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Paying the Price

Posted on Wed Jun 24, 2015 @ 5:37pm by Qinee & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

1,584 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Space, near DS5
Timeline: MD 3/Late

Aleczandra stirred from her seat on the floor of the cargo hold of the Ferengi diplomatic vessel and looked over at the sleeping forms of the other students. They had been out here for hours, the station had stabilized in orbit around the strange new plan, and ships were queueing up for redocking with the station.

Zandra’s back protested a bit as she stood up and she stretched. Since she had made herself in charge of these older students in the escape, she felt a responsibility for them. Zandra picked her way through the others to the door leading to the crew areas of the ship. The ship had minimal crew, capable of being piloted by the ambassador or her aide, though they did have a pilot and co-pilot. The bulk of the area was the luxurious quarters of the ambassador and her staff.

Zandra made her way down the corridor to the door leading to the cockpit and pressed the chime. It slid open and Zandra leaned inside, the two Ferengi looking up at her expectantly. They leered at her in her short school dress.

“Any ETA on when we can dock again?” Zandra asked.

“Not yet,” the pilot said.

“We’re a diplomatic vessel. Can’t we get priority clearance?” Zandra scowled.

“Too much traffic. It’s all congested. Even if we could, we’re boxed in, Hew-man.”

Zandra sighed. “Thanks. Keep me updated.”

Zandra started back down the corridor when one of the doors opened and Nazl, the ambassador’s attaché, slipped out. She nearly ran into the short alien. “Oh, sorry!”

Nazl leered at Zandra. “So…are you ready to pay for passage?” he asked.

“Excuse me?” Zandra asked.

“I believe you said you would pay in oomox…”

Zandra’s eyes narrowed. “And I believe the ambassador said she would keep a tab and we would pay for our rescue later.”

Nazl just grinned. “I don’t recall hearing that.”

“Then clean your lobes,” Zandra said coolly, moving to push past him.

Nazl grabbed her wrist and Zandra spun around, nearly falling into the training she received from Eve and taking his head off. “Let go of me.”

“The price can always go up,” Nazl said. “How many of these children’s parents could afford a real hostage price?” he asked Aleczandra.

“You wouldn’t.”

“A Ferengi has to make a profit!”

Zandra scowled. “What do you think the ambassador would say to that?”

Nazl shrugged. “She would not like it, but would not have any recourse. Under Ferengi law, the captain of the ship is king. And I own the captain,” the Ferengi said with a giggle.

Zandra narrowed her eyes. “Fine,” she said. “Oomox. But then we continue with our agreed upon price.”

“Fine, fine!” Nazl said with excitement, dragging Zandra into his well-appointed quarters. “Beetlesnuff?” he offered.

Zandra pulled a face. “No, thank you,” she said as Nazl settled into a comfortable chair. She looked around in amazement at the fine rugs and tapestries, the expensive furnishings.

“Come on! Come on! I don’t have all night!”

Zandra signed and moved behind the Ferengi, staring down at his knobby head. She reached inside of herself for Kinony, the past host that had learned the art of oomox. She had been a high-priced escort to the various ambassadors to Trill in her day, entertaining Klingons, Vulcans, Humans, and kept quite well.

Tentatively, Zandra touched Nazl’s head, running her hands along the bald knobs. His sigh told her she was doing something right. Then she danced her fingers along his lobes and he wriggled in pleasure, giggling. Zandra frowned and started massaging.

“Easy! Gentle! I thought you knew what you were doing!” Nazl snapped.

“I do!” Zandra snapped back. “It’s just been…a while…” Nearly a century!

Reaching back into Kinony, Zandra settled into the oomox. She gently rolled the lobes between her hands. Nazl’s eyes fell half closed. He moaned. Zandra fought her gag reflex. She tugged and he hissed a warning. Zandra finally got it down, though, and soon had the Ferengi nearly a boneless puddle in his chair, moaning and writhing in pleasure.

Zandra couldn’t take it. She retreated deeper inside and something…snapped. It was like she was…a spectator in her own body. She watched with fascination and horror as her fingers moved even more expertly, Nazl’s leg starting to twitch in ecstasy.

And then Zandra’s body leaned over and started using her mouth. Inside, Zandra nearly gagged. Her lips pressed soft kisses along Nazl’s lobes. She bit gently, earning a moaned warning.

“Don’t worry,” Zandra heard herself say, her voice sultry, caressing. “A little pain heightens the pleasure.”

