand what you like, so I may please you better the next time you visit.” Her smile would melt most humanoids. “You seemed…uneasy. Perhaps a more…private encounter would relax you more?” she prompted. “An intimate little room of your own?”

"Ahhh," Liam said. "I'm out of a big relationship and not had the best six months. Just a bit guarded. But don't worry; I am seeking some help to sort my head out. I have an appointment with a counselor."

Tianys smiled. “Why do you mammals make relationships so complicated?” she asked. “I have plenty of females more than willing. Have more than one, if you like,” she said. “Perhaps you just need to forget?” She caressed his face tenderly as they exited the club. “You are handsome and virile.” She turned them to head down the open walkway of the Promenade toward where the corridor dead-ended at the maintenance and delivery doors. Just before that, tucked in next to the Lotus, was a single etched glass entrance to a shotgun shop.

"Thank you," Liam said at the compliment. It was always nice to be told you were handsome and, he guessed, virile. "And truthfully I don't know. It just happens sometimes."

The shop they entered was small, tiny even, wide enough for about three abreast, but long, heading straight back. The center was taken by long glass cases, dividing the shop in two. A display case in the front window showed off many ornate Bajoran earrings, though they were incomplete, missing the essential identifying pieces that marked one’s family lineage. Other jewelry was in the long displays down the center.

At the sound of the chime when they entered, a beaded curtain in the back parted and a pretty young Bajoran woman emerged. She had long dark hair, pale blue eyes, and full lips. She smiled as she saw them, pausing only a step as she caught Tianys’ scent, taking a breath, her pale skin flushing a bit in response and her riveting eyes sliding over Liam instinctively as her body responded to the alien’s presence.

“Hello, Tianys,” she greeted.

“Good evening, Tera,” the Rowa’ni replied. “Liam, this is Thereen Tera,” she introduced the Bajoran shop owner.

"A pleasure," Liam said, bowing his head at the new woman.

“How can I help you?” the pretty young Bajoran woman asked, pushing her dark hair back from her intense blue eyes, full lips smiling. Tianys’ scent brought nice color to her cheeks.

"I am looking for a wedding present for two of my closest friends and...well, I am clueless. I think this lovely lady can attest to that," he indicated the Rowa'ni.

Tianys smiled. “No more than I would be in the face of a mammal wedding,” she chuckled throatily.

“Well, jewelry is a bold and personal choice,” Tera smiled. “Much more so than a kitchen set. Did you have anything in mind?” She gestured down the long case for him to follow.

Tianys followed, leaving a bit of distance, but her scent still wafted through the shop, tingling through them pleasurably.

"Do you perhaps have a nice box for them to store keepsakes?" Liam asked. He suspected Amia would love the idea of a piece of jewelry, but he didn't think it was Cade’s thing. "Like an ornate chest?"

“I do,” Tera smiled at the handsome Betazoid. She led him down the case. There were some hand carved jewelry boxes as well as a few larger chests. “These are authentically hand carved tika wood from Bajor made by an artist commune in Dakhur Province. Each is blessed by a vedek before being shipped. I think…” Tera knelt down and pulled out a box, studying it a moment, “this might be appropriate. It has scenes of a traditional Bajoran marriage ceremony. The blessing would be specifically for the newlyweds. The Bajoran temple on the Promenade could add whatever other blessings you might wish.” She held it out to Liam to examine.

"That sounds very nice and appropriate," Liam said taking it out her hands when offered the box and looking it over. "Perhaps I could fill it with some little bits. You know candles, sweets they like. And wrap it," he suggested. "Cade would probably hate that but Amia would be in her element with bows and paper to destroy," he grinned.

"I'll take it, thank you," he told Tera. "What do I owe you?"

“It is three hundred credits,” Tera said, assuming he was paying in Federation currency. It was pricey, but not outrageously so for something hand crafted. She went to a work table and started to wrap it up.

“And dinner,” Tianys chimed in, smiling at Liam.

Tera blushed at the Rowa’ni’s interjection, glancing over her shoulder at the handsome officer, pushing back her long brown hair from her striking blue eyes.

A feeling of utmost panic went through Liam before he attempted to internally rationalize it. He had to move on. It was just dinner. It didn't mean it was something big and crazy. He certainly wasn't looking for a big relationship at present, but that didn't mean he couldn't date. Especially if he was upfront with the women.

"Okay," he said, stepping forward and pressed his thumb print to the machine on the counter. "Three hundred credits. And dinner, if you would like that? Anywhere you fancy. I have to warn you though, and sorry it’s the far too honest Betazed in me. I am just out of a very, very messed up relationship. So I am probably as useless at going for dinner with a pretty girl as I am shopping."

“Dinner is fine, but only if you want,” Tera assured Liam, bringing back his gift. She had wrapped it in shiny white paper and a pale blue ribbon.

“Why wouldn’t he want dinner with a beautiful female?” Tianys asked, leaning casually on the counter, her dress draping her lush curves like a classical goddess.

“Tianys, please,” Tera blushed with a pretty smile.

"He would like dinner with the beautiful female," Liam reassured her. "How about Friday night? You pick a restaurant. I'm new in town so I don't know what’s good."

Tera blushed and nodded. “Friday night would be good,” she said.

Tianys beamed, and it seemed her pheromones were a bit stronger, causing Tera’s breath to hitch a bit as she gazed at the handsome Betazoid.

“Here is your gift,” Tera said, handing Liam the package, her blue eyes gazing into his.

"Thank you," Liam said reaching for it. He had to put every emotional shield in place so he would not be affected by the rise in pheromones and feelings swimming round them. He wondered if Tianys knew just how powerful she was. He could of course sense Tera's reaction, but even people walking outside the shop were reacting too.

"I guess…" He sounded like a complete dork. His relationship with Haku had completely knocked any game he had had out of him. Or perhaps he really wasn't ready for this, but he had committed now. "I come meet you after work? Here?" She hadn't suggested a place.

“There’s a Bajoran restaurant down in the Bajoran gardens,” Tera said. “How about I meet you there? 2000?” the pretty shop owner suggested. “Give me a chance to get presentable.” She blushed.

Tianys smiled, shaking her head. She still didn’t understand why mammals always had this song and dance before they got down to what they really wanted. It was amusing.

"Right then. Bajoran restaurant in the Bajoran gardens," Liam noted it in his head. "I will see you then. Thank you both again," he smiled, lifting the gift. "Good bye, ladies."


Tianys Dalav’ni
Owner, The Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Thereen Tera
Owner, Thereen’s Jewelry and Fine Gifts
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt JG Liam Reynolds


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