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Lure of the Lotus (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Dec 3, 2015 @ 7:02pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

2,342 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 5/1800

Liam had never been good at shopping, but as he still had to sort out a wedding gift he was not going to escape it. He had found The Lotus Lounge but not the jewelry shop. Seeing as though Caleb had mentioned the place, he decided to step in out of curiosity.

The Lotus Lounge was a very discreet establishment. It was tucked away in a private little corner of the Promenade that got little extraneous traffic. A beautiful lotus flower painted on darkened glass was the only signage, no name or advertising as to the function of the establishment. It existed on word of mouth references between patrons. The automatic dark glass doors led into a comfortable lobby with soft, overstuffed furniture and a long, dark wood counter. From this side of the glass one could look out on the Promenade, though it was impossible to look into the establishment from outside. The scent of the place hit one first, filling one’s senses, sending pleasure buzzing along one’s nerve endings. It was heady, arousing.

Behind the counter stood a male and a female Rowa’ni. The female had bright blue hair cascading down her back and Andorian antennae and Trill spotting, her figure voluptuous and enticing beneath her nearly sheer pale blue dress that molded to her figure, emphasizing her features. The male had pointed Vulcanoid ears and Bajoran nose ridges. His moss-soft green hair curled with delicate attractiveness at his collar. He was bare-chested, wearing only an open vest and loose, flowing pants of the same nearly sheer material in white. They stood with padds talking to customers, greeting regulars, and taking information from new patrons so the Lounge could best serve their desires. Fresh fruit was on offer on a tray, along with pure, clean water.

Behind the counter was a simple paper screen illustrated with beautiful flowers and birds that separated the front lobby from the main club with it ending a few feet before the walls to create open doorways. Near each entrance in the screen was a burly Rowa’ni male, one with Klingon features and rose pink hair, the other with Cardassian features and violet hair, though both with the fresh green skin of the Rowa’ni and dressed in the same pants and vest. Their green eyes kept a constant vigil on the patrons entering and leaving the glass doors of the Lounge.

A Rowa’ni with long, slightly curling hair in a deep rose red entered the lobby area from behind the screen. She had pointed ears and a slightly Romulan cast to her features, it seemed. She was tall, with a voluptuous body with plenty of soft, enticing curves and an innocent, angelic, youthful appearance. Her quick green eyes noted that the two front desk workers were busy with other patrons and so she approached the waiting Starfleet officer.

“Welcome to The Lotus Lounge,” she said. Or we can converse this way, if you prefer, she offered telepathically, noting he was Betazed. Her mental voice had the warmth of a summer sun, the smell of a spring rain, and the slight rustle of a warm breeze through leaves underlying it. I am Tianys Dalav’ni, Matron of this establishment. And how may we fulfill your desires?

It took Liam a moment to adjust from the…what were they? Pheromones. He knew he had felt something like this before, seen this species before. It was very overpowering coming from so many. He had been expecting a normal bar, where he could ask for directions. Evidently this place was much more. Given the option of telepathy, he took it gratefully. Plus, he didn't completely trust his voice not to crack at present with all the feelings from whatever they were sending out.

Thank you for you warm welcome. My desire is to find a wedding present. I was told there was a jewelry store near your establishment and I fear I have taken a wrong turn. Someone mentioned your place so I thought I would drop in and ask for directions.

He sounded a right fool he knew. Shopping was never his forte. Being suave and sophisticated in places like this… Well, Liam didn't frequent places like this. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe he got so far into relationships with women and lost them after proposing because he was too boring, he mused.

Oh, you mean Thereen’s? the Rowa’ni said with a familiar touch on Liam’s arm. She stepped closer, her scent sending tingles of pleasure through him, reminding him a bit of Haku. Her shop is next door. It is a small place, easy to miss, but we send a lot of business her way.

A light caress on Liam’s arm, an inviting smile. If you’d like, I can show you over in a few minutes. You are more than welcome to enjoy yourself while you wait, Tianys offered.

I don't think that’s an invitation I can pass up. You have my gratitude. Liam informed the alien. He remembered now. He had met one before, Isess, on board the Nimitz.

Hopefully, Liam mused, she meant have a drink. However, the touching of his arm and the effect the scent had on him could indicate something more. He guessed he was a single man now. If the object of your desire didn't contact you with a yes or no in six months that pretty much put you as single, he guessed.

Then please, come in, Tianys said. She slipped her arm through his, picking up a padd from the front desk as they passed. And how do you wish to be called on your visits here? she asked him as she started a new client file with expert taps of her long, delicate fingers on the control interface. A pseudonym is fine, if that is what you prefer, she assured him, though we ask that you close out your tab before you leave if you use one. They walked through one of the doors to the side of the desk.

Once past the partition, the club opened up. The club was built on levels. Broad to the left and right, at entry level stretched long bars of rich, dark wood, highly polished to shine brightly in the low lighting. A highly carved railing kept patrons from falling down into the sunken level. Down three steps from the lobby led to the main level of the club. It was filled with soft chairs and couches and small tables with large ferns and other plants, giving each little grouping a modicum of privacy. At the far end of the room was a small raised stage on which Rowa’ni danced provocatively. On one side of the stage a ramp led down from the kitchen and employee areas. Near each end of the bar stairs led up to a balcony that circled the entire club. There were rows of doors on the balcony leading to private rooms.

