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When you ask 'How did it go?' ...

Posted on Mon Nov 16, 2015 @ 6:54pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

705 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 56. Diplomatic Corps Offices
Timeline: MD6/ 15:00

Odious, arrogant, weasley ... if his journey from the Cardassian Embassy on Deck 60 back to the Federation Diplomatic Facility on Deck 56 had taken much longer Sir Mortimer would have exhausted three languages worth of thesaurus' (thesauri?) on the topic of Hydel Turvan's character or lack of it.

"Gerald," he called as he entered his office, "Get me ... inform Lieutenant Reynolds that I would meet with him in his offices."

Liam had been sipping a cup of tea catching up on messages and mulling over his own meeting with the Ferengi when Gerald had sent through the request. Liam immediately responded that his second in command was welcome in his new office. Everything in their was still standard. He had yet to bring in a couple of mementos. It needed some colour that much he had decided.

"You know Mr Mortimer," he said gently as the other man appeared at his doorway, "you don't need to have your aid request for you to see me. I was hoping to be the sort of boss with an open door policy for all the diplomatic staff. Please feel you can approach me freely in future," Liam offered. "May I get you a drink?"

The other man looked .... well ...... strained if he could hazard a guess. He was emanating feelings of being slightly wound up which made Liam suspect whoever he had been speaking too. Perhaps it had not gone as well as hoped.

Sir Mortimer drew a long deep breath, "Tea, darjeeling. I'm a bit old fashioned, I'm afraid but noted that I do not require an appointment. I am loathe to be the bearer of bad news, but the Cardassian Ambassador was most un-cooperative when I visited him."

"That's not bad news," Liam shrugged. "We figured this was going to be difficult. He will come to the reception. If what Gerald said about him is true there's no way he won't show his face. And he'll be at the summit. Even if its just to nosey on what everyone else there does."

Linking his fingers together Sir Mortimer nodded sagely, "I have to agree with your conclusion," he said, "but we would be prudent to keep an eye on him. I had the impression that he is more motivated by personal ambitions than the good of the Cardassian Union."

"Wise words," Liam agreed. "I think things went better with the Ferengi. I ... well actually we are going to have to take them out for an evening to smooth over the wounds of them feeling we did wrong by sending in that team to pull out those children. They feel slighted that they did not receive some latinum . I found the perfect place, the Lotus lounge."

"I am not familiar with the establishment," the advisor replied, "I did wonder at the order, doubly so when I heard that it had been followed. Do you think there is some connection in lack of judgement in this and the later events surrounding the Captain? Off the record, of course."

"Off the record, I have no clue Mortimer," Liam said simply. "I have only just got here but I feel something is definitely a foot. How are you at poker?"

Once again Sir Mortimer assumed his trademark, condescening but genial smile, "Its hardly a gentleman's game," he said, "but the Captain is no gentleman, so she's probably a rather good player."

Liam was slightly confused by the response. Somewhere the conversation had gone slightly wrong between the two. He cleared his throat, "I'll make a note never to play the Captain. I meant how are you? Hopefully not so great, we need to lose enough to pay off the Ferengi what they should have had. Its a save face thing."

"I do not play poker," Sir Mortimer said, slightly taken aback at the suggestion, "Whist, or Bridge. Poker is something of a rogue's game."

"We'll figure something out," Liam chuckled.

Sir Mortimer smiled, "Is there anything further we need to discuss at this juncture?" he enquired.

"Not from my end," Liam said. "You?"

"Then I'll not take up any more of your time."

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor

Lieutenant JG Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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