Nazl could only moan in affirmation and Zandra returned to sucking on his lobes, licking, her hand expertly tugging, slow and firm, steady at first, then faster.

“Yes! Yes! Oooo! Don’t stop!” Nazl urged, body twitching in ecstasy. “Harder!”

Zandra’s hands worked, jerking the Ferengi’s lobes, faster, harder.

Nazle gave a loud cry, his body thrashing as pleasure washed through him and then he sank back into his chair, a wet stain spreading the front of his pants.

Zandra suddenly jerked back into control of her body and staggered back, staring at her hands, at their betrayal. She gagged, dry heaving.

“Oh…Hew-man…” Nazl moaned. “I think I might just keep you…”

Zandra hurried for the door. It opened and she nearly ran over Qinee, the Ferengi ambassador.

“What is wrong, child?” Qinee asked, and then she noted Nazl’s limp body and the goofy grin on his face, as well as the stain. She scowled. “It appears you were not lying about your skills at oomox, girl,” she said, looking over the pale Human teenager. “Come, have some tea with me,” she said, leading Aleczandra across the hall.

Zandra didn’t know what else to do, so she followed. “Can I…wash my hands?” she asked quietly.

“Of course, child.” Qinee indicated the lav. It had a full, huge tub.

Aleczandra ran the water as hot as she could stand it and then drowned her hands in soap, scrubbing and scrubbing until they were raw and nearly bleeding.

“Come now, child, it could hardly be that bad,” Qinee said, entering and wrapping a towel around Zandra’s hands.

“Sorry, I just…”

Qinee laughed. “You haven’t actually done it before, have you?”

Aleczandra looked at the Ferengi warily.

“Oh, come,” Qinee said dismissively. “There are signs. Subtle, but I didn’t get to where I am by not being able to read someone’s tells.” The Ferengi ambassador climbed up onto a fine chair and poured some tea. It rather stank of swamp and didn’t help Zandra’s stomach much. “Illegal joining?”

Zandra just stared at the Ferengi woman.

“No, that’s right. Say nothing,” Qinee said with a snaggle-toothed grin. “Plausible deniability, yes?” She handed Zandra a cup of tea, and the teen automatically tasted it. It had a strange flavor, but was not as bad as she would have thought.

“Just a hint of nutmeg,” Qinee said with a smile. And the finest of slug grass.”

Zandra coughed and sputtered. “Sorry,” she gagged.

“Trust me, I had to get used to your Hew-man food, too,” Qinee laughed. “I think I have some biscuits around her.” She dug got out of her chair and dug in a cupboard before coming back and setting some chocolate and cream filling cookies before Zandra.

“Thank you,” Aleczandra said, picking one up and nibbling on it. A good taste of Earth.

“So our little secret, eh?” Qinee smiled.

“You’re a Ferengi. Secrets will usually cost me,” Zandra said.

“Perhaps,” Qinee shrugged. “But where would be the profit in revealing it?”

“You could blackmail me.”

“Bah! Not worth it!” Qinee said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Nazl, on the other hand… you watch him,” she warned.

Zandra nodded. “I gathered that,” she said coolly.

“I am sorry,” Qinee said kindly. “You shouldn’t have needed to do that.”

Zandra shrugged. “There were worse alternatives.”

“I do not doubt it,” Qinee admitted. “You are a very brave young Hew-man.”

“Not really.” Zandra looked away.

“Not everyone would have done what you did, taking charge, such…sacrifice.”

“Someone had to. I just happened to be there,” Zandra said.

“Lots of people happened to be there. Only you did anything about it.”

Aleczandra looked down into her mug. “Guess I get it from my father,” she murmured.

“Ah, yes, the Security Chief, Commander Ryan.”

Zandra looked up with surprise. “You know him? How did you know I’m his daughter?”

“I like to keep up on station personnel,” Qinee said. “I have not met your father, but he seems a good and fair man. His record at Leto Colony was impressive, though his activities in the years before Leto are sketchy.”

“A rather boring assignment for Starfleet Intelligence,” Zandra lied.

Qinee laughed, picking up the undertones of deception. “It is difficult to lie to a Ferengi, my dear.”

“I’ll remember that,” Zandra said. “Thank you for the tea.”

Qinee nodded. “Get some rest. I will try and make some calls to hurry us along.”

“Thank you, Ambassador,” Zandra said, slipping out the door. She should try to sleep, if she could after this last hour.


Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Attaché
NPC Caleb Ryan


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