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down time

Posted on Sun Jan 18, 2015 @ 7:25am by

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: BII R and D department Private holooffice

it had been several long and more then a little trying days for Wayne in the recent weeks. With everything that had been going on with the company, the meeting with the cardasians and trying to arrange a meeting with the klingons and romulans well he figured that he had earned a little break.

Wayne kept a small private holo office in the R and D department a place where he could go and tinker with ideas personally. Sometimes he found things he liked most of the time though he just did it to relax and get back to the basics. This was one of those times his idea was to design a ship something that would be a killer unit for the marines but still serve as a ship of exploration for the fleet. Something that could be self suffient and sent on a multi year mission without need of a starbase or any other support.

That being said he so far had the design layed out a single center area for the living area some 40 decks with all the diplomatic, scientific, recreational, and other areas that the crew would need for a long term mission.

Surrounding the living area would be the weapons and engineering areas as well as the hangar and cargo bays. At first glance the design looked like a massive trident though with curves and lines that were as leathal as they were beutiful to look at.

The design called for 13 torpedo launchers and 50 phaser arrays spread out over the ships area. Her power plant was two warp cores feeding power to four nacells. Not only would this ship be armed to the teeth but she would carry a projected crew of over 1200 members plus at least 600 marines. her auxilary craft would carry upwards of 5 squadrons for starfighters in addition to the standard shuttles and runabouts and other craft.

When wayne put this information into the computer unit the design that came out looked like something that could be grown rather then built. The ship was huge bigger then anything starfleet and ever intended or designed to build and something that was much more powerful then even the latest designs.

He knew it would raise some flags but this was his design and he did not want anyone else tinkering with it. The entire design was encrypted and password protected with the highest encryption available to him and a password that no one in their right mind would ever guess. He had been in his little bolt hole for almost 12 hours by the time he was finished with everything and left the office feeling much better then he had when he entered it. True the design might sit there for weeks or months before he felt the need to come back and work on it again but that was the way things went. He would come back to the design maybe change some things but that would be later right now he had a company to get back to and he felt like he could take on the farengi single handed in an aggressive negotation and come out on top.


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