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Lost Children (Part 3)

Posted on Mon Oct 19, 2015 @ 5:48pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

832 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: DS5/Operations
Timeline: MD 3/1835

Lieutenant Commander Soran listened to the Ferengi ship declining to dock for a third time. Their time was up. Diplomacy was not working, and the Ferengi were technically indulging in piracy. She touched her comm badge. "Lieutenant Trellis. You have permission to board the Yazant whenever you wish. If you require fighter support, the deputy CAG is waiting for you to give the word. Bring the children home, please."

"We have a refueled element ready to launch on your order," Lieutenant Re called over the comm. The young officer was nervous in the role, but he had to step up in the crisis.

Lieutenant Trellis, his Senior Chief Petty Officer U'Van, and the Special Response Team had laid out their equipment on the floor of the fighter bay as they awaited the arrival of the fighter support group.

"Do you think the Ferengi will release the children peacefully?" Senior Chief U'Van asked.

"Hopefully we'll be able to get onboard, get the kids, and get out without ever having to address that question," Lieutenant Trellis responded as he looked up and saw the bay doors open.

Carter walked into the fighter bay and looked at the SRT with their gear laid out. "Are you guys not ready to go?" he asked, walking past them to the boarding shuttle. "My pilots are about to launch to clear the way for us. I'll be your driver today."

Chief Wolteer zipped up his fighting load carrier just as lieutenant walked into the bay. "Sir, yes sir. Failure isn't an option. Either we kick their ass and come back with the package, or we don't come back at all, sir!" she said forcefully.

"You don't need to call me sir so much, but thanks," Kyle said with a grin.

"I'm assuming you have the combat shuttle prepped and ready, sir?" SCPO U'Van said as the pilots arrived. "We'll take the point on the insertion, get the kids, and get the hell out before a fire fight starts onboard," he added.

"It's ready to go, Senior Chief," Kyle answered him as he pressed the console to open the shuttle's hatch. "I'll get us coupled to the Ferengi's ship and they won't even know we're there until you ring the doorbell."

Lt. Trellis stood by as the Special Response Team began to load onto the transport. He looked towards the pilots gathered and waited for the SRT to load before approaching.

"Lieutenant Kyle, in the event that something goes wrong, the captain will more than likely engage her contingency plan. That might not leave much time for you to get your crew away from the Ferengi vessel in time," Lieutenant Trellis said gravely. "If we face overwhelming resistance, try to beam out as many children as possible...even if you can't get them all," he said grimly.

"I'll get transporter locks as soon as we can," Loki answered. "You say the word, I'll push the button."

Caleb walked in and looked around at the preparations, trying to keep the concern from his face as he watched the preparations. He was worried for Aleczandra. He knew she could take care of herself. He had made sure to train her right, and she had self-defense training from Eve Three, one of the best he had met. She would know to keep everyone calm and keep their heads down. He just hoped she didn’t try anything heroic. He still wasn’t sure an armed incursion was the answer, but the captain had made her call. He wished he was going, but there was too much going on with the damaged station, the returning evacuees, and, if he was honest with himself, he probably would have denied any parent of the children to go on the mission. He couldn’t exempt himself.

Kyle took his seat at the helm and tapped away at the console. The shuttle floated off the shuttle bay deck and angled itself toward the bay doors. The shuttle jetted forward and emerged into space. Carter gave them one strong two second blast of impulse and then turned off their engines to minimize their sensor signature. He maneuvered them all the way to the Ferengi ship on just thrusters after that, positioning the ship just above the ships airlock. "Once we attach they're going to know we're here. I can override the door and you can get in, but they'll have security on you quick." His hand hovered about the console. "Say the word."

Lieutenant Trellis, Senior Chief U'van and the rest of the Special Response Team stood by the hatch. Lieutenant Trellis placed on hand on the shoulder of the team member in front of him as he looked over his own shoulder towards Lt. Carter.

"Go!" Trellis shouted as the team moved into action.


Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lt. Commander Soran,
2XO/ Chief of Strategic Ops

Lt. Kyle "Loki" Carter

Lt. Si'Lar Trelis
Security Investigations

SCPO Soron U'Van


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