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Meeting security

Posted on Sun Nov 1, 2015 @ 3:27pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Commander Caleb Ryan

921 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 5/1500

Liam was a little apprehensive about going to security after what Yolanthe had said. Perhaps the perceptions between civilians and Starfleet personnel were somewhat soured. Certainly his innocent request to the bartender had been completely taken the wrong way he meant it to be.

A nice ensign directed him to the chief's office and he rang the chime. "Chief Ryan. I'm the new Diplomatic Officer. I wondered if I could introduce myself. If it’s a good time?"

As his door slid open, Caleb looked up from his padds where he was reviewing the progress on getting security back up and running on the station. “Of course. Come in, Lieutenant,” he said. The tall, lanky, dark haired Texan stood and came around the desk, gesturing Liam to a seat with a weathered hand. “Can Ah get ya anything?” he offered, going to the replicator.

"No, thank you. I have just spent several hours in a meeting with my staff. I had drunk a stupid amount of tea today. But don't let me stop you." He smiled. "You look as busy as us," he commented on all the padds.

Caleb smiled wryly. “Coffee, black, strong,” he ordered from the replicator.

“The internal sensor net took a lot of damage,” Caleb explained to Liam. “Not ta mention the shields. It’s taking some time ta replace and recalibrate everything. Busywork, mostly, but need ta keep track of the progress. More troubling is the looting and other crime that took place during the emergency. I’m letting the marshals handle most of that, though, as it was mostly civilian crime.”

Caleb sat back down behind his desk. “What can I do for ya, Lieutenant?” he asked, sipping his hot coffee and then setting it down to cool a bit.

"I thought it wise to touch base with you, as we have several political delegations inbound wanting to talk about the planet," Liam said. "We have incoming, Romulans, Lissepians, and Ferengi. We also have some more minor parties and there's a local profiteer taken an interest also. I don't know if it’s an issue, but he also has staffed under him a man who I am told used to do your job here."

Caleb raised an eyebrow. “Ah never met my predecessor,” he admitted. “Ah’m afraid any civilians will have to get in line until we determine just what ta do with that world out there,” he said. “Ah’m more concerned about the Romulans. And the Ferengi.” Caleb winced. “Ah don’t envy you your job, Lieutenant,” he said with a grimace. “Ah’m afraid we kinda stepped in it with the Ferengi.”

"Really?" Liam asked. He hadn't spotted anything in the information from Gerald. "I managed to inadvertently upset one of the civilian bar owners last night. I didn't realize that despite living on a Starfleet space station, so many were so anti-Starfleet. Anyway, the Ferengi. What happened there?"

Caleb hadn’t heard too many anti-Starfleet rumblings, but he supposed they were out there. People were entitled to their views, as long as they kept them peaceful.

“The Ferengi ambassador aided in getting a class of secondary school students off the station during the crisis,” Caleb explained to Liam. “Apparently in Ferengi culture it is expected – and legally expected – ta pay your rescuer for their efforts. They were refusing to dock with the station until they were compensated. The amount was modest. What research Ah was able ta do, the fee could have been a lot higher. The captain took it…badly and treated it as a hostage crisis. Well, not exactly. There was no real attempt at negotiation. She ordered a tactical assault on the Ferengi ambassador’s diplomatic courier ship,” he emphasized.

"Oh my," Liam answered, shocked. "And they are willing to return. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad one. I was thinking I might organize an ambassadorial reception for when all parties get here. I will probably need some help with security there," he said.

“Of course,” Caleb said. “Let me know what you have planned and I can work on the arrangements and go over them with you.

"Yeah." Liam nodded. "The plan of attack. Mortimer and I are working on it. But reception I am thinking maybe four days from now, once all of them arrive."

Caleb nodded. “Who are we expecting?” he asked, pulling over a padd to take notes.

"No need." Liam waved him off. "I'll forward you all the information I have on delegation parties. I'm aware it could change. Probably will. They like to keep you on your toes."

“Of course,” Caleb nodded. “Diplomatic retinues are some of the hardest to deal with,” he said with a knowledgeable chagrin. “Is there anything else you need?” he asked.

"Work, I think we are good," Liam said. "If you can suggest a good shop to get a belated wedding present then that would be immensely helpful?" Liam enquired. The chap had been here a lot longer than he had.

Caleb considered for a moment. “There is a nice little Bajoran jewelry shop on the Promenade,” he said. “It’s tucked in an out of the way corner, across from The Lotus Lounge.”

"Hummm," Liam mused. "Not sure Cade would like jewelry. Amia would though. Thanks." He got up. "Till next time, Lieutenant Commander."

“Pleasure,” Caleb nodded, standing as well and shaking Liam’s hand.


Ltjg. Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security


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