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Posted on Fri Oct 9, 2015 @ 2:16am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: DS5 Morgue
Timeline: after Rianni returns to the base

Amanda was dead. That was the first thing she'd been told when she arrived back at DS5. Amanda was dead and she was alone again. They'd had such high hopes just a few days prior, now it was all over, ~Shouldn't have wasted so much time saving all those others.... Should've saved Amanda and said the Hell with the rest of them..." She walked unsteadily, already having had a few drinks to steel herself for this, what would be her last time ever seeing her precious Amanda. She drained the last remains of her flask as the doors whooshed open in front of her, the cold, sterile environment of the morgue awaiting her like a hungry demon. She stumbled through to curtain five, where Amanda was laid out on a slab, Rianni recognized the latinum anklet she was wearing, while some woman in a blue uniform stood over her girlfriend's corpse, shaving her head.... ~The frack is this bitch doing?~ Rianni thought, fury turning her red as she stealthily snatched a laser scalpel from the coroner's instrument tray, "You better have a damn good reason for what you're doing, bitch, or I'm going to do some cutting of my own, starting right here." She poked the other woman's jugular vein with the scalpel for emphasis.

"Okay, whoever you are, this is really unnecessary." Roxxi Lanos replied, "I'm just taking care of my sister's preparations."

Rianni grabbed the other woman by her shoulders and spun her around, "I'm Rianni, and that is my girlfriend you're shearing." She sobbed, ready to kill this woman just because, "So what's your angle? You harvesting her or something?" She'd heard of people harvesting organs and the like from the dead, and some even from the living, but never hair, but who knew what lengths those kind of scum would go to to make a few slips of latinum.

"Oh, you're Rianni!" Roxxi exclaimed, leaning up and kissing her would be assailant on her cheek, "I am so sorry, honey, we were supposed to meet next week. I'm Roxxi, I'm Amanda's older sister."

Rianni stopped for a second and thought back on every second she'd spent with Amanda, her sister hadn't ever come up, ~We weren't together for that long though....~ "I don't buy it." Rianni shook her head, dropping the laser scalpel and drawing the dagger from her belt, "She never mentioned you, and I know for a fact that she would not like what you were just doing to her." Rianni snarled, casting a sad eye on Amanda's partially denuded scalp, "So who are you really? Before I kill you."

"Okay." Roxxi sighed, =A=Computer, please identify all personnel in this room.=A=

=A= erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian, Lt. Cdr. Roxette Lanos, Crewman Recruit Jensen...=A=

=A=That'll do, computer.=A= Roxxi smiled, "Jensen is that cute corpsman that you passed by the desk, clearly you're Rianni, so that makes me...."

"Roxxi Lanos." Rianni sighed, replacing the dagger on her belt, "Okay, now I know who you are, explain what the frack you're doing."

"Fair enough." Roxxi nodded, taking a seat alongside Amanda and motioning for Rianni to take the other, "I'm four years older than Manda and three years younger than our oldest sister, Martina. When Manda was thirteen she had a nightmare, one where she had died and was buried. She woke up in her coffin and was trying to exit and these evil spirits held her in her coffin by her hair. So she made Martina and I promise that if she died first that one of us would shave her head so the evil spirits couldn't keep her in her grave and her soul could fly free. We agreed, figuring she'd forget about it soon after that, but every so often she'd remind us of our promise. Martina died a few years ago, just leaving me and now here we are, my other sister is gone and I'm fulfilling my promise."

The notion was beautiful, fanciful, and imaginative, all things Amanda, leading Rianni to the conclusion that it must be true, "Okay, then I'm sorry I interrupted you." Rianni apologized, rising to leave.

"You don't have to leave, Rianni." Roxxi smiled, placing a reassuring hand on the obviously distraught Romulan's shoulder, "I'm sure Amanda would want you here for this, I mean, if you can handle it." She hadn't thought of it before, but the sight of Roxxi clipping her deceased lover's glorious mane to the scalp might be disturbing for Rianni, who was clearly already disturbed.

"Okay." Rianni nodded, fighting oncoming tears with a forced joke, "Need me to hold her down?"

Roxxi couldn't not laugh at that, hoping that that might be the start of Rianni's healing process, ~Gonna be a long one for her.~ "Nah, I think we're good there." Roxxi smiled, "Though if you want to help, that would be nice. I'm sure Amanda would appreciate it."

"Yeah, last thing I can do for her." Rianni sniffed, the tears were coming now, there was no stopping them. She turned to Roxxi, "Can I have a minute first?"

"Sure." Roxxi said, stepping out and leaving Rianni alone with Amanda.

"Well, guess this is it, baby." Rianni began, tears streaming down her face, "I'm sorry I wasn't here to save you. I'm sorry I let you die trying to be a hero....." She leaned down and kissed Amanda on her cold lips, "I love you, I'm so sorry I failed you..."



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