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CAG Departing

Posted on Thu Jan 15, 2015 @ 2:25am by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

599 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: USS Thatcher
Timeline: MD01 0700


Kyle sat in the briefing room for his squadron on the Thatcher one last time. With the ship in warp there wasn't any reason for other pilots in the room, something he was happy about. It gave him the opportunity to soak in the atmosphere. He wasn't CAG of DS5 yet, right now he was still just a pilot, this was still his briefing room. He gazed around the room looking at all the pictures on the wall. The memorabilia the other pilots littered the walls with to represent their squadron the Golden Falcons. All of it bringing a smile to his face.

"If you don't get moving you're going to be late Loki." A voice called from behind him.

Kyle not moving from his seat looked over his left shoulder and gave a nod to the Thatcher's CAG, an Andorian Lt Cmdr. Shraz. "My mistake Sir. It's a little harder to say goodbye to everything than I thought it would be. "

"I told you not to put in for that promotion and that you'd regret it." Schraz said with a stern tone as he walked up to where Kyle was sitting.

"Sir you're the one who put my in for the promotion." Kyle replied with a half smile.

"Oh yeah. Now I remember I said to myself I was going to regret it." Schraz gave a light chuckle.

"Thank you Sir."

"I wasn't complimenting you, It's just the lot of incompetent pilots I have to choose from to replace you Loki." The Andorian said ribbing Carter. "I mean you couldn't even get one of them ready to take your place. What have you been doing instead? Don't answer that I don't wanna know, but I swear if my replicator starts giving me Klingon gagh again every time I ask for tuber root I'll find you Loki and I'll send you to Sha Ka Ree myself."

"No gagh Sir, I promise." Kyle said with a laugh and held up two fingers and tried to get rid of his smirk. "Scout's honor."

Schraz shook his head at the human expression. "You're so full of it Carter. Now get up lets go." He said gesturing for Kyle to follow him."

Carter jumped from his seat and caught up with the Thatcher's CAG as he exited the room. The two walked exchanging small talk for a bit during the short trip to the Thatcher's through design shuttle bay. When the two stepped out of the turbo lift and onto the hangar deck Kyle was blown away to see all the other fighter pilots in attendance. His replacement as Squadron Leader was at the head of the group and quickly called the group to attention.

"Wing ATTENTION, CAG on deck."

The Andorian CAG gave a gesture for the Officer's to stand at ease. Following Schraz out to the shuttle that was prepared to take Kyle over to DS5 he gave a respectful nod to the friends he was leaving behind. Kyle gave a few handshakes to those closest to him on his way to the shuttle. Schraz shook his hand one last time. "You're going to do fine Loki." Schraz went to attention himself. and looked over his right shoulder to call the deck to attention. "Wing ATTENTION! CAG DEPARTING."

Kyle hit the door control and gave his old Boss a fair well nod a the hatch closed. A series of three chimes rang out and the Shuttle lifted off the deck and departed the Thatcher for DS5.


Lieutenant Kyle Carter
Call Sign Loki


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