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When Shall We Three Meet Again?

Posted on Sun Nov 1, 2015 @ 3:17pm by Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,074 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: DS5 Ops/Ready Room
Timeline: Latest Mission Day, 20:00 hours



It was only a short trip, so the lift sped to Ops without it seeming like any time had passed since the doors first slid shut and Liam and Amia spilled out with very little preparation for whatever was going to happen next.

Amia was too excited to tell her news, to really have thought this out much. She looked around to see if Cade was there.

Cade Aldrex was leaning over a screen, patiently answering questions from a Polluxian representative over subspace. He spotted his wife appear with Liam and did a double take. Was something wrong? "Pardon me just one moment, sir," he said to the Polluxian, who frowned before the screen put him on standby mode. "Amia is everything alright?" he asked as he approached her.

Liam felt awkwardly like a spare part and really wasn't that sure why Amia had felt the need to bring him with her for this. This was a man/wife conversation after all. Perhaps it was for confidence or moral support he conceded. Or she was just swept up in the excitement of being back to her old self. He imagined Cade probably wouldn't want him being around for this or for it happen in ops but it was too late now. He tried to step back into the background give them both some space.

"Um.... Could I speak to you please? Sir? Perhaps in your office, if that's possible?" she asked, her eyes full of excitement but her face straight and professional. She looked across at Liam who was subtly disappearing into the background and beckoned him forward.

"Where are you sneaking off to? You've got to come and own up to what you've done!" she hissed to Liam, again for all the staff in the Ops room to see, this would look like something serious but to anyone close enough to see her eyes, Amia was giving off mixed signals.

"Don't worry, I won't make you stay long!" she whispered to Liam as he got closer, looking daggers at her.

Cade looked at both of them quizzically then nodded to Isha's ready room. "In here." He led the way.

Once they were all behind closed doors he faced her and squeezed her gently by the shoulders. "What is it? Good news?" He got that impression by the look on her face but couldn't be sure.

"That was mean Amia," Liam stated simply. "It's my first day and now everyone here has got completely the wrong impression of me. Thanks for that."

"It's good news, Cade," he added as he could feel the apprehension off the Trill XO.

"It's all due to this wonderful man!" Amia beamed. "He's the BESTEST ever! He's talked and reminded and worked SO hard and I thought you might like to join me in thanking him SO much for giving me my memory back!" She was almost hopping up and down with joy and bursting to tell him everything but first they MUST thank Liam. That was how her head was working right now.

"I said he has to come to us for dinner tomorrow... I'm so going to spoil him. Hasparat and Souffle heaven! And..... Cade... he's a life saver. And you brought him back to us..... "

The Trill's eyes bounced from Amia to Liam and back again, befuddled. "Gave you your memory back? How did he do that? You're saying you remember? Everything?"

"He," Liam stated. "Engaged in some memory therapy after sussing out where and when she thought she was. Visual, emotional, smell, taste. The brain retains not just visual. Sometimes a more through assault on the senses is needed to ...." he stopped. It didn't matter. There was no point going into a huge scientific explanation. It dawned on him, he didn't even have to fill in a report. He wasn't a counselor now.

"It's all coming back. More importantly she remembers marrying and being married to you Cade."

"It was green. My dress was green." she muttered happily, beaming at her husband, overjoyed that he didn't seem like a stranger to her now.

Caden Aldrex was still hesitant to believe it although the corner of his mouth was gradually twisting into a smile. "Green, right. You were beautiful. You still are. Are're sure you remember? Everything?"

Amia blushed. "About that day, yes" she assured him and then moved closer and lowered her voice, gazing up at him adoringly. "..... we left in a shuttle" she added and her colour rose several shades more pink. She knew he would know what she was remembering now and bit her lip.

"And then we had a honeymoon on a junk-ship with Cadets for crew and " she laughed at first as she changed the subject quickly. ".....then after that you started walking the corridors at night." she finished, her voice becoming more sad and wistful.

Liam cleared his throat. "Ahem, right so I think this is my cue to leave,"

If Cade wanted to talk about any night time pacing with him he would bring it up, he wasn't getting any more involved in that sentence right now and Amia he felt was implying some husband and wife stuff.

He walked to the door with a casual, "Ill see you next time guys,"

"Liam.... I can never thank you enough!" she said with genuine gratitude and rushed to hug him once more before he left. "I can't tell you how horrible it was, not being me. You've given me back my life."

She hugged him tightly before letting him go. Cade also shook his hand. His eyes were full of gratitude for what Liam had done. "I can't thank you enough, Liam. Do come over tomorrow, okay? We really want you to."

Finally Liam was off. Perhaps feeling like the third wheel even though they could never see him as such. The door closed behind him.

Cade and Amia exchanged smiles and fell into each other's arms. "Welcome back," he said to her.

"Didja miss me?" she teased, grinning with happiness at him. ~By the Spirits he's gorgeous!~ she thought, congratulating herself on her luck that she was his wife and now knowing that for sure again. Tears of joy filled her eyes and she clung to him. "Thank you for not losing faith" she murmoured between kisses and hugs.


Lt JG Liam Reynolds


Lt Cmdr Amia Telamon


Lt. Cmdr. Caden Aldrex


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