Naked Rowa’ni males and females moved among the various patrons with trays of little goodies, munchies, and other intoxicants, including beverages. Other Rowa’ni, dressed in their typical simple yet provocative clothing, kept an eye on things. More naked Rowa’ni lounged on the furniture with the patrons, curling up with them, touching and kissing, talking quietly about whatever subject they wished, though if things proceeded more carnally they were taken by the hand and led up the stairs to the private rooms.

The Lounge was filled with soft, trance-like music, soothing the patrons as they relaxed. Some inhaled from water pipes, others imbibed from small trays of mushrooms, drank, or were offered pills by roaming Rowa’ni; often all methods were available. Some activated holoemitters on the small tables, fascinating themselves with colorful, dancing lights that moved to the beat of the trance music. And through it all was the intoxicating scent of the Rowa’ni themselves.

"Wow," Liam stated. "I really only thought I was going to have a drink while I waited for you. Can I just have a drink?" he bumbled hopefully, realizing fast he really wasn't ready for that sort of action.

“However," Liam stated, "I have a question. Are you skilled in oomax? Stupid question, isn't it? You must be. Not for me. I just may have to please some Ferengi."

“You may have anything you like, Liam,” Tianys said, switching to speech since he had. “That is why the Lotus exists, to give our customers what they like.” She led him to a private little nook with an overstuffed leather chair and small holo-table. “I do have people with skill in oomax,” she said. She tapped a bit on the padd and handed it to him. “Pick someone you like.” The padd now contained images of beautiful Rowa’ni males and females of various shades of green, with various phenotypes – mixes of Cardassian, Klingon, Human, Bajoran, Vulcan, and more – with varied hair colors.

“And what would you like to drink?” Tianys asked. On the padd was a tab labeled Drinks as well as ones labeled Food, Services, and Companions. “Your table can order for you, as well,” she indicated, tapping the surface and popping up the holo-menu.

"I think I will leave picking someone to oomax to the Ferengi, if I am able to bring them," the part-Betazed said softly. "However…" he picked up the drinks padd menu. Scouring through, he saw the one that had offended him so in the other bar he had visited. He supposed it was time to get over this idiosyncrasy. Determined, he ordered, "A black Russian please. And if you want a pseudonym, Jon Reynolds." He laughed inwardly, giving her his twin’s name.

“Whatever name you like,” Tianys smiled. “We just want to ensure your privacy.” She glanced over at the bar and the Rowa’ni tending it nodded back, quickly putting the drink together and handing it to one of the naked Rowa’ni servers.

The young Rowa’ni girl that brought the drink had long white hair. She smiled coyly at Liam as she handed it to him and when her hair brushed his hand it was soft as a daisy petal. The girl also held out a tray of edibles, what looked like various kinds of mushrooms and pills for his enjoyment. She offered Tianys a glass of cold, clear water.

The long white hair reminded him painfully of Haku. Liam smiled at the server, taking the drink. "Another time," he said politely at the tray of edibles. "Thank you."

"So," Liam clinked glasses with the lovely Tianys, "are you any good at shopping advice? I need a wedding present. And I am, to be honest, hopeless at shopping."

“Well, tell me about the lovely couple,” Tianys said. “My people do not marry as yours do,” she admitted, “but gift-giving is rather cross-cultural.” She leaned back, her diaphanous gown draping enticingly over her lush figure, leaving nothing to the imagination beneath the thin material.

Liam was beginning to struggle as to where to look. The dress left little to the imagination. However, he could answer that question with ease. "Well, Amia is sweet. Adorable, actually. Like a little sister to me. Wants everything to be right in the world. She always sees the best in people. Cade, well, on the outside he's all business. It takes a while to read him deeper, but he cares just as much about everyone. Just doesn't show it as enthusiastically, I suppose. He also likes his sports, flying ships, and drinks a hell of a lot of Klingon coffee. I missed the wedding, so kind of need to make things right there with a good present."

With a look from Tianys, the white-haired naked Rowa’ni girl put the tray down on the table and settled on the arm of Liam’s chair. She smiled at him, gently running her fingers through his hair, and then started to massage his shoulders relaxingly, a pert, naked breast pressed against his arm as she worked.

Tianys tilted her head. “So a gift is required?” she asked him curiously. “It seems a bit like…extortion,” she said with a throaty chuckle.

"Erm," Liam said distracted. "No, it’s tradition. Friends and family buy wedding presents. I am close friends with both of them and for reasons…" He took a breath and gently moved the other lady’s hands off his shoulder. The white hair was constantly reminding him of Haku and it was just too painful right now.

Pulling her round so he could see her, Liam said, "Thank you. You are lovely and very skilled. I just don't require this at the moment. But if I change my mind or need this in the future, I will ask for you."

He hoped he had not offended the lady as she nodded and wandered off. "Please ensure she is tipped," Liam said, pressing his hand to the padd and setting up payment details. "I'm sorry. I am right now only looking for a wedding present. I didn't make it to the wedding for various reasons." Liam winced as several images he couldn't make sense of flashed through his mind. "So I just have to make it up to them, you know."

“Of course. Whatever you desire, we provide,” Tianys assured him with a friendly smile. “If you like, I have a gift shop of items to enhance their intimate moments,” she offered, “or we could head over to Thereen’s.” She sipped her water with her full, beautiful lips.

Liam thought about it for a moment and he didn't think Cade needed any help with the "intimate moments."

"Let’s go to Thereen's," he said happily.


Tianys Dalav’ni
Owner, The Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt JG Liam Reynolds


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