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Posted on Thu Jul 30, 2015 @ 4:27pm by Tania

553 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: DS5
Timeline: MD3 18:00

Everything was fuzzy. It was like looking at the world from the inside of a balloon - the thin iridescent skin allowed Eviess to see out to the indistinct forms and figures on the promenade but she seemed to glide through them as though she wasn't there.

"I don't trust you," she told Tanis, the only being she could see clearly. She too seemed to drift through the crowds like a ghost.

"My silly, silly girl," Tania tutted, "so small but so clever! But not clever enough to see that those who catch faeries must carry the consequences. Its all a game, my dear."

"I didn't ask to play."

"But you did. If you hadn't hunted us down you, like all the other silly creatures in this place would be blissfully ignorant of our presence - all we wanted was the love and adoration of your kind, but you - you had to play a different game. All you need to do is find my sister. I know she's here, I can smell her."

"Why doesn't she want you to find her?"

"A pertinent question! Are you entirely sure you're one of these humanoids? I have studied the steps our sister took. I have learned how she ripped a new portal in the fabric of the sky, one that dwarfed the other gateways into this realm. The shock caused a wave in space and time the like of which has never been seen before. It flowed out and in the void it left, the worlds which once were here were sucked into our realm . . ."

Eviess wasn't sure that Tania was making sense, her story was a gabbled hotch-potch that might be fact, imagination or insanity. She reached out a hand to touch the bubble that seemed to contain her but all she managed to do was cause the surface to swirl and thicken.

" . . .and as I sang to the stars I detected a ripple in the twilight sky, it sang back to me. As I danced it whirled around me and to my astonishment, I found myself here. It’s the pets, the dear little pets that were calling me. Whoever would have expected to find them living here in the great void? How clever they have become! She must have heard the music too – wherever She may hide . . . "

Eviess looked askance at the Fae - You're utterly bonkers!

The girl realised then that some figures were more distinct than others. From time to time tiny forms flitted and flicked into brightness, and their numbers were increasing. She drifted towards them, the rambling Tania following.

" . . . of course In our realm there are worlds in this place – the dimension of which existed here was destroyed when her gate collapsed. When she sees that the worlds have re-emerged she will know we have come for her. What is it child?"

The snap from incoherent babble to sharp attention caught Eviess by surprise, "she's here," she blurted before she could stop herself.

Tania's laughter started like a tinkling brook but grew and grew until it threatened a flood.

"Sleep my silly child," Tania said as in her full alien glory she stepped through the veil that had contained them, leaving the girl to slump to the floor.



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