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If You Want Something Done (Part Two)

Posted on Sat Nov 14, 2015 @ 6:25am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

1,370 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Q'uits
Timeline: MD 6/1830


“I am Juheni Naqiis.” Aleczandra flicked her fingers as if counting something. “Four hosts ago.”

Hex’s face broke into a wild smile. “Juheni Naqiis! It has been a very long time. I'm Hex. Do you remember me? I can't even remember what I was wearing a century ago. "

“Smuggler,” Aleczandra said. “You got me in and out the job on Algeron IV." Aleczandra let Hex pull her up and then punched her in the gut. “That’s for stunning me, you bitch,” she said with a smirk.

Hex grunted, doubled over for a moment, working through the pain. "Whatever. You never used to be such a pansy." She straightened up, wincing slightly. "Buy you a drink? I've got a proposal."


“Like I said, still getting used to his body. First time out in a hundred years,” Aleczandra said pointedly. “Sure, a drink sounds great.” She pulled her hood up again to hide her rainbow hair. “You looking to get into the Box? I know the owner,” the teen smiled.

"No. I need zero association with that place right now. Let's go to Q'uits."

“Can’t say I’ve been there,” Aleczandra said, following Hex back into the crowded Promenade.

Q'uits was the archetypal seedy bar, smoke filled and dark, tucked away at the farthest side of the Promenade. It was early evening so there were few patrons there. Hex nodded at the Klingon at the bar as they entered, who furrowed his ridges at the girl trailing behind her. "Don't sweat it," Hex reassured him. "He's--She's with me. Two Saurian brandies. The good stuff, none of that Gorn piss you give to the tourists."

Hex found her usual table and sat down with her back to the wall, then pulled a cigar out of her jacket and lit up. "So," she began, looking Alexandra up and down again. "You liking the new digs? You've got boobs. It must be like your birthday every day."

Aleczandra laughed. “It is rather fun,” she chuckled. “Though they tend to set the balance off.” She looked down at herself. “Not bad, though.” She pushed back her rainbow hair. “You’re looking particularly tasty in that set of skin, as well,” he complimented Hex.

Hex shrugged. "They're all starting to blur into one, to be honest. And the meat-suit is what I want to talk to you about. I need a new one."

Aleczandra tensed slightly, one hand slipping up the other sleeve for the knife there. “This one’s not available,” she warned Hex. “What’s wrong with the one you got?”

Hex gave Alecandra a look that expressed with absolute clarity what she thought of the girl’s intelligence just then. "Don't be a moron. If I was going to take your body the first thing you'd know about it would be watching your own foot stamp Naquiis into jelly on the floor."

Hex drew in a long breath then passed out a perfect blue smoke ring. "This one's getting a bit too well known. There's been a lot of activity round here recently. I want to make sure I can vanish if I need to."

“Okay, fine,” Aleczandra said, relaxing slightly. She paused as the waitress brought over their drinks and she picked up hers and took a sip. It was strong, biting and burning unfamiliarly down her throat, and she coughed slightly but bravely took another long draft, now that she knew what to expect.

“There are plenty of Trill on the station,” Aleczandra said. “I don’t know them all. I…tend to keep my distance, for obvious reasons,” she allowed. “What do you need me to do?”

"I need a blood and hair sample, preferably without him knowing it’s been taken, so I can check for compatibility. The target is a dabo-boy at The Box of Delights. I know he's unjoined."

“I see,” Aleczandra mused. “I could try and sneak into his quarters, perhaps. Or maybe he has a locker at the Box. Blood would be more difficult.”

"I don't care how you do it." Hex took a drink. "But if you can, I have five bars of latinum for you, plus all the psilocynine you'd need to stay on top of the meat suit. Sod the brat, and sod Naquiis." Hex raised an eyebrow, knowing the temptation that would be. "Chemical reincarnation..."

“Damn…” Aleczandra replied. “That is very generous. And I don’t even need to kill anyone,” she said with a smirk. “Psilocynine is highly illegal.” Her long nails tapped on the table and she took another drink of her Saurian brandy. “Okay. Give me a name and a picture and I’ll do it,” she said.

Hex produced a small padd from inside her jacket. "Say hello to Ahjess."

Aleczandra studied the photograph. “You have good taste,” she commented. “Pretty hot. Why him, if I may ask?” He looked up at Hex.

"He's unjoined and healthy." Hex gave the girl a flat stare, a warning that that was all she was going to get.

Aleczandra just smiled. “Sure,” she said. “You sure you want to mess with Ibalin?” she warned. “She’s protective of her…boys,” the teen said. “I heard she went ape shit on flower lady at The Lotus because one of her girls showed one of her boys a really good time.”

"So one day he quits, what’s she going to do? Spank him till he changes his mind." Hex breathed out another round of smoke rings. "Why? Scared of getting hit by a girl, Juheni?"

Aleczandra scowled. “I can more than take her,” she said, taking a long drink of his Saurian brandy. “Just giving you fair warning. Bitch is a bit crazy, if you ask me. I mean, she’s not even taking advantage of them, as far as I know. So he gets a bit off on the side. Lucky bastard, you ask me. Those flower children are a hell of a ride, what I hear.” She chuckled.

“So how soon you want this to happen?” Aleczandra asked, looking at Hex over the rim of her glass.

Hex looked her up and down. "In your old body, maybe, but she has got a significant height and weight advantage now. Don't even think of throwing down with her. Just get me the blood. I want this done quietly. As soon as you think you can do it safely."

Hex reached over and gripped Aleczandra's wrist tightly. "That’s important, Juheni. He mustn't find out. Not at all. Not until I'm ready to slide in. Fuck it up and he won't fit right. I've spent a year trying to set this up. I don't want to start again from scratch."

Aleczandra nodded. “I get it. You’re one twisted piece of work, Hex,” she said with a smirk. “It might take a bit. I don’t know how long I’ll stay in control, but I’ll keep working on it. There are others in here that want some time out again. Kinony in particular. But I’ll get it done. I never leave a contract unfulfilled.”

"You solve my problem I'll solve yours..." Hex promised.

Aleczandra sipped her drink again. “Speaking of…” she said. “How do I contact you once it’s done?”

Hex ground the stump of cigar out on the pad of scar tissue on her left palm. "Leave a message with Q'uit and I'll find you."

The rainbow-haired teen nodded, glancing over at the bartender. “And you know where to find me,” she said. “Better make sure it’s me you’re talking too, though,” she told Hex pointedly. “They’re skittish about doctors and shrinks right now, and I’d like to keep it that way. We’re only just getting loose and I would rather no one figured that out anytime soon.”

Hex nodded. "So do I. Your secret is safe with me." She left a beat that could have been filled with the word if. "Get me the blood." Hex was smiling. It was a genuine smile.


Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
Civilian/Former Orion Syndicate assassin
NPC Caleb Ryan

NPC Yolanthe